Community > Posts By > atleedagod

atleedagod's photo
Tue 06/03/08 05:04 AM
disturbed - today
immortal techinque - 24th
ugly truth - 20th (supposedly)

GOOOOOOOD albums this month happy

atleedagod's photo
Tue 06/03/08 05:03 AM
never been married so i cant say
but i can say im sick n ****in tired of bein alone

atleedagod's photo
Tue 06/03/08 05:02 AM
join the club yawn

atleedagod's photo
Tue 06/03/08 04:39 AM
im not ugly can i be here anyways :)

atleedagod's photo
Tue 06/03/08 04:35 AM

in ten years id be more shocked if i remembered pepole from here drinker

laugh oh you won't forget us, we are burned into your memory laugh
laugh well you are for sure flowerforyou but the rest of these losers jk jk lol

laugh laugh ah come on, its too early to be mean :wink:

its 4.30 am
and i been up since 3pm
so it aint for me yawn
im sure you didnt mean to call us all lossers now did ya

of course not
just kidding around hence the "jk's"
everyone ive seen around here is damn good people

blushing love love love
flowerforyou drinker <--- for u

atleedagod's photo
Tue 06/03/08 04:32 AM

in ten years id be more shocked if i remembered pepole from here drinker

laugh oh you won't forget us, we are burned into your memory laugh
laugh well you are for sure flowerforyou but the rest of these losers jk jk lol

laugh laugh ah come on, its too early to be mean :wink:

its 4.30 am
and i been up since 3pm
so it aint for me yawn
im sure you didnt mean to call us all lossers now did ya

of course not
just kidding around hence the "jk's"
everyone ive seen around here is damn good people

atleedagod's photo
Tue 06/03/08 04:31 AM

If you take this as proof that no supernatural exists, then that means that God does not exist, Jesus does not exist, angels do not exist and Satan does not exist, the holy spirit does not exist, the holy ghost does not exist, immaculate conception cannot happen, Biblical miracles never happened, on and on.

The test would only disprove testable supernatural entities. Such as "This is a magic crystal skull!!" or "I can see the future!". An invisible God who desires to be worshipped through faith cannot be proven. The JREF challenge cannot disprove Christianity.

Then Christianity, which claims to be true, is a fraud.

Or it does not need to be "disproven," because it is obvious that it is not true anyway.


all religion is a fraud, if every religion and the people tied to it were as self righteous as they act they wouldnt care what other religions do, becuase they would believe their goin to heaven and the rest would just reap what they sow (always wanted to say that)
so why fight about it, have war about it, & i swear how self conscious do u have to be to pick a ****ing fight with a childrens book THE FIRST one to actually get kids to read on a massive level

atleedagod's photo
Tue 06/03/08 04:27 AM

to have a word with your president, what would you say to him?
are there secret service around ?
if so *puts away the prison shank* jp lol
i have nothin to say to him i know hes an idiot and hes to much of an idiot to comprehend the 4 letter words and bigger i would be saying to him

atleedagod's photo
Tue 06/03/08 04:23 AM
saw the name of this topic n couldnt stop from thinking
find out what it means to me :tongue:

atleedagod's photo
Tue 06/03/08 04:22 AM

in ten years id be more shocked if i remembered pepole from here drinker

laugh oh you won't forget us, we are burned into your memory laugh
laugh well you are for sure flowerforyou but the rest of these losers jk jk lol

laugh laugh ah come on, its too early to be mean :wink:

its 4.30 am
and i been up since 3pm
so it aint for me yawn

atleedagod's photo
Tue 06/03/08 04:20 AM

in ten years id be more shocked if i remembered pepole from here drinker

laugh oh you won't forget us, we are burned into your memory laugh
laugh well you are for sure flowerforyou but the rest of these losers jk jk lol

atleedagod's photo
Tue 06/03/08 04:19 AM
i wanna know who i look like LOL
me n some buddies did this a while back n they couldnt come up with anything for me lol
one my homies looks dead on like eminem
another looks like the asian version of peter griffin lol
and another looks like the dad from grounded for life

best they could do for me was either darth maul or beaker from the muppet show grumble

atleedagod's photo
Tue 06/03/08 04:16 AM
nope dont like kitkat bars
gimmie a snickers, 3 musketeers or a butterfinger and you'll be my new best friend though

atleedagod's photo
Tue 06/03/08 04:15 AM
saw that one a long time ago
still funny laugh

atleedagod's photo
Tue 06/03/08 04:14 AM
laugh laugh laugh
thats cold hearted
laugh laugh laugh

atleedagod's photo
Tue 06/03/08 04:11 AM
in ten years id be more shocked if i remembered pepole from here drinker

atleedagod's photo
Tue 06/03/08 03:59 AM

laugh He who laughs last laugh

laugh laughs the loudestlaugh

confucious say: man who laugh last not get joke

atleedagod's photo
Tue 06/03/08 03:58 AM

This may be as good a place as any.
yeah apparently Lol
lets se 1... 2 ... 3 yupp were all here

atleedagod's photo
Tue 06/03/08 01:29 AM
i look forward to and hope for replys but i dont bug out if i dont get one
its the real life girls i like that have me tearing my hair out

atleedagod's photo
Mon 06/02/08 04:51 AM
im a realist
n that i realize lifes a ***** then u die
making me an automatic pessimist glasses