Community > Posts By > Gryphyn

Gryphyn's photo
Mon 06/18/07 09:53 PM

As I see the BS flow,
I wish to let my friends know.
When I find a friend in life,
I stand behind them in their strife.

I do not claim to know these friends,
My shoulders strong that I will lend.
I see the things that I must do,
I stand beside a friend is true.

Truly now and truer then,
I give my word until the end.
If you want to stand by me,
Then my friends are truly free.

Free to watch and free to find,
Free to hear a soul in kind.
Free to see that I am near,
Free to hold my hand so dear.
Free to write as I do,
Free to write these things for you.
Free to say to those who see,
Free to hear a friend in me.

If you wish to see yourself,
If you put them on the shelf.
If you hold them in your soul,
Love will guide you to the goal.

Goalies of forgotten times,
Remember goals that end in rhymes.
Rhyme the words to show a soul,
Honesty now will be a goal.

Goals I had to find my wife,
Now today she’ll be my life.
Living in forgotten dreams,
Panting heavy hearing screams.

Scream today my friend will do,
Green with envy can be true.
Truer than these forgotten dreams,
Dreams of envy turn to screams.

Scream no more and think of when,
Love together to the end.
Put these troubles strife’s and times,
Think of love and life sublime.
Think of how some things can be,
Green with envy like the tree.

Trim the tree as if in life,
Soon together without strife.
Try to think of life to be,
Like this tree of life you see.

See the things that make it strong,
Stronger now as it is long.
Long ago forgotten screams,
Trim the tree of life and dreams.

Gryphyn's photo
Mon 06/18/07 09:15 PM
flowerforyou flowerforyou bigsmile


Gryphyn's photo
Mon 06/18/07 09:08 PM
Hi Mo, its been a while. Your right it was a beautiful day I spent 5
days driving to be with my best friend, and it was fantastic. Now the
only thing we need to do is find someone for you.

flowerforyou flowerforyou


Gryphyn's photo
Thu 06/14/07 08:46 AM
Hi Mom, I found some silverware laying around. Would you toss it or wash


laugh laugh laugh


Gryphyn's photo
Thu 06/14/07 08:09 AM
Yup I found the dish I was going to loose

Gryphyn's photo
Thu 06/14/07 08:00 AM

Quietly I sit here consuming my last meal in this Big ole Place. Most of
the packing done I wonder what is in store for me. I chose a bowl of
raisin bran for it. I feel good when eating this, it helps when I look
and see the clusters of bran, and granola mixed with all the raisins. It
is very sweet this morning even though I don’t use sugar. Is this what I
can expect from my journey east? A sweet journey? With smooth turns and
little restriction to its journeys end?

I believe this cereal is like life, it has a little of everything in it.
The bran crunches just like life, with every bite I take, as the milk
soaks in the bran becomes softer to chew. Like life, as experiences soak
in we find things become easier to accept. The granola takes its time to
soften, it is harder to chew on than the bran, are these the things we
don’t want to change? But know we should. The slivers of nuts and
almonds that get caught in between my teeth remind me of the little
things I once thought I had control of, those pesky little things that
seem to never get done till the last minute, ever forgetting they are
there to do. Picking the slivers out of my teeth I remember that I have
to have my mail forwarded to my new home.

AAAAhhhhh the raisins, kind of chewy, and sweet to the palette, soft and
moist, always finding one at the bottom of my bowl. The sweet
satisfaction that everything you have dreamed of, everything you have
planned for this move is done, packing nearly completed. Searching the
house