Community > Posts By > unique1111
Traditional Dating Protocol
The social evolution of the ME NOW identity/generation has unfortunately created a vaccuum in the expectations of men and women. I believe that opening the door for a lady is less a right for her and more an honour for me. Flowers following a date is as much a joy in my choosing them as it is for her in receiving them. Then there is the thank you phone call, not a text, and the opportunity for asking for another date. Holding hands? Now that is the begining of all sorts of wonder. Etiquette is the begining of grace in a relationship and it may well go on forever. Why are these guys so far away!!!!!!!! I do think that we can follow our feelings to a degree. Also, you allow people to treat you as they do....if it is good, wonderful; if not, you put a stop to it. |
rigorous exercise, daily & St john's wort Been on St Johns Wort for a few days & it seems to help a bit & doesn't seem to cause side effects like prescriptions do. Exercise is also very good advise. I once did see a psychiatrist and he put me on Paxil, an antidepressant. Being a bit cautious about it, I took half a pill. I felt fine for about an hour so I decided to drive home from where I was. I started getting dizzy & had to pull my car over to the side of the road. I began seeing stars and everything went white for a minute or so and my ears rang to the point where it was all I could hear. Once I came to from passing out, I drove home and spent the rest of the night on the toilet. Needless to say, the rest of the bottle went out with the trash. No more poison for me, thanks Everyone responds differently, but I know someone that took paxil and had a similar response, but does great on effexor and also on Zoloft. They do have their side effects, so if you do take them you have to balance those with the benefit. However I know that it probably saved this person's sanity, and perhaps life. That being said, i don't know whether you do or don't need medication. I certainly wouldn't start there. Very sad fact, Paxill is now available for CHILDREN OVER THE AGE OF SIX!!! SIX, FOLKS!! |
if you need wiring done you get an electrician if you need piping done you get a plumber if you need an appendectomy you get a doctor if you have depression you should get a professional not trying to sound mean but I dont know how and I doubt anyone else who isnt an experienced professional does either I'm sure I'm not the only one here on these forums who deals with bouts of depression. My question is directed to them. I am wanting to know what helps them out of the blues. I'm not interested in seeing a professional pill prescriber. So glad you won't go into the pill pushers!! Excellent idea. For remedy: Start each and every day giving thanks--throughout the day, give thanks for what you have and for the bad things you don't have. Do something everyday for another person, especially for no reason and for someone who doesn't deserve it. Volunteer. Be good to you and easy on yourself. Set goals, but not unrealistic ones. Don't beat yourself up if you don't live up to YOUR standards. We all judge ourselves, usually harshly. Laugh, have fun, laugh. The average child laughs 500 times in a day; the average adult (if lucky) 5 times.....LAUGH. |
Resources Requested
Hey Minglers, I want to help out an acquaintance of mine who I have never met. It is a long story as to how I know her, but lets just say she kept me from getting involved with this violent man she claims to love. About this guy: He's been in jail for over a year for arson Has rape and domestic abuse charges attached to him She birthed three of his kids which he does not see .. ever. He beats her, threatens her, etc. She isn't allowed to leave the house or have friends. She has to be very sneaky around him. She claims she is unhappy, but is confused because she does after all love this guy. They live together even though they are not together because she has nowhere else to go. Her mom is currently raising the kids away from all the madness. She said she has been to providence houses and such. According to her, this guy she apparently loves his also a stalker and crazy to the max. I don't speak to her often. It bothers me that she is in this situation, but it bothers me even more that she won't do more to help herself even though she claims she has tried. Is she just not trying hard enough? Or do you think she has gotten so used to the situation? she said she wants out, that she just wants to be happy. I believe there is a way out of every bad situation as long as you have the resources needed. And I realize it may take some time, but this has been going on for years according to her. So who would like to provide me with some resources or at least try to help out? The situation is getting to me and I want to help her. I've met the guy and he was very sneaky with me and likes telling pity stories. She just texted me and said that she needs to break the hold he has on her. She said it is like an addiction and it is far worse than doing drugs or being an alcoholic. I don't know what to do, but I'm ready to start a mob and go after the dude myself. Thanks, Guys. The most important lesson I have learned in this life is that you CAN change yourself and your reactions to others, but YOU CANNOT CHANGE ANOTHER PERSON. By trying to do this for her, you are enabling her to not do it for herself. If SHE cannot do it for herself and her children, you certainly cannot. Sometimes the hardest thing to do is walk away--for you, too! |
What are you afraid of ?
