Community > Posts By > BusinessMind

BusinessMind's photo
Fri 01/04/13 07:58 AM
Just like Kahurangi said earlier, a real man leads by example. Women and friends around him don't have to be told what to do, they do it because they respect, admire and want to be around him.

Real men also strive to make others better, so with that...

You're = Is a contraction of (You are) Easy way to remember these is when you see a ' within a word, It's (It is) used to indicate 2 words.


Your = Is a possessive adjective (basically when something belongs to the person you are speaking to) ex. What are your thoughts on this matter?

BusinessMind's photo
Thu 01/03/13 09:59 PM
Brand new to Grand Rapids, MI and brand new to sites like this. I just figured why not right?

Hope everyone is doing well and I wish the best to everyone who's searching for that special somebody. 2013 Is gonna be great! I can just feel it.