Community > Posts By > ndragon

ndragon's photo
Tue 07/08/08 07:08 PM

"Comfortable in jeans or a little black dress..."

Not comfortable in any dress. lol :)

ndragon's photo
Tue 07/08/08 07:00 PM
When are you considered single after getting a divorce? When people ask "So are you still married?" I still find myself answering "No, I'm divorced" instead of "no, I'm single". When do you get past being divorced and move back into the single single part instead of divorced single. Know what I mean..

I'm not even sure I know what I mean. :) lol

ndragon's photo
Tue 07/08/08 05:44 PM

:smile: Death to any and all threads.devil

I'm working on it..give me a few minutes. lol

ndragon's photo
Tue 07/08/08 05:43 PM

Hmm, all I know is I don't want children!!

What if the lady you meet has children? Or..won't you date anyone w/kids?

I prefer not to date women with kids, but at my age group there seems to be not too many.

Just curious. Why no kids?

ndragon's photo
Tue 07/08/08 05:42 PM

I thought I was the QUEEN thread killer around here...bigsmile

you can still be queen...i'll just take princess

ndragon's photo
Tue 07/08/08 05:41 PM
I didn't want kids. Got over it. Tried to have a kid for 1 1/2 yr with the hubby. Didn't work and so I went back to not wanting one. Ended up prego within a couple of months. Would change anything in my life because i have a great little boy now. Just give people time some change their minds. Some don't, but if you feel that they will never change their mind. Move on if a kid is what you really want.

ndragon's photo
Tue 07/08/08 05:36 PM

It happens to all of us:smile:

Ya and I'm getting good enough to kill my own threads. Almost, till you posted lol :)

ndragon's photo
Tue 07/08/08 05:35 PM
I like a guy somewhere in the middle. Not one who stands in the corner, but not one who is dancing on the tables either

ndragon's photo
Tue 07/08/08 05:32 PM
It may hurt to get rejected, but at least your trying. It shows people that your not afraid and your willing to go after what you want, but not a a psycho, stalker kinda way (hopefully) lol

ndragon's photo
Tue 07/08/08 05:25 PM
do obnoxious things to get your attention. You have to remember the ones that I'm talking about are from wyoming. :) lol

ndragon's photo
Tue 07/08/08 05:24 PM
They try to get to know your friends/family so they have a reason to hang around.

ndragon's photo
Tue 07/08/08 05:22 PM

You to???
Between me and you, they'll have to shut this site downflowerforyou

well at least we did something today. lol

ndragon's photo
Tue 07/08/08 05:20 PM

drinker drinker drinker

are you killing any today etrain

ndragon's photo
Tue 07/08/08 05:19 PM
<---------needs to get in shape too. :)

ndragon's photo
Tue 07/08/08 05:18 PM
I'm working wonders at killing threads today. :)

ndragon's photo
Tue 07/08/08 05:14 PM
hello all..just checking in.

ndragon's photo
Tue 07/08/08 05:12 PM

ndragon's photo
Tue 07/08/08 05:10 PM

I have not made the first move. Always believing that everyone is good hearted, I've been a fool twice. Now that I'm single, how do you know if someone is interested?

Most of the time its just a guess.. unless they make it obvious. It's worth the try cause you never know what just a few words can do. If they say least your showing interest which makes most people happier.

ndragon's photo
Tue 07/08/08 04:51 PM
the ability to at least one of me can go fishing/camping all the time.

ndragon's photo
Tue 07/08/08 04:49 PM
depends on your definition of a date. Movies, dinner,and all that jazz..Never most of my dates sem to revolve around hanging out around the BBQ grill or watching movies at someones house. Not a lively bunch in wyoming.. lol :)