Love at first sight?
No, but I do believe in lust at first site takes time and getting to who the person rather than building up a false impression by how they look. Maybe we can recognize there is the possibility of someone that'd we is a choice to love and make yourself vulnerable to someone. We must sense that this is someone we are willing to "give" that power to. |
Love at first sight?
No, but I do believe in lust at first site takes time and getting to who the person rather than building up a false impression by how they look. |
Have You Given Up?
I've had 5 fails. And all were in a way my own doing. So do I give up being me in order to succeed at being happily with a partner? Or do I look to continue being me, making mistakes and losing patience with luck (ie, the absence of it?) Don't look at these as failures!! You always learn something from every person you meet, even if it is what you DON'T want. |
Have You Given Up?
![]() ![]() No. I've given up because there isn't anyone who interests me and I can't find anyone who can hold my attention for more than 3 months. Being alone isn't ideal, but being with someone who bores the bejeebers out of me is worse. ![]() The only thing worse than being alone---is wishing you were!!!! Open to the right one, but not just anyone! |
![]() I love dreams! The often bring to the surface the issues we need to deal with and often, we get the information on how to do that! Try to remember each one when you wake up, analyze it, and see what the lesson is that you are being given. If you pray for help, dreaming is one way we get the communication/answers we asked for. Pay attention!! This is a gift. Best wishes to all three of you. Also, has the mom been diagnosed with bipolar disease or have you labeled her that? Big difference. |
Herbal Questions
The universe always answers our desires!!
A spirit, as an individual "eye" (observer) of infinity. It is an observer that collects information (and experience.) Mind: The Spirit eye generates a unified field (via vibration) which is the mind. This field (mind) collects, stores, and organizes information and experience -(memory.) A Body or form - a manifestation generated by Spirit and mind for the purpose of operating inside of other fields. (Universe or matrix) Agreed! |
The three sums that make up the whole.
Mind: thinks, reasons, decides body: maintains, reacts, holds together spirit: the god-ness within each one of us Thanks for the input Unique. A couple questions if I may, for my own edification. 1. Can any of the three exist without the other two? 2. What happens to the god-ness and the mind when the body dies? Do they go somewhere else? Do they just disappear? Do they decay slowly away as the body decays? Or something else? The spirit/mind live in the human form for a time. I believe we go on to another life; that we are here to learn certain lessons to progress to perfection. We choose each life we will live and how long that life will last on earth. We choose from The Book of Life, a life that will allow us new experiences and life lessons, then we return to earth once again. |
God if he/she/it exists is not an entity of flesh like we. If God exists it is not like we portray it (all religions). If God is then he didn't create human in is image but gave us the spark that human needed to start asking question, think, it gave us the ability to ask the Why Where How etc and left us to develop in what we are today. A god of supreme power does not need what we as human think it does (Adoration, prayers, sacrifices ect) those are human emotions and we used our own understanding of what Higher power humans need and that why humans created religions. Nothing to do with what God desires but what humans think it desires. Well spoken. The God that is in us is our spirit. All religions (which are all man made) have a higher being with various names, different drawings/paintings of what people perceive he (it is common to use the male pronoun when unsure of a persons/beings sex) might look like. The personal relationship you have with "mother father god" is what is important. Most religions are fear-based, getting the members to follow rules. My faith and belief is in a Mother/Father/God that is all loving. The opposite of fear is love. |
Try to find a CNHP in your area...there are natural remedies for these disorders so the child does not have to be medicated. (CNHP=Certified natural Health Professional). Too many side affects from meds will cause more severe problems down the road. And, most importantly, DRUGS DO NOT TREAT THE ILLNESS, THEY MASK THE SYMPTOMS.
The three sums that make up the whole.
Mind: thinks, reasons, decides body: maintains, reacts, holds together spirit: the god-ness within each one of us |
I left because I didn't like his other girlfriend.
The ick factor
"I really don't think we are a good match, but good luck with your search"
Confused, need guidance.
If she is shy, she may want to go then gets scared when it is about to happen. Maybe you should make plans with a group first, before a one-to-one date. I was very shy when younger and did cancel because of it...not to be mean or hurt anyone's feelings. Good luck!
rate me and my profile...
Profile is OK....check your spelling---the spelling patrol will mention it to you!