Community > Posts By > feistybaby

feistybaby's photo
Fri 04/10/09 04:27 PM
ok I am applying. I lie down when I sleep. I cheat at monopoly. I will spend all your money (on groceries, mortgage, gas) You know all those meaningless things. Sex only when I am not busy doing all the other things which will be never, you handed out a long list so it will be your own fault if sex doesn't fit in the schedule. And I teach *****y at the local community college so I think I have that one covered as well. laugh

feistybaby's photo
Fri 04/10/09 09:26 AM

We did have a really good time playing in the threads, especially in the person above threads. It was a great way just to share some laughs and blow off steam, flirt a little light heartedly and just have fun.

But for all my joking and cutting up serious is who I am.....So sue me laugh serious with me....I can take a punch in the arm and a beer poured in my lap as long as your ready for a food fight...hehehehe

Pffffft~ *pushes Cuppy in the jello pool* Food fights are so impersonal....let's get Durty~

Hey now....It takes 47 large boxes of jello to fill an average tub...How do you suppose we work this one out...I suggest we not use cherry. It stains....lmao

I vote that Pats has to fill the pool and we get lime jello it matches my eyes and you know how I love to be coordinated~ rofl

feistybaby's photo
Fri 04/10/09 09:20 AM

We did have a really good time playing in the threads, especially in the person above threads. It was a great way just to share some laughs and blow off steam, flirt a little light heartedly and just have fun.

But for all my joking and cutting up serious is who I am.....So sue me laugh serious with me....I can take a punch in the arm and a beer poured in my lap as long as your ready for a food fight...hehehehe

Pffffft~ *pushes Cuppy in the jello pool* Food fights are so impersonal....let's get Durty~

feistybaby's photo
Fri 04/10/09 09:15 AM
We did have a really good time playing in the threads, especially in the person above threads. It was a great way just to share some laughs and blow off steam, flirt a little light heartedly and just have fun.

But for all my joking and cutting up serious is who I am.....So sue me laugh

feistybaby's photo
Fri 04/10/09 09:04 AM
The word player comes to mind. Dishonest would be another one. Dispicable works as well. Attention hound. This list could get long so I will say in short.....

Not worth anyone's time and effort~

feistybaby's photo
Fri 04/10/09 09:01 AM

When I dream I...

dream that you know I watch you from afar
and that some day you will notice me

dream that you long to know me as I do you
my wants, my needs, my desires

dream of our eyes meeting across the distance
fired with desire

dream of our first kiss
your lips brushing gently against mine

dream of your arms holding me tight
from sunset through til mornings light

dream of waking to your love
and to making love as the sun washes over our bodies

dream of being this way with you
for the rest of our lives~



feistybaby's photo
Fri 04/10/09 08:52 AM
Sheth she~n zho~n in Apache~

feistybaby's photo
Fri 04/10/09 08:46 AM
When I dream I...

dream that you know I watch you from afar
and that some day you will notice me

dream that you long to know me as I do you
my wants, my needs, my desires

dream of our eyes meeting across the distance
fired with desire

dream of our first kiss
your lips brushing gently against mine

dream of your arms holding me tight
from sunset through til mornings light

dream of waking to your love
and to making love as the sun washes over our bodies

dream of being this way with you
for the rest of our lives~

feistybaby's photo
Fri 04/10/09 08:10 AM
Be not faint of heart. For while the meek shall inheirit the earth the bold shall rule it. Dare to dream, and dance, and love for every tear that you cry will be outnumbered by joy. Be not afraid of pain, for every pain is a lesson learned and wisdom is never wasted. Share the gift of love and laughter for it will be returned to you ten fold, although not always in the way you would wish for. LIVE LIFE DON'T JUST GO ALONG FOR THE RIDE~:heart:

feistybaby's photo
Fri 04/10/09 07:59 AM
Gooooooooooood Morning everyone!!!! Coffee is made, it's a beautiful day and I am thinking I am off to the pool in a bit to enjoy all this sunshine and work on my tan.

feistybaby's photo
Fri 04/10/09 07:50 AM
Define your definition of a good woman. There are lots of good women out there looking for good men. I am one of them. The problem lies in finding the one that matches your idea of good.

Best of luck with your search and welcome to mingle2~ flowerforyou

feistybaby's photo
Thu 04/09/09 11:02 AM
A lion...He thought he was courageous enough to get away with being with me.....

and with her.....

and with her......

and with......:laughing:

feistybaby's photo
Thu 04/09/09 10:50 AM

I sport a tee shirt that says if it is too loud you are too old.....This pretty much says it for the way I feel. The day that I stop doing the things that make me happy is the day I start to be too old....and guess what that day will never get here~ laugh

Right on! A fellow juvenile delinquent! Hope you are doing good honey!

Krupa hugs n snuggles.....Long time no see my fellow are you doll? flowers

feistybaby's photo
Thu 04/09/09 10:41 AM
I sport a tee shirt that says if it is too loud you are too old.....This pretty much says it for the way I feel. The day that I stop doing the things that make me happy is the day I start to be too old....and guess what that day will never get here~ laugh

feistybaby's photo
Thu 04/09/09 10:17 AM
I am the great debater I will ask for the why's.....why do you feel that way...why do you think that......then a what or two....what can I change to make it better or can I explain to you why I feel/view it this way....

feistybaby's photo
Thu 04/09/09 09:46 AM
When I say leave me alone and let me be that I am too upset to talk is a great time otherwise I am gonna blow a gasket and you are gonna get what you are asking for.....a fight~

feistybaby's photo
Wed 04/08/09 09:26 AM

Thanks Fiesty and Cntry

Anytime ~ flowers

feistybaby's photo
Wed 04/08/09 08:49 AM
While I agree the lack of respect is annoying, and Scott (kojack) Bless him does a great job at diffusing situations as do some of the other mods. I think we should all keep in mind that not everyone is going to get along and like each other. If you are a frequent forum poster you are bound to pick up both friends and detractors. I personally have someone that if they are on and I post will make a point of coming behind me and posting something derogatory no matter what I say. So my advise is to take it all with a grain of salt. Some people live to try and get reactions out of people, it is their goal in life. If you let them get to you, you are just feeding their need for attention. I know it is hard to ignore comments that strike you as rude or hurtful, I have fallen into this trap myself although I did it privately and not in a forum. And while some people have the ability to make you chew your tongue bloody holding it, it is still better than egging them on by acknowledging them~ Live and let Live....the ones being hurtful end up hurting no one but themselves. flowerforyou

feistybaby's photo
Wed 04/08/09 08:26 AM
I have to disagree here with most of what I see. If you are in a committed relationship with someone, especially someone with children, there is very little way to avoid drama at times. No matter how your s/o handles it if you are a part of their lives then the drama and how it affects the children concerns you as well, or it should. I agree that it should be handled as quickly as possible and should be addressed by your s/o but I think it is virtually impossible to stay entirely clear of it.

feistybaby's photo
Sun 04/05/09 01:15 PM
Afternoon everyone~ flowerforyou

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