Ladies of the night
I've read peoples comments, there are a few things that have stood out.
The Biggest issue in this instants is there will always be an exploitative market because people are greedy and will use any one or thing to get there stuff, for any reason. Another issue is, there are cultural and societal rules around sex which vary from one place to another. The final one is, the individuals take on what sex is and what it is for. This leads to a bigger study on the environment of the development of any particular individual, the social and cultural impact of that male's/ female's growth from enfant to adult and how their brain functions interpreting the world and the automatic drives for reproduction and finding a mate. These drives being over ridden by the environment the individual finds themselves in that being social and economic poverty or enslavement. This applies from the very pit of the sex trade to what is refereed to high end or escorts even to the media driven sex workers of soft porn industry that pays women to bear all or nearly all on glossy mags and pages on the inside of what ever tabloid. |