Topic: Who Are We To Judge? | |
This is just my thoughts and opinions. I am not trying to start a debate or arguments. This is something I have always wondered and so this is what I discovered.
You've seen them. On the off ramps, parking lots, just about wherever you go, they're there. Vagabonds, hoboes, bums, call them what you will, but do we have the right to judge them? I was one, who thought, "Get a job." or "They're able bodied, why not get a job.", "He's just an alcoholic or junkie, looking for a few bucks." Did I have the right to judge that person? No. Do I know what kind of life that person had? No. Do I really know if he is an alcoholic or a junkie? No. How do we know, that that person, that looks scraggly looking, ragged old clothes, unkempt isn't God or one of His angels testing us? We don't. Have you ever sat down and prayed to God and asked Him for help in some way or another. Then out of the blue, some bearded person, wearing a ball cap, missing a few teeth, tethered clothes, comes up to you and asks you for a dollar, just to get something to eat? What was your first impression? I know what it shunned him away and thought to yourself, "He's gonna get him a bottle of cheap liquor or some drugs." What if it was God giving you the answer to your prayers? We did pray to Him, did we not? Remember the story, about the person who prayed to God for help and three people came his way and each time he shunned them away? Then he prayed to God asking why God didn't help him in his time of need. God said to him, I did come to you my son. I came to you three times, and each time you sent me away. Well, that same thing applys to this of all things. Do we shun God away, every time we shun that bum on the street? Think about it. What about the movie, Pay It Forward? The little boy who befriended a bum and a few others and in turn, they had to pay it forward to three other people. Do we do that today? Do you do a kind deed to see if it gets paid forward? It does say in the Bible, Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Matthew 7:1, Jesus says on the Mount, "Judge not, that ye be not judged." Verse 2 goes on with Him saying, "For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged..." Do we want to be judged in His eyes, when we get to heaven, and He looks into the Book of Life to review our life, "________________(Your Name), do you remember the time that old man came to you asking for a pentance, so he could get something to eat, and you shunned him away? That was Me you shunned. What have you got to say for yourself?" We could have invited them to church, if we didn't feel they could be trusted with a few bucks. They do have fellowship there, where there could be something to eat. I know you're probably saying, "I've done this before and the guy just shoved the food away." Well, that was the devil testing you and God. He doesn't want God and your kindness. He wants that soul that knows no other life than to drink the demons in a bottle. If you prove to that person someone cares, you defeat the devil. It works, I know. That person went from a bearded man with tattered clothes, to a clean shaven man, eating well and knows nothing now, but the spirit of God and joining the Church. Be the good samaritan and see if it doesn't help to change your life. You may be feeding God what He wants to see and you may see that your prayers will be answered. Pay it forward. But it's out there for you to see, in every day life. Grab for it while you can, before it's too late. |
Each person is an individual and you cannot predict their reaction.
God loves righteous judgment. We judge all the time, even though the world teaches that we are not to judge.
Very well put, Robert!!
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Very well put, Robert!! ![]() ![]() |
Very well put, Robert!! ![]() ![]() ![]() |
I agree with you. The best training i have ever had only lasted 3 days. I was homeless with nothing at all. Our Messiah was Homeless. But after 3 days i understood much more. I could see why it says if someone asks give without expecting anything in return.Blessings That People Will Change...Miles
I agree with you. The best training i have ever had only lasted 3 days. I was homeless with nothing at all. Our Messiah was Homeless. But after 3 days i understood much more. I could see why it says if someone asks give without expecting anything in return.Blessings That People Will Change...Miles You have judged every Christian who uses the name Jesus Christ. Climb down off your high horse and practice what you preach. |
You have judged every Christian who uses the name Jesus Christ. Climb down off your high horse and practice what you preach.
