Chin Na, Shotokan Karate, ninjitsu, and kenpo..never really stuck with it for that long i found a kung-fu school i want to attend and actually stick with. But i've learned enough to get by wow shotokan guys are they live breath sleep eat and everything there form of MA....the brown belts + scare me hahaha I didn't do it for that long..about a year. My sensei(sp?) was nuts..she was this TINY little woman who wanted us to be flexible...i went from not touching my doing the splits in 3 months...she hurt us!!! but in a good way ![]() nothing better then being flexable and being a fighter. esp. in Jiu Jitsu for me ![]() ![]() |
Chin Na, Shotokan Karate, ninjitsu, and kenpo..never really stuck with it for that long i found a kung-fu school i want to attend and actually stick with. But i've learned enough to get by wow shotokan guys are they live breath sleep eat and everything there form of MA....the brown belts + scare me hahaha |
i guess tae kwon do is cute lol i do more then just that i do shadow-boxing ninja jeet kundo and kickboxing and pro wrestling pro wrestling? ninja? shadow boxing? well A. i didnt know pro wrestling or ninja were actual forms of a MA and shadow boxing is a way of training not a form of MA.... |
i guess tae kwon do is cute lol
i'v took martial arts form the time i was 4 up to now i'm 20 years old at this time anyone other then me if have took martail_arts how long sorry about the spelling... Brown belt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, 10 years Muay Thai, Wrestling, and western boxing ![]() ![]() |
Damn Jar head (A true story)
Edited by
Fri 05/16/08 08:20 PM
In the beginning You weren't my favorite person Cocky and too sure of everything All I wanted was to knock you down a peg or two With a glare I growled “Damn Jar head!” Anger was fears best mask, I was expecting a snide response Instead you grinned at me “You'll like me sooner or later” I gritted my teeth God you made me angry! When my world fell apart They day he was laid to rest I reached out to you There was no one else Suddenly that creep I knew And feared.. No longer existed You listened, No matter how much I cried You cared, When everyone else was too busy I had to admit You were becoming a good friend Now days we laugh I remember when you were nothing to me But a damn Jar head Dedicated to Craig one of the most loyal friends i've got Gotta love double pots.... |
Damn Jar head (A true story)
Edited by
Fri 05/16/08 08:20 PM
In the beginning You weren't my favorite person Cocky and too sure of everything All I wanted was to knock you down a peg or two With a glare I growled “Damn Jar head!” Anger was fears best mask, I was expecting a snide response Instead you grinned at me “You'll like me sooner or later” I gritted my teeth God you made me angry! When my world fell apart They day he was laid to rest I reached out to you There was no one else Suddenly that creep I knew And feared.. No longer existed You listened, No matter how much I cried You cared, When everyone else was too busy I had to admit You were becoming a good friend Now days we laugh I remember when you were nothing to me But a damn Jar head Dedicated to Craig one of the most loyal friends i've got OO-rah ![]() ![]() ![]() |
W/e means whatever. Ok im off to the barber. Gonna get high and stupid just for you Devil Dog. Semp high and stupid yea baby Semper Fi mack |
rate me 1-10
I HAVE A 13 YR OLD GIRL THAT IS OUT OF CONTROL. SHE HAS BEEN SUSPENDED FROM SCHOOL SEVERAL TIMES THIS YEAR, BEEN LOCKED UP IN JUVY OVERNIGHT, AND CONSTANTLY CUSSES ME AND HER MAMAW OUT. I HAVE TRIED EVERYTHING I KNOW OF TO GET HER TO GET CONTROL OF HER ACTIONS. SHE IS CURRENTLY ON MEDICATION FOR HER ANGER ISSUES AND SHE IS ON PROBATION. WHAT CAN A SINGLE MOTHER OF 3 DO? I HAVE NO CLUE WHAT IS GOING ON IN HER MIND. SHE WONT TALK TO ME AND I AM DEVASTATED ABOUT ALL THIS. I DONT WANT HER BROTHERS TO END UP LIKE THE WAY SHE IS RIGHT NOW. I TELL MY SONS NOT TO ACT LIKE THEIR SISTER BUT HER TWIN BROTHER IS STARTING TO ACT OUT. I CAUGHT HIM SMOKING CIGS YESTERDAY AND I REALLY BLEW A FUSE THEN. CAN ANYONE GIVE ME SOME SUGGESTIONS ON WHAT I SHOULD