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Wed 04/24/13 03:13 PM
though i would prefer that the person i connect with live in JAMAICA.. it may not be that way so if i made a spiritual connection and that person lived abroad then i would travel to make my relationship long as its worth the while.

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Wed 04/24/13 03:10 PM
true love exists when persons are honest about what they want...then in that climate love blooms and grows with the understanding that as we age our perspective change but not the love we feel for each other...

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Wed 04/24/13 03:07 PM
a relationship succeeds or fails based on the ingredients one puts doe snot fail based on distance when two persons care deeply and respectfully about each other, distance does not matter. that said though, arrangements will have to be made to decide when one will move

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Fri 01/04/13 06:20 PM
good men like good women are scared of being scorched,scared of lies. truth be old some women are players who are hell-bent on hurting men... real men still exist...maybe its time real women start stepping up to the plate again and allowing the real men to shine .........shouldnt we?

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Fri 01/04/13 02:10 PM
mr right or ms right is a figment of over-active imaginations. in the real world we all have flaws, maybe its our attitude maybe its our colour maybe the past but we all have inadequacies.
you find the right one for you when you start loving yourself, start believing you are wonderfully and fearfully made and that in spite of everything you worthy of love honor and respect. start believe and you WILL attract the person who compliments you as an individual....

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Fri 01/04/13 01:59 PM
i have met many GREAT SINGLE DADS who if it were possible would be the best moms ever. they value they cherish they care thy love their children fiercely in many instances better than the moms.yes single dads of merit exists and i salute them as they raise their children and still seek a second or third or even fourth chance at real happiness.

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Fri 01/04/13 01:54 PM
when one finds a partner a companion a lover a helpmate then one has absolutely NO EXCUSE for visiting dating sites. that translates into yes, i have you but i am NOT fully satisfied. wake up, dont allow anyone to de-value or under-appreciate you.

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Fri 01/04/13 01:51 PM
he crude irony is this: sometimes you were never a team in the first place so one person is doing the breaking up of a relationship that never really existed.
but frankly breaking up is tugs at your self-esteem and hits hard in the i agree open honest communication channel is the way to ensure the survival of relationships.

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Fri 01/04/13 01:44 PM
indeed beauty has to be more than that which meets the eyes. it has to radiate from within, rising up and meeting the daily challenges of just being humans.yes, we are indeed all beautiful in-spite of the battles scars we bear: scars of loneliness, frustrations, see we all have the power within to let our individual beauty shine bright each day allowing that beauty to touch anothers...and watch new magic happens......

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Fri 01/04/13 01:16 PM
As black middle -aged women we get so caught up in our flaws that we forget how beautiful and fabulous we are.
life is not always fair or wonderful but it offers life lessons, so as we celebrate the birth of a new year...lets look at our flaws accept our weaknesses and garner strength from them and declare we are strong we are invincible we are women...certainly flawed but still okay.