Thier you go. I have told you what the scriptures says. Thats warning you. Judging is looking on someone for no reason and other than thier appearance and stature and putting them below you. What I have told you about JC is true. He has come in his own name. He is Lawless. That and much more point to who he really is and how he is comming about. I am to warn Spider. If you do not want to listen thats your business. I will not back down from a greek born fallacy that has come on the whole world. Sounds to me like you feel threatened by something you do not want to believe. I would open my mind and search instead. Shalom..Miles |
Edited by
Tue 05/27/08 08:48 PM
God loves righteous judgment. We judge all the time, even though the world teaches that we are not to judge. I hear everybody saying "Not to judge." You just said that "the world teaches that we are not to judge." How does the world teach that? I once saw a homeless woman. I had seen her often. I didn't know her circumstances. Everyone laughed at her. She seemed angry all the time towards others. She would come into the tavern I worked in and always completely trash the bathroom and I would have to clean it up. One day I looked at her and I imagined that she was my sister. I imagined that she had a mother or a daughter or someone who loved her somewhere. That day I treated her as kindly with the love I would want a person to treat my sister. I gave her soup from the kitchen, I gave her a few free drinks from the bar. She was not greedy, only took a few. I am sure she was truly grateful. After she left, I checked the bathrooms and she had left them just as neat and clean as a person would want to find them. People need love and kindness but they also need respect, no matter what their circumstances are. JB |
God loves righteous judgment. We judge all the time, even though the world teaches that we are not to judge. I hear everybody saying "Not to judge." You just said that "the world teaches that we are not to judge." How does the world teach that? I once saw a homeless woman. I had seen her often. I didn't know her circumstances. Everyone laughed at her. She seemed angry all the time towards others. She would come into the tavern I worked in and always completely trash the bathroom and I would have to clean it up. One day I looked at her and I imagined that she was my sister. I imagined that she had a mother or a daughter or someone who loved her somewhere. That day I treated her as kindly with the love I would want a person to treat my sister. I gave her soup from the kitchen, I gave her a few free drinks from the bar. She was not greedy, only took a few. I am sure she was truly grateful. After she left, I checked the bathrooms and she had left them just as neat and clean as a person would want to find them. People need love and kindness but they also need respect, no matter what their circumstances are. JB Your story reminds me of one of mine when I was in New York. I was born and raised there and it was "typical" to see homeless men and women on the streets. I worked in a local bar in Long Island, and would travel into Manhattan to work at one of the clubs at night. I used to get off the train and I would see this old man every single time. The one day it was pretty cold and he and I had exchanged words a few times at this point, so I asked him if he would accompany me for a cup of coffee. His eyes lit up like a Broadway sign. We walked over to the coffee shop and I ordered us each a coffee. We sat there and talked like 2 old friends. From that day forward he and I had coffee everyday. Even on the days I didn't have to work I'd make that tip into Manhattan just to sit and have coffee with George. He would tell me stories of old times in NY, the things that happened in his life, his family etc etc. He only wanted a friend and I was more than happy to give him my friendship. There are so many of them out there that if you just give them a little bit of your time and care just a little bit for another person it can make a huge difference in someones life. George taught me not only not to judge others on appearance but also how to be a compassionate and caring person no matter who the other person may be. No one knows what someone has been through unless we've been through it with them or have our own experience with it. George passed on from this life a long time ago, but he lives on in my memory and in my heart. Thank you Jeanniebean for bringing back memories that are close to my heart. ![]() ![]() |
I am just a person and I give my opinions according to how I see things in a realistic way and also according my very inner conscience . I am the judge of my opinions and how I understand this life of ours .
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Who Are We To Judge? everyone judges and if they say that they don't are either lieing or delusional or exist in ignorant bliss judge is a form of self-preservation the flight or fight response ..even animals judge to keep from being eaten and even the God of the bible judges and even demand that his followers judge others and to stone adulterers and unruly children to death everything must be judged and then analyzed categorized and logged for future studies ...funches 3:16 |
Robert, did the original of this get deleted or something? I have been looking all over for it.
![]() Anyway, I cannot sit in judgement of them because I have been in a situation to lose all of my material possessions and would have been homeless had it not been for my friend. So I give to them when I can. |
Robert, did the original of this get deleted or something? I have been looking all over for it. ![]() Anyway, I cannot sit in judgement of them because I have been in a situation to lose all of my material possessions and would have been homeless had it not been for my friend. So I give to them when I can. I don't recall it getting deleted. But I amazed at all the positive response from it. I thought this would turn into a blazing debate. Thank goodness it hadn't. I am glad that a friend did what they did for you Barb, and you are where you are today. Much love and hugs go out to you my dear friend and will always have a place in my heart. |
You've seen them. On the off ramps, parking lots, just about wherever you go, they're there. Vagabonds, hoboes, bums, call them what you will, but do we have the right to judge them? I was one, who thought, "Get a job." or "They're able bodied, why not get a job.", "He's just an alcoholic or junkie, looking for a few bucks." Did I have the right to judge that person? No. Do I know what kind of life that person had? No. Do I really know if he is an alcoholic or a junkie? No. How do we know, that that person, that looks scraggly looking, ragged old clothes, unkempt isn't God or one of His angels testing us? We don't. Have you ever sat down and prayed to God and asked Him for help in some way or another. |
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Edited by
Thu 05/29/08 08:14 AM
The Word does tell us we are to judge other Christians by their fruits. I use a mesurement that my husband taught me many years ago....the maount of mercy and grace you show someone else is the amount you will receive when you need mercy and grace. I judge....but I am careful not to judge too is difficult not to judge at all...but be careful and be gracious. Try to keep in do not know what that individual is/has gone through and it took us all a lifetime to get where we are at the present.
I would rather be judged for who I am than to be judged for I am not.