DO? I WOULD REALLY APPRECIATE IT. These issues are most of the time dealt with therapy sessions. There are many places that they will take you on and subject to your ability to pay wil charge a fee but the agreements are that normally if you miss 2 sessions they will dismiss you. Bear that in mind As for the issues the anger may be about a missing parent who possibly left abruptly never to return or death of a parent which causes the anxiety. It may also be due to ADHT which needs expeert for diagnosys. So 1st step seek counceling and then try to make sure it is not HDT or ADHT im sorry but all that add adhd abde efgh is all horse crap. adhd is a kid raised by a parent who spoils their kid and lets them get away with way to much, beat her ass, ull see what happens People like you make this world a very colourful place to live I guess your colour is dark brown. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() i prefer a dark blue, maybe black... but its true, and i bet the parents of kids who dont act out would agree. its a sad but true fact that kids now adays act as if they themselves are the parents refering to violence as a problem solving technique for a child by a police officer!! makes me ill... ![]() ![]() its something i agree with totally tho. kids should understand they are not the parents andare not in charge. thats my POV. everyone has a diff. one but thats mine I guess thats why you are a police officer and you handle things they way you see it fit as per your training. I have no problem accepting that the society requires individuals like you . There is no doubt. But we don't use a sledge hammer to crack a nut. Unfortunately the system does and you also instead of being part of a solution become part of a problem ![]() my biggest point on the whole matter i guess is this....ill lay it out (not trying to make excuses but idk...) i was raised by the iron fist of my parents, grew up on honorroll, joined the USMC, and am now already a cop and almost finished college. my sister on the other hand was almost 18, was raised getting what she wants when she wants it and she has been arrested 4 times and got pregnant once then last december was found ODed on heroin. so i guess my outlook on it is that if you stop them by changing to the way i grew up, we wont lose another precious child to ways we lost my sister... It is so regrettable that you have endured such trauma. I only can sympathize with you. I also admire you for having come through the ranks and made it to become an absolute essential part of our society. I know I have had a tough childhood but not as drastic as yours so I may not be able to imagine the level of pain. However I know one thing. I don't pass the hurt to others . I don't for one minute suggest that you do, but your writing provides me enough to feel that you may. I strongly urge you that to deal with every day stresses to use the services of a therapist and before you reject the matter out of hand I have no problem to say that I do and I believe I am a better person than I used to be. see tho, i dont agree with violence in any way. im not saying beat the child with a baseball bat or anything, im saying a simple spanking to remind the child who the mother is, i dont go around hitting people for no reason or anything like that.. there is a problem with spanking let me show you I am the child I do something. I fear spanking. If I don't get spanking I have no idea how much it would hurt Are you with me? Then we start spanking. The child experiences that, and thinks "Oh is that what it was?" so he has no fear so you continue. The punishment has lost its effect. Then you take it one notch up then what happens child gets used to higher level of pain. Gradually the level gets so high it becomes abuse. Yet if the treat was left there with the unknown undiscovered it would have had a better chance of success. so i should thank my dad for my great fighting career? ![]() I also thank you for the devils advocate role. it raised a few issues that really are ills of our modern yet primitive society. Wish you success sir. no matter what game we play in life....someones gotta play the fool to bring around the arguments! ![]() ![]() |
