Community > Posts By > Franco8274
learned alot about me. ![]() Absolutely hate living alone and I will never get accustomed to it. I was married for 35 years and I still can't believe my "wife" divorced me. Single life really sucks and I really don't have a choice at all. I'm almost 60 with an amputated leg and who the hell would be so stupid as to start a relationship with me. I wouldn't. |
CaN yOU eVeN reMeMbeR ??
S**t! I'm an above the knee amputee and I fall down on a somewhat regular basis. It really pisses me off, especially when people try to help me.(I appreciate their concern, but it makes me feel like an invalid)(which I am)
Why can't I find a nice guy?
Because you really don't want one. Very simple. You say you want a nice guy but in reality, you think that nice guys are wimps and not manly enough. Blame no one but yourself.
Existing vs Living
Just taking up oxygen and other resources for my f**ked up existence.
what is your purpose?
I have no purpose. I'm now early retired with Social Security Disability and I do nothing but sit around the house pretty much 24/7. That, and my wife of 35 years divorced me a year and a half ago and I'm still dealing with the grief of that. I've always wondered why the street people with those carts we see, want to continue to live in the situations they're in, rather then just die. They must have an extreme survival instinct. I'm not trying to be nasty and insensitive, but they're just a burden on society and I would never be able to handle that kind of life. I absolutely hate my life and would consider it a "blessing" to go to sleep and just not wake-up. This is probably way more then you were expecting in your thread, but sometimes it's good to vent.