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Topic: Respect!
loveoligest's photo
Sun 06/01/08 11:51 AM
What if men and wemon all tried to show thier partners unconditional love and respect? Do you think the time they spent alone pleading each other would become unbearably hot? And would't that be wonderful?

itsmetina's photo
Sun 06/01/08 11:52 AM
Edited by itsmetina on Sun 06/01/08 11:54 AM
flowerforyou welcome to the looney binflowerforyou

DebbieJT's photo
Sun 06/01/08 11:54 AM
lol yep this bin gets fuller every day tinalaugh laugh

AmyGurl84's photo
Sun 06/01/08 11:55 AM
if the bin is getting full and i'm at the bottom of the barrell am i being squished??? frown

DebbieJT's photo
Sun 06/01/08 11:56 AM

if the bin is getting full and i'm at the bottom of the barrell am i being squished??? frown
nope your been squashedlaugh

no photo
Sun 06/01/08 11:56 AM

bgeorge's photo
Sun 06/01/08 11:57 AM
great concept...however whenever there are more than one person in a relationship...crap always happens...a compliment may get taken as a slur...but i think you/we all should definitely try it your of luck to youflowerforyou

AmyGurl84's photo
Sun 06/01/08 11:58 AM

if the bin is getting full and i'm at the bottom of the barrell am i being squished??? frown
nope your been squashedlaugh

i dun wanna be squashed! sad i like squishy better :tongue:

DebbieJT's photo
Sun 06/01/08 12:01 PM

if the bin is getting full and i'm at the bottom of the barrell am i being squished??? frown
nope your been squashedlaugh

i dun wanna be squashed! sad i like squishy better :tongue:
okay squished and squashed lollaugh

AmyGurl84's photo
Sun 06/01/08 12:03 PM

if the bin is getting full and i'm at the bottom of the barrell am i being squished??? frown
nope your been squashedlaugh

i dun wanna be squashed! sad i like squishy better :tongue:
okay squished and squashed lollaugh

woot! i'll be squashed if i can be squished too!

DebbieJT's photo
Sun 06/01/08 12:05 PM

if the bin is getting full and i'm at the bottom of the barrell am i being squished??? frown
nope your been squashedlaugh

i dun wanna be squashed! sad i like squishy better :tongue:
okay squished and squashed lollaugh

woot! i'll be squashed if i can be squished too!
laugh alls good in the world

AmyGurl84's photo
Sun 06/01/08 12:06 PM

if the bin is getting full and i'm at the bottom of the barrell am i being squished??? frown
nope your been squashedlaugh

i dun wanna be squashed! sad i like squishy better :tongue:
okay squished and squashed lollaugh

woot! i'll be squashed if i can be squished too!
laugh alls good in the world

well i wouldn't go THAT far lol

no photo
Sun 06/01/08 12:07 PM

What if men and wemon all tried to show thier partners unconditional love and respect? Do you think the time they spent alone pleading each other would become unbearably hot? And would't that be wonderful?
Wonderful concept, but I think most of humanity is beyond having any thinking or wanting to follow in that direction. Sad.

no photo
Sun 06/01/08 12:39 PM
:heart: I think that would be GREAT! But I also think that ANYONE who can GIVE respect MUST have RESPECT for them self FIRST. And for your first post and pic to see you in,this ones
'looking' a bit like you MIGHT not respect your-self.
I my self would keep my exposed shots in my profile, and show a
normal shot first as WHO I want EVERYONE to "THINK" me to represent my self to be. But thats just my opinion....

Welcome to this magical place of friends and nuts,lol...:wink:

no photo
Tue 06/03/08 12:08 AM

What if men and wemon all tried to show thier partners unconditional love and respect? Do you think the time they spent alone pleading each other would become unbearably hot? And would't that be wonderful?

I had that once, but only in spring, summer and fall. Winters really were winters of discontent.

Jim519's photo
Tue 06/03/08 02:52 AM
Edited by Jim519 on Tue 06/03/08 02:53 AM

What if men and wemon all tried to show thier partners unconditional love and respect? Do you think the time they spent alone pleading each other would become unbearably hot? And would't that be wonderful?

What is a wemon? laugh

Does that rhyme with lemon or seamen?

boneyjoe's photo
Tue 06/03/08 03:03 AM
sure why not,,,,,,,,,fits th regulars in this group

MirrorMirror's photo
Tue 06/03/08 03:21 AM

What if men and wemon all tried to show thier partners unconditional love and respect? Do you think the time they spent alone pleading each other would become unbearably hot? And would't that be wonderful?
flowerforyou I like to pleasure myself with a Buzz Lightyear dollflowerforyou

boneyjoe's photo
Tue 06/03/08 04:22 AM
if all people would show more respect in there relationship,,,,,,there would be less divorces

atleedagod's photo
Tue 06/03/08 04:23 AM
saw the name of this topic n couldnt stop from thinking
find out what it means to me :tongue:

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