Rank E4 ![]() Outstanding Marine! I myself was an E4 MP tho, 18 months in iraq |
I have no respect for the clueless ![]() I appreciate your sentiment however regardless we should lead by example and not loose respect . The power of reason is far greater than negative replies.Police officers whether we like them or not are essential part of the society, if we need to go about our business in relative safety. Only the approach is incorrect, For example UK police does not carry guns as a matter of principle and we don't have dead cops all over the place. I hope I am demonstrating the point. I am sure you will agree ![]() the UK police not carrying guns is actually no longer true. due to the world we live in today and the recent attacks, they now carry. its been maybe 1-2 years since that began Only SWOT teams I am a UK citizen and every 6 months regularly visit your statement is not correct. The police beat in the street is still on Bicycles, and are called the local Bobbies and then have a truncheon which now has a tazer? I believe. The Swot teams are now armed of course. Totally misinformed you are Sir same diff. isnt it? the SWOT team are still ARMED POLICE tho right? maybe i am misinformed....but ok w/e |
I HAVE A 13 YR OLD GIRL THAT IS OUT OF CONTROL. SHE HAS BEEN SUSPENDED FROM SCHOOL SEVERAL TIMES THIS YEAR, BEEN LOCKED UP IN JUVY OVERNIGHT, AND CONSTANTLY CUSSES ME AND HER MAMAW OUT. I HAVE TRIED EVERYTHING I KNOW OF TO GET HER TO GET CONTROL OF HER ACTIONS. SHE IS CURRENTLY ON MEDICATION FOR HER ANGER ISSUES AND SHE IS ON PROBATION. WHAT CAN A SINGLE MOTHER OF 3 DO? I HAVE NO CLUE WHAT IS GOING ON IN HER MIND. SHE WONT TALK TO ME AND I AM DEVASTATED ABOUT ALL THIS. I DONT WANT HER BROTHERS TO END UP LIKE THE WAY SHE IS RIGHT NOW. I TELL MY SONS NOT TO ACT LIKE THEIR SISTER BUT HER TWIN BROTHER IS STARTING TO ACT OUT. I CAUGHT HIM SMOKING CIGS YESTERDAY AND I REALLY BLEW A FUSE THEN. CAN ANYONE GIVE ME SOME SUGGESTIONS ON WHAT I SHOULD DO? I WOULD REALLY APPRECIATE IT. These issues are most of the time dealt with therapy sessions. There are many places that they will take you on and subject to your ability to pay wil charge a fee but the agreements are that normally if you miss 2 sessions they will dismiss you. Bear that in mind As for the issues the anger may be about a missing parent who possibly left abruptly never to return or death of a parent which causes the anxiety. It may also be due to ADHT which needs expeert for diagnosys. So 1st step seek counceling and then try to make sure it is not HDT or ADHT im sorry but all that add adhd abde efgh is all horse crap. adhd is a kid raised by a parent who spoils their kid and lets them get away with way to much, beat her ass, ull see what happens People like you make this world a very colourful place to live I guess your colour is dark brown. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() i prefer a dark blue, maybe black... but its true, and i bet the parents of kids who dont act out would agree. its a sad but true fact that kids now adays act as if they themselves are the parents refering to violence as a problem solving technique for a child by a police officer!! makes me ill... ![]() ![]() its something i agree with totally tho. kids should understand they are not the parents andare not in charge. thats my POV. everyone has a diff. one but thats mine I guess thats why you are a police officer and you handle things they way you see it fit as per your training. I have no problem accepting that the society requires individuals like you . There is no doubt. But we don't use a sledge hammer to crack a nut. Unfortunately the system does and you also instead of being part of a solution become part of a problem ![]() my biggest point on the whole matter i guess is this....ill lay it out (not trying to make excuses but idk...) i was raised by the iron fist of my parents, grew up on honorroll, joined the USMC, and am now already a cop and almost finished college. my sister on the other hand was almost 18, was raised getting what