Community > Posts By > Serenity1971
It all goes along with the simple line of... "Nothing, absolutely nothing happens in Gods world by mistake" So then rapes, and murders, and child abuse, and spousal abuse, and so on,... none of those are mistakes? Come to think of it, then nothing you do could be considered to be a mistake because nothing happens in God's world by mistake? I don't know about you, but to me there seems to be a tiny flaw in this cute cliché. We are all here for a purpose and that purpose is always for the greater good of the whole rather than just a part thereof. If we remember to love each other unconditionally including our strengths and weaknesses life would be a whole lot better. ![]() This also seems to fly in the face of history. If we are all here for a purpose, and that purpose is always for the greater good of the whole, then why doesn't the world get increasingly better over time? It would seem that if this ideology is true, then it most certainly isn't working. If everyone is here for a purpose and the purpose is for the greater good of all, yet no one is doing their purpose, then it doesn't really matter does it? That would be like picking up an orange and saying, "Hey this is supposed to be blue". Well fine. Maybe it's supposed to be blue, but clearly it's orange. What sense does it make to say how something is supposed to be if it clearly isn't like that? James let me see if I can help defog this a bit. Roy knew what I meant by it, and it didn't occur to me to clarify my statements. The reality of what things occur doesn't change the ultimate purpose. The ultimate purpose being to evolve and come to a higher understanding. In order to do such, we are in human form in order to experience various things, mainly life. Our souls want to experience things on various levels as well as know and understand how various things feel. I may get flack for this statement, but it's what I believe to be true at least for me. I was abused as a child, I was also raped, and I was also abused by my ex-husband. Did I ask for these things to happen? No but I put myself in situations that lead to the events. I believe that everything that I've done in my life has had a purpose. Some things I understand, others I don't. When I'm ready to understand everything, I will. You also have to add in other factors as well. Everyone's life here is different. Yes we all may have similarities in our experiences, but each person is on a different growth level. Some are young souls that are just beginning, others are old souls that are on their last trip here on earth, and then there's others in between the 2. These are the things that I have learned over the years. It's the path that I follow. I don't expect you or anyone else to make it their path, but it does and has worked for me. There are many people that believe the same way that I do, but none of us try to make another believe what we believe. It all boils down to the freedom of choice. My path lays before me and I create the path I decide to go down. Yes things may happen along the way and I may stumble, but I need not fall. I am traveling my road to happy destiny and enjoying the scenery along the way, despite the stumbling blocks I encounter. |
Magic Mushrooms
![]() I think you may have just saved my butt in more ways than one. I've been doing chemo for the multiple sclerosis and in the last 5 months it's been kicking me down pretty hard. I'm going to do some more research on the ones listed on that link you put up. ![]() ![]() |
So big deal. If he wants to sin all he needs to do is go sin, then come back and kill a few lambs and all is forgiven.
LOL ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Poor lambs... ![]() Jeanniebean suggests that maybe aliens were involved. I can certainly understand her reasoning there. Maybe there were actual beings that did want food, so they requested blood sacrifices. However, I have to honestly say that I don't buy into that one either.
You should see some of the evidence I have found that supports the existence of reptilians. Ancient drawings of these creatures raping women, statues of them holding young... not to mention modern day eye witness reports. You can download David Icke's book if you want: here for free: "The Biggest Secret" but I warn you, it is really mind blowing information. Is it true? I don't know... but so much of the information is right on target it will shock you. JB Alex Jones is much better than David Icke. But that's jmo. ![]() |
Already done as I said I would
![]() Keep breathing and taking care of you in this process ![]() |
Coffeehouse for Human Beings
just my luck i dont live in miami.. ![]() well mom is in the hospital.they are monitoring her blood pressure which seems to go up to dazzling heights for no good reason.this has been going on since her heart attack and it scares her.we are all very worried about her. ![]() Hi Jackie ![]() I'm sorry to hear about your Mom. I will be keeping her in my thoughts and prayers. If there's anything I can do let me know ![]() |
Polytheism/Pantheism/Monism - Multiple Gods/ Deities
I think a lot of people clearly don't understand pantheism. Pantheism can't be about multiple Gods because the very idea of pantheism is that all is ONE. I think the confusion comes into play because many religions that started out as pantheism ended up becoming contaminated with a misunderstood idea of multiple God. For example, the American Indians had pantheistic views. They believed that all of nature is connected and is therefore all "One". Yet at the same time they spoke about the spirit of the forest, and the spirit of the prairie and the spirit of the bear, and the spirit of the eagle and so one endlessly. Form outside of their belief system this might look like they have a different "God" for everything, But that's not how they thought of it. All of these 'spirits' arise from the One Great Spirit. The One Great Spirit is manifesting all others. Including the Human Spirit. I think the key thing to realize is that with most pantheistic religion the KEY idea is to recognize that the Human Spirit is merely one of many "manifestations" of the single underlying entity that we often refer to as "God". Compare this with a non-pantheistic religion such as the Mediterranean area religions, Judaism, Christianity, Islam. Those religions think of God as being a Separate egotistical entity in his own right. The Christians have divided that God up into a trinity, the Father, the Son, and The Holy Spirit. However, humans and animals are Separate from this God. Them just "Go to God", or risk eternal separation from God. For me these Mediterranean religions make no sense at all. If humans