Community > Posts By > VladTheInhailer

VladTheInhailer's photo
Tue 08/19/08 05:03 PM
i just dont like people...they = a pain in the butt

VladTheInhailer's photo
Tue 08/19/08 05:03 PM
im so picky people know that by the time there is food involved

VladTheInhailer's photo
Tue 08/19/08 05:00 PM
keep your feet dry...thats the secret

VladTheInhailer's photo
Tue 08/19/08 10:34 AM
that i get to drive...i love that...women with god tastes in cars or trucks...i had an ex that got a 69 charger, a mini cooper and a brand new toyota...she never drove i did...i loved it..but thats me

VladTheInhailer's photo
Tue 08/19/08 10:26 AM
i go by myself sometimes...but i always go home alone...*tear* i = fugly or somthin...people just steer clear...except for this guy that old me about his web cam site production and foot fetish wierdos...god i hate drinkin alone

VladTheInhailer's photo
Tue 08/19/08 10:23 AM
im not a fan of lezzies...i had to live by two different sets and they are *****y...they hate men to hate men...i dont hate women and gay's dont either...they are just prejudice and need not to be so pshy of their ideals...i got the cops called on me every day for about a year for gettin off work at 9AM and playin guitar/music/tv anything...

VladTheInhailer's photo
Tue 08/19/08 10:20 AM

VladTheInhailer's photo
Tue 08/19/08 10:09 AM
if you have a threesome...make sure to not pay a lot of attention to the third...and make sure the third wheel is not as attractive as your significant other. that leads to problems...and never loan or take a loan from a lover...bad things happen there...and dont tell a girl she cant smoke cigs when she is pregnant...she might just kill your kid

VladTheInhailer's photo
Tue 08/19/08 10:06 AM
there is no problem talking about the quality of the country if you dont vote...i think it is more american to make the choice and choose not to vote than just vote ignorantly...stay the course...apathy kills!

VladTheInhailer's photo
Tue 08/19/08 10:03 AM
good mornin!

VladTheInhailer's photo
Tue 08/19/08 09:58 AM
no one sends a legit check randomly.

VladTheInhailer's photo
Tue 08/19/08 09:57 AM

along the lines of pork...we even the healthy ones are fatty and really sinewy? we are a really salty meat too... but thats because of our modern diets...i bet free range people would be good though

would we taste like bacon?

Contrary to popular belief, people do not taste like pork or chicken...

...think of the taste and texture of beef, except a little sweeter in taste and a little softer in texture...

you sound like you know from personal experiance...i was just goin by the looks of my wounds...
drool drool

VladTheInhailer's photo
Tue 08/19/08 09:51 AM
i refuse...i dont want jury duty...not to mention it doesnt count...and dont tell me it does...the last two elections proved that...not to mention the are we expected to pay for that crap...they pull in multi hudreds of millions of dollars...they are all movin to iceland!

VladTheInhailer's photo
Tue 08/19/08 09:48 AM
along the lines of pork...we even the healthy ones are fatty and really sinewy? we are a really salty meat too... but thats because of our modern diets...i bet free range people would be good though

VladTheInhailer's photo
Tue 08/19/08 09:42 AM
but i still have friendlies...hi Sara she = my gorgeous bud!

VladTheInhailer's photo
Tue 08/19/08 09:41 AM
not any matoes..yuk city...people arent supposed to eat anything under the nightshade nature red = dead

VladTheInhailer's photo
Tue 08/19/08 09:37 AM
oh yeah REAL new e~ lol but yeah block me i = a crazy

VladTheInhailer's photo
Tue 08/19/08 09:21 AM
1150 here...when i woke up...but my pup had me up at 5, 6, 8, 9...i passed out at 3-4ish

VladTheInhailer's photo
Mon 08/18/08 09:36 PM

VladTheInhailer's photo
Mon 08/18/08 09:32 PM

there is nothin wrong with belegarth/dagorhir/ampgaurd...its a fun counter culture and its a world wide venture. i had a good three years in it lots of sex, drugs, drinkin..

Some may have had a Liiiiiiiittle bit too much of the "drug" part in all the "FUN" you listed:thumbsup:
and ur point is?

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