she wants when she wants it and she has been arrested 4 times and got pregnant once then last december was found ODed on heroin. so i guess my outlook on it is that if you stop them by changing to the way i grew up, we wont lose another precious child to ways we lost my sister... It is so regrettable that you have endured such trauma. I only can sympathize with you. I also admire you for having come through the ranks and made it to become an absolute essential part of our society. I know I have had a tough childhood but not as drastic as yours so I may not be able to imagine the level of pain. However I know one thing. I don't pass the hurt to others . I don't for one minute suggest that you do, but your writing provides me enough to feel that you may. I strongly urge you that to deal with every day stresses to use the services of a therapist and before you reject the matter out of hand I have no problem to say that I do and I believe I am a better person than I used to be. see tho, i dont agree with violence in any way. im not saying beat the child with a baseball bat or anything, im saying a simple spanking to remind the child who the mother is, i dont go around hitting people for no reason or anything like that.. there is a problem with spanking let me show you I am the child I do something. I fear spanking. If I don't get spanking I have no idea how much it would hurt Are you with me? Then we start spanking. The child experiences that, and thinks "Oh is that what it was?" so he has no fear so you continue. The punishment has lost its effect. Then you take it one notch up then what happens child gets used to higher level of pain. Gradually the level gets so high it becomes abuse. Yet if the treat was left there with the unknown undiscovered it would have had a better chance of success. so i should thank my dad for my great fighting career? ![]() |
I have no respect for the clueless ![]() I appreciate your sentiment however regardless we should lead by example and not loose respect . The power of reason is far greater than negative replies.Police officers whether we like them or not are essential part of the society, if we need to go about our business in relative safety. Only the approach is incorrect, For example UK police does not carry guns as a matter of principle and we don't have dead cops all over the place. I hope I am demonstrating the point. I am sure you will agree ![]() the UK police not carrying guns is actually no longer true. due to the world we live in today and the recent attacks, they now carry. its been maybe 1-2 years since that began |
it may have come off very abrasive the way i put it but i dont agree with child abuse or anything of the such. but a good smack on the bottom to help remind the child is all i am saying. and after that i was just stating that i dont agree with using add or adhd as an excuse for a childs behavior
I HAVE A 13 YR OLD GIRL THAT IS OUT OF CONTROL. SHE HAS BEEN SUSPENDED FROM SCHOOL SEVERAL TIMES THIS YEAR, BEEN LOCKED UP IN JUVY OVERNIGHT, AND CONSTANTLY CUSSES ME AND HER MAMAW OUT. I HAVE TRIED EVERYTHING I KNOW OF TO GET HER TO GET CONTROL OF HER ACTIONS. SHE IS CURRENTLY ON MEDICATION FOR HER ANGER ISSUES AND SHE IS ON PROBATION. WHAT CAN A SINGLE MOTHER OF 3 DO? I HAVE NO CLUE WHAT IS GOING ON IN HER MIND. SHE WONT TALK TO ME AND I AM DEVASTATED ABOUT ALL THIS. I DONT WANT HER BROTHERS TO END UP LIKE THE WAY SHE IS RIGHT NOW. I TELL MY SONS NOT TO ACT LIKE THEIR SISTER BUT HER TWIN BROTHER IS STARTING TO ACT OUT. I CAUGHT HIM SMOKING CIGS YESTERDAY AND I REALLY BLEW A FUSE THEN. CAN ANYONE GIVE ME SOME SUGGESTIONS ON WHAT I SHOULD DO? I WOULD REALLY APPRECIATE IT. These issues are most of the time dealt with therapy sessions. There are many places that they will take you on and subject to your ability to pay wil charge a fee but the agreements are that normally if you miss 2 sessions they will dismiss you. Bear that in mind As for the issues the anger may be about a missing parent who possibly left abruptly never to return or death of a parent which causes the anxiety. It may also be due to ADHT which needs expeert for diagnosys. So 1st step seek counceling and then try to make sure it is not HDT or ADHT im sorry but all that add adhd abde efgh is all horse crap. adhd is a kid raised by a parent who spoils their kid and lets them get away with way to much, beat her ass, ull see what happens People like you make this world a very colourful place to live I guess your colour is dark brown. