Community > Posts By > calmguy3

calmguy3's photo
Sat 05/31/08 11:27 PM
laugh bigsmile laugh bigsmile laugh bigsmile drinker drinker drinker drinker

calmguy3's photo
Sat 05/31/08 11:18 PM

you wish still alive and kicken and putting out more princesses.......ahhh ha

HaHa Great comeback
U hit that one right outta the Ball Park.
Pow!! laugh laugh bigsmile bigsmile laugh laugh

calmguy3's photo
Sat 05/31/08 11:10 PM



Digesting her food while she watches
Deal or No Deal

calmguy3's photo
Sat 05/31/08 11:04 PM
or how about these boobies

glassesmad one sunburned boobie
frowngrumble wire bra is killing me boobie
nowaysickA creep just rubbed against my boobie
:angry::angry: my eyes are up their boobies
sad:tongue: jealous boobie
:wink:love wet T-shirt boobies

calmguy3's photo
Sat 05/31/08 10:44 PM

You know what these are???:angry: :angry:

Mad Boobs? laugh
My testicleslaugh laugh laugh

blue balls LOL

calmguy3's photo
Sat 05/31/08 10:39 PM
Edited by calmguy3 on Sat 05/31/08 10:42 PM

Very Cute I won't tell you what mine are!

:smile: :wink: laugh happy :tongue: noway grumble explode :angry: mad love ohwell flowerforyou indifferent glasses sick devil smokin embarassed smooched :heart: drinker :cry: brokenheart yawn huh blushing bigsmile sad

Oh come on, be a sport...I can add it (or them) to the list!! laugh laugh

Oh Ok Dang! brokenheart brokenheart Mine are in need of a lift (clevage has sagged a
bit!!!) bigsmile

Girl just get yourself a nice Victoria Secrets Bra and you'll be loookin in the mirror at some happy happy happy boobies or Flirty :wink: :wink: boobies who knows they just might turn into blushing blushing Complimented Boobies instead of ohwell ohwell Passed over Boobies.
besides it gives you an excuse to go shoppin and pamper yourself. that'll mend a set of brokenheart brokenheart boobies

calmguy3's photo
Sat 05/31/08 10:20 PM

(((wyatt))) did you just get up off the floor?

Nope, haven't met the floor yet, but with all of you ladies wanting to be on top, that may not be a bad place to be....:tongue: laugh laugh

Here here I second that motion

calmguy3's photo
Sat 05/31/08 10:14 PM
Haha U got melaugh laugh bigsmile bigsmile laugh bigsmile bigsmile laugh bigsmile

calmguy3's photo
Sat 05/31/08 09:48 PM

Yes, in Misquamicut Rhode Island, all over my legs. Luckily there was an outdoor bar and the guy lent me the spray dispenser and I doused myself to rinse out of the toxins. My sister kept telling me to pee, that the urine kills the burning... but I was a teenager and no way was I going to do that on the beach! noway
what do you suppose was in the spray was at a bar right. lots of drinking going on there..hmmmmm.laugh laugh


calmguy3's photo
Sat 05/31/08 09:44 PM
Edited by calmguy3 on Sat 05/31/08 09:45 PM
A blue Whale produces 400 gallons of sperm when it ejaculates;
*but only 10% of that actually makes it into his mate.
*So 360 gallons are spilled into the ocean evry time one unloads.
You wonder why the ocean is so salty...
Don't swallow the water!!!

sick laugh laugh

calmguy3's photo
Sat 05/31/08 09:31 PM
A friend of mine got bit by a Black Widow she went through hell for two weeks even after seen the docter. Muscle cramps, cold sweats, muscle spasms her jaw muscles kept spasming uncontrolably. Man it sucked to helplessly whatch

calmguy3's photo
Sat 05/31/08 09:17 PM
Steve Irwin Kicked A%#

calmguy3's photo
Sat 05/31/08 09:11 PM
Edited by calmguy3 on Sat 05/31/08 09:11 PM
Nice Feet :wink: bigsmile

calmguy3's photo
Sat 05/31/08 08:23 PM

a guy who is sensitive.. where (spins around)

ah .. back to the basement...

LMAO laugh bigsmile laugh bigsmile laugh bigsmile

calmguy3's photo
Sat 05/31/08 08:18 PM
Edited by calmguy3 on Sat 05/31/08 08:22 PM

is there a difference?:tongue: bigsmile

yes but their needs to be a state of balance like the YINGYANG
Ying exists in Yang and Yang exist in Ying
Emotion exists in Sensitivety and visa versa
to much of one can make can create someone who's
absurd, bizarre, cuckoo, demented, erratic, fanatical, flaky, foolish, goofy, harebrained, haywire, insane, loco, loony, lunatic, mad, maniac, nuts, preposterous, psycho, senseless, silly, strange, unbalanced, wacky, weird

To much of the other and we may have what guys call a Whimpering Wuss or what the dictionary refers to as
delicate, impressionable, passive, sore, subtle, susceptible, tender, thin-skinned, touchy, vulnerable apathetic, compliant, docile, dormant, inactive, inert, inexcitable, invertebrate, lethargic, lifeless, negative, obedient, quiet, submissive, supine, unassertive, unresisting, unresponsive, yielding and so on

calmguy3's photo
Sat 05/31/08 07:37 PM
and whats wrong with being both?

Someone can have their cake/pie and eat it to. :wink: :smile:

calmguy3's photo
Sat 05/31/08 07:26 PM

Or athiest, or lesbian, or gay.


or Black, or a Woman, or Hispanic, or Asian, or from India, or German or Fat, or Ugly, or Short, or a Geek/Nerd, or a Biker, or Handicap, or a sports car driver, or a Volvo driver, or a stripper, or a Pilot, or a Rock Star, the stereotyping, grouping, or prejudice goes on and on and on but it's the way we all handle the situations that inspire others to do the same wether it be bad or good now this ripple effect is powerful. for he who cast the first stone will have a big or small effect on the emotional universe we live in long after they've gone home. It's funny people have a habit of not remembering what you did as much as remembering how they felt about what you did. So planting a seed fed by positive emotions can grow as large as an old oak tree and over shadow anything else below it. But the growth is slow so be patient and keep feeding the cause.

calmguy3's photo
Sat 05/31/08 06:30 PM

I get 2 ride in the caboose!!

LOL laugh bigsmile laugh bigsmile drinker drinker oops i cant drink and drive so i guess i'll be back in the passengers lounge throwin back a few. Attention Passengers the train will be set on auto pilot. So keep in mind As we all move forward. Be sure to enjoy the view around you. May you reach your destination safely.

calmguy3's photo
Sat 05/31/08 05:41 PM
Your Welcome

:wink: bigsmile :smile: bigsmile :wink: :smile: bigsmile

calmguy3's photo
Sat 05/31/08 01:37 PM
that was Fantastic