aren't God, then what they hell are they? How can a human exist separate from God? That implies that a human is a stand-alone entity in it's own right (i.e. a miniature god in a way). People who believe in this religion claim that it's monotheism, and they laugh at the pantheistic idea of God being multiple things at one, yet they have Their Godhead, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit being a trinity of ONE that is yet Divided into distinct parts. So they already have pantheism to a point, they just fail to include humans in as part of it. And who knows what non-human animals are? According to the biblical picture animals are nothing but spiritless biological robots. They have no 'true self, or soul, or spirit'. And while individual Christians may claim otherwise, I think they would be very hard pressed to back up their claims using the actual doctrine of the religion. Now some Easter Pantheistic religions also have a trinity, and it is simply to the idea of The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. However it's actually thought of quite differently than Christianity. The Father, is the "Great Spirit" (the essence of all life, and in particular it is the spirit of all sentient life), however, in this trinity the "Son" represents all living things. Not just man, but all animals as well. And the Son is not separate from the father, but rather a manifestation of the father (it's pantheism). In this context, the Holy Spirit is nature herself. All of the forces, the wind, the fire, the earth, and the water. In other words, the Holy Spirit is the physical world (or the hologram as Jeannie likes to think of it). So even though it may appear that they have more than one "God" they really don't. It's all-in-one. And mankind is included in that picture. So I think it's incorrect to think of Pantheism as being polytheistic even though some "religions" that have pantheistic underpinnings may appear to be polytheistic at first glance. The bottom line to pathenism is that everything arises from a single source and ultimately is that single source taking different forms. However, if you view the idea of a God as an egotistical "Deity" then pantheism has none. At least not during the incarnation stage. There is more to pantheism than what meets the eye. The entire universe as we know it is merely an "incarnation-stage" of this pantheistic entity. When the universe is over (when the incarnation stage is over, the spirit returned to it's rest state of being complete "oneness". That may seem a bit confusing because it's always one. But during an incarnation stage it's many-in-one, or one-as-many. In the rest stage it returns to a compete state of oneness. This is a state of rest where there is no incarnation going on. This is a state of pure bliss with no physical form whatsoever. In this state all is spirit. There is nothing to 'bump up against" as they say. It's pure rest. Pure bliss. And after that, there's another Big Bang, and a whole knew incarnation is born. And that cycle just goes on indefinitely. It's eternal. This is, of course, just one view of pantheism. No one really knows, but this view has been claimed by sages who have claimed to have had 'visions' no different form the claims of biblical stories. If you can believe one, why not the other? ![]() ![]() The thing is that they believe that there are multiple Gods, but one Supreme Being that encompasses them all. ![]() |
hmmmmmmmmmmmm I know many people who are agnostics of different degrees, but i have only ever met one truly atheistic person in my life. From my expieriences i would have to say there are few world wide of average intelligence who are truly atheist. Though there are many infinite beings here that most likely are, in my meetings with them. I do agree with you. I actually know quite a few true atheists and they're actually pretty nice as well as intelligent...Kinda scary now that I think about that. ![]() |
I guess some questions are too difficult to answer ![]() ![]() ![]() Thank you ![]() ![]() |
I guess some questions are too difficult to answer
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Ok, so theres one christian whos mad about christian bashing, and 3 pages later we have pagans and wiccans and oprah. God help us all ![]() I've been kinda MIA for a couple days...When I popped in yesterday briefly I couldn't find this thread for some reason ![]() I'm glad I did though I haven't been able to stop laughing since page 2 ![]() So it seems we've gone from the above quoted to humans being Gods. Maybe it's me, but WOW! ![]() Since I seem to be a rare breed of sorts, I'm just going to make a knowledgeable observation here, and it may or may not help... Atheists - Denies the existence of God or the gods Agnostics - Admits to having no privileged knowledge concerning whether God or Gods exist; a position of theological neutrality Monotheism - One God Polytheism/Pantheism/Monism - Multiple Gods/ Deities For simplicity sake I'm not going into all of the multitudes of religions and practices. Christianity falls under the category of monotheism (Though I personally have a difficult time swallowing that because the worship God as well as Jesus...It seems more polytheistic to me) Paganism, Wicca, Witchcraft all fall under polytheistic though there are some slight differences, they're generally the same. As for Humanism it encompasses all of these, and that's what we all are...Human. I think the real question is...Do we accept being human, fallible qualities and all? ![]() *Goes and hides in another thread until the tomatoes stop being thrown* ![]() |
Don't forget being Pagan...Witches still wonder if they'll get burned for practicing ![]() That burning thing is SO not cool, so YESTERDAY, so Puritan!! ![]() ![]() ![]() The scary thing is that if the puritans had their way and it wasn't illegal they'd still be doing it. ![]() Don't forget being Pagan...Witches still wonder if they'll get burned for practicing ![]() Yeah..whats up with that..I always get asked what I am cause I had to put Well I guess it's because it's not a religion, so there's no obligation to put it under religion. I'm always getting asked what I am too...Sometimes I would love to see the look on their faces when I tell them I'm a solitary practitioner. ![]() ![]() |
Don't forget being Pagan...Witches still wonder if they'll get burned for practicing
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Coffeehouse for Human Beings
I believe Human of the Year would be more appropriate than the day ![]() Hello Karma ![]() ![]() Hello ![]() That's good to know! I'm not sure how much longer I'll be kicking ![]() I've been a baaaaaaaad girl ![]() |
Who Are We To Judge?
God loves righteous judgment. We judge all the time, even though the world teaches that we are not to judge. I hear everybody saying "Not to judge." You just said that "the world teaches that we are not to judge." How does the world teach that? I once saw a homeless woman. I had seen her often. I didn't know her circumstances. Everyone laughed at her. She seemed angry all the time towards others. She would come into the tavern I worked in and always completely trash the bathroom and I would have to clean it up. One day I looked at her and I imagined that she was my sister. I imagined that she had a mother or a daughter or someone who loved her somewhere. That day I treated her as kindly with the love I would want a person to treat my sister. I gave her soup from the kitchen, I gave her a few free drinks from the bar. She was not greedy, only took a few. I am sure she was truly grateful. After she left, I checked the bathrooms and she had left them just as neat and clean as a person would want to find them. People need love and kindness but they also need respect, no matter what their circumstances are. JB Your story reminds me of one of mine when I was in New York. I was born and raised there and it was "typical" to see homeless men and women on the streets. I worked in a local bar in Long Island, and would travel into Manhattan to work at one of the clubs at night. I used to get off the train and I would see this old man every single time. The one day it was pretty cold and he and I had exchanged words a few times at this point, so I asked him if he would accompany me for a cup of coffee. His eyes lit up like a Broadway sign. We walked over to the coffee shop and I ordered us each a coffee. We sat there and talked like 2 old friends. From that day forward he and I had coffee everyday. Even on the days I didn't have to work I'd make that tip into Manhattan just to sit and have coffee with George. He would tell me stories of old times in NY, the things that happened in his life, his family etc etc. He only wanted a friend and I was more than happy to give him my friendship. There are so many of them out there that if you just give them a little bit of your time and care just a little bit for another person it can make a huge difference in someones life. George taught me not only not to judge others on appearance but also how to be a compassionate and caring person no matter who the other person may be. No one knows what someone has been through unless we've been through it with them or have our own experience with it. George passed on from this life a long time ago, but he lives on in my memory and in my heart. Thank you Jeanniebean for bringing back memories that are close to my heart. ![]() ![]() |
Coffeehouse for Human Beings
I believe Human of the Year would be more appropriate than the day
![]() Hello Karma ![]() ![]() |
Why do we have to put expectations on anything? That would mean putting limitations on it wouldn't it?
If God is everything and everything is God, then how can we put a limit on anything if God is limitless? Everything we see, hear, feel, taste or touch is a part of and just another facet...Is it not? "We reap what we sow" If we want nothing but the best for everyone and everything don't you believe that we can do that in a collective consciousness? I know that I believe that there are more people out there that are inherently good and want peace and harmony to reign over the bloody wars that have killed countless people due to religion and politics. A few have mentioned dignity and respect. If we have enough dignity and respect for ourselves, it shows out to the rest of the world no matter how few people we're in contact with. When those people see it they wonder why they don't have it and then begin searching for it within themselves and the cycle begins...Does it not? If someone has something that you want aren't you going to try to figure out how they got it and how you can get it? There are quite a few people that posted that I would have quoted but I still haven't mastered this forum yet in order to quote each one of you. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
it will always be that way not matter how hard we THINK or TALK about it. Do you believe that we can create the peace by becoming more tolerant of one another and then with the collective consciousness of wanting the greater good of the whole it can then become possible? Maybe people are afraid of letting go of what they know. People tend to automatically reject change because they fear it. |
it will always be that way not matter how hard we THINK or TALK about it. Do you believe that we can create the peace by becoming more tolerant of one another and then with the collective consciousness of wanting the greater good of the whole it can then become possible? |
Religion has been around for maybe 3,000 years at the very most. Spirituality and philosophy have been around for thousands of more years.
Who decides what's right and what's wrong? Isn't it all upon an individual basis as to what we believe or disbelieve? In all my research and studies over the years the only proof that I've seen is that religion seems to segregate and tear each other apart rather than bring everyone together. Most of the wars in the last 1000 years have been over religions and whose is better. People have been burned, tortured, killed and gone into hiding due to their beliefs over the years. I believe the question becomes when does it stop and where does the peace and harmony come into play? |
It all goes along with the simple line of...
"Nothing, absolutely nothing happens in Gods world by mistake" We are all here for a purpose and that purpose is always for the greater good of the whole rather than just a part thereof. If we remember to love each other unconditionally including our strengths and weaknesses life would be a whole lot better. ![]() |