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() i prefer a dark blue, maybe black... but its true, and i bet the parents of kids who dont act out would agree. its a sad but true fact that kids now adays act as if they themselves are the parents refering to violence as a problem solving technique for a child by a police officer!! makes me ill... ![]() ![]() its something i agree with totally tho. kids should understand they are not the parents andare not in charge. thats my POV. everyone has a diff. one but thats mine I guess thats why you are a police officer and you handle things they way you see it fit as per your training. I have no problem accepting that the society requires individuals like you . There is no doubt. But we don't use a sledge hammer to crack a nut. Unfortunately the system does and you also instead of being part of a solution become part of a problem ![]() my biggest point on the whole matter i guess is this....ill lay it out (not trying to make excuses but idk...) i was raised by the iron fist of my parents, grew up on honorroll, joined the USMC, and am now already a cop and almost finished college. my sister on the other hand was almost 18, was raised getting what she wants when she wants it and she has been arrested 4 times and got pregnant once then last december was found ODed on heroin. so i guess my outlook on it is that if you stop them by changing to the way i grew up, we wont lose another precious child to ways we lost my sister... It is so regrettable that you have endured such trauma. I only can sympathize with you. I also admire you for having come through the ranks and made it to become an absolute essential part of our society. I know I have had a tough childhood but not as drastic as yours so I may not be able to imagine the level of pain. However I know one thing. I don't pass the hurt to others . I don't for one minute suggest that you do, but your writing provides me enough to feel that you may. I strongly urge you that to deal with every day stresses to use the services of a therapist and before you reject the matter out of hand I have no problem to say that I do and I believe I am a better person than I used to be. see tho, i dont agree with violence in any way. im not saying beat the child with a baseball bat or anything, im saying a simple spanking to remind the child who the mother is, i dont go around hitting people for no reason or anything like that.. |
I have no respect for the clueless ![]() what year mos and rank? |
someone had ta say it. **** political correctness ![]() Former Marine acting like that? theres alot of respect there... |
I HAVE A 13 YR OLD GIRL THAT IS OUT OF CONTROL. SHE HAS BEEN SUSPENDED FROM SCHOOL SEVERAL TIMES THIS YEAR, BEEN LOCKED UP IN JUVY OVERNIGHT, AND CONSTANTLY CUSSES ME AND HER MAMAW OUT. I HAVE TRIED EVERYTHING I KNOW OF TO GET HER TO GET CONTROL OF HER ACTIONS. SHE IS CURRENTLY ON MEDICATION FOR HER ANGER ISSUES AND SHE IS ON PROBATION. WHAT CAN A SINGLE MOTHER OF 3 DO? I HAVE NO CLUE WHAT IS GOING ON IN HER MIND. SHE WONT TALK TO ME AND I AM DEVASTATED ABOUT ALL THIS. I DONT WANT HER BROTHERS TO END UP LIKE THE WAY SHE IS RIGHT NOW. I TELL MY SONS NOT TO ACT LIKE THEIR SISTER BUT HER TWIN BROTHER IS STARTING TO ACT OUT. I CAUGHT HIM SMOKING CIGS YESTERDAY AND I REALLY BLEW A FUSE THEN. CAN ANYONE GIVE ME SOME SUGGESTIONS ON WHAT I SHOULD DO? I WOULD REALLY APPRECIATE IT. These issues are most of the time dealt with therapy sessions. There are many places that they will take you on and subject to your ability to pay wil charge a fee but the agreements are that normally if you miss 2 sessions they will dismiss you. Bear that in mind As for the issues the anger may be about a missing parent who possibly left abruptly never to return or death of a parent which causes the anxiety. It may also be due to ADHT which needs expeert for diagnosys. So 1st step seek counceling and then try to make sure it is not HDT or ADHT im sorry but all that add adhd abde efgh is all horse crap. adhd is a kid raised by a parent who spoils their kid and lets them get away with way to much, beat her ass, ull see what happens People like you make this world a very colourful place to live I guess your colour is dark brown. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() i prefer a dark blue, maybe black... but its true, and i bet the parents of kids who dont act out would agree. its a sad but true fact that kids now adays act as if they themselves are the parents refering to violence as a problem solving technique for a child by a police officer!! makes me ill... ![]() ![]() its something i agree with totally tho. kids should understand they are not the parents andare not in charge. thats my POV. everyone has a diff. one but thats mine I guess thats why you are a police officer and you handle things they way you see it fit as per your training. I have no problem accepting that the society requires individuals like you . There is no doubt. But we don't use a sledge hammer to crack a nut. Unfortunately the system does and you also instead of being part of a solution become part of a problem ![]() my biggest point on the whole matter i guess is this....ill lay it out (not trying to make excuses but idk...) i was raised by the iron fist of my parents, grew up on honorroll, joined the USMC, and am now already a cop and almost finished college. my sister on the other hand was almost 18, was raised getting what she wants when she wants it and she has been arrested 4 times and got pregnant once then last december was found ODed on heroin. so i guess my outlook on it is that if you stop them by changing to the way i grew up, we wont lose another precious child to ways we lost my sister... |
I HAVE A 13 YR OLD GIRL THAT IS OUT OF CONTROL. SHE HAS BEEN SUSPENDED FROM SCHOOL SEVERAL TIMES THIS YEAR, BEEN LOCKED UP IN JUVY OVERNIGHT, AND CONSTANTLY CUSSES ME AND HER MAMAW OUT. I HAVE TRIED EVERYTHING I KNOW OF TO GET HER TO GET CONTROL OF HER ACTIONS. SHE IS CURRENTLY ON MEDICATION FOR HER ANGER ISSUES AND SHE IS ON PROBATION. WHAT CAN A SINGLE MOTHER OF 3 DO? I HAVE NO CLUE WHAT IS GOING ON IN HER MIND. SHE WONT TALK TO ME AND I AM DEVASTATED ABOUT ALL THIS. I DONT WANT HER BROTHERS TO END UP LIKE THE WAY SHE IS RIGHT NOW. I TELL MY SONS NOT TO ACT LIKE THEIR SISTER BUT HER TWIN BROTHER IS STARTING TO ACT OUT. I CAUGHT HIM SMOKING CIGS YESTERDAY AND I REALLY BLEW A FUSE THEN. CAN ANYONE GIVE ME SOME SUGGESTIONS ON WHAT I SHOULD DO? I WOULD REALLY APPRECIATE IT. These issues are most of the time dealt with therapy sessions. There are many places that they will take you on and subject to your ability to pay wil charge a fee but the agreements are that normally if you miss 2 sessions they will dismiss you. Bear that in mind As for the issues the anger may be about a missing parent who possibly left abruptly never to return or death of a parent which causes the anxiety. It may also be due to ADHT which needs expeert for diagnosys. So 1st step seek counceling and then try to make sure it is not HDT or ADHT im sorry but all that add adhd abde efgh is all horse crap. adhd is a kid raised by a parent who spoils their kid and lets them get away with way to much, beat her ass, ull see what happens People like you make this world a very colourful place to live I guess your colour is dark brown. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() i prefer a dark blue, maybe black... but its true, and i bet the parents of kids who dont act out would agree. its a sad but true fact that kids now adays act as if they themselves are the parents refering to violence as a problem solving technique for a child by a police officer!! makes me ill... ![]() ![]() its something i agree with totally tho. kids should understand they are not the parents andare not in charge. thats my POV. everyone has a diff. one but thats mine |