yo dude im from nelson too lol! moved to greymouth 3 yrs ago though :( grew up in richmond went to waimea college ect lol. fun times
im brendan from GREYMOUTH OOOOHHHHH YEEEAH dont judge grew up in nelson lol......
Anyone from the westcoast lolol??
^^^ was the banana too much? srsly who dont like bananas???
duck walks into a bar, says "yo barman i want 3 pies and 2 beers" bar man says "wholy **** a talking duck!" duck replies "yeah yeah heard it before. its been a hard day mate wheres my beer" barman gets duck his beer and says "my cousin might have some work for you heres his number" duck takes the piece of paper and walks away and shares his food and beer with the men at his table. the next day this duck walks in not looking to impressed. barman spots him out and calls him over. duck says "2 beers 3 pies mate you know the drill make it quick ive had a hell of a day." barman replies "did you see my cousin" duck said sarcasticly "yeah yeah big red tent, amimals outside ect?" barmans like "yeah thats it" duck yells WHAT THE **** DOES HE WANT A PLUMBER FOR?
sup dudes and dudettes im brendan from new zealand where all you from?
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