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What am I doing wrong?? Is it me or are there just no women out there in the Barrie area?
Unless your a sexy Woman that lives in Barrie or close to it, I doubt it LOL
What happens there stays there so no good stories even lol
damn :(
I go every day down to Centennial beach at lunch, yet no one is around?? The occasional seagull lol :)
When did this turn into a porn site?? lol prefer similar build as myself, women only apply, must be fine with me being married, but he is aware lol where do I sign up LOLOL
Looking for what I thought would be a simple thing that has turned out to be crazy! I'm a simple 420 wine drinkin friendly flirty girl with everyone, big boobs, red hair and all! But to find a simple friend that has not let themselves go is hard, I don' think I should have to settle for someone I'm kinda attracted to because there's no one else there you know? I'm better then that! lol. ;)