Report fake profile
Thank you Kristi Ma’am. I did reached out and sent email in contact us.. where a ticket was created in minglenet. The ticket was closed without any action and further tickets were just closed without any answer / action.. so I had to post here ..
Photo verification
Thank you. I tried this before and even created few tickets in minglenet. They are just closed without any action..
Photo verification
Yes sir. Did not received anything in spam folder. But even in mingle app, when I select photo verification , it still says photo is being reviewed..
Photo verification
Thanks for response. I tried again and it says photo under verification and a notification will be sent once approved..but it’s been quite sometime and still not verified yet
Report fake profile
Thanks. I found it. How long does a photo verification take? What should we do if it takes more than a month ?
Report fake profile
That person hasn’t reached out to me yet. But I saw multiple profiles with his pics. I couldn’t find way to report
Report fake profile
Hello. There are few ppl here who have multiple profiles and are basically pic collectors. How do I report ppl with multiple profiles ?
Photo verification
I had another account with mingle earlier. The photo verification process did not complete even after a month and I couldn’t chat or do anything apart from just waiting .. I had to finally create another account since the photo verification doesn’t complete !!. Even if I create support tickets, they were just closed..can someone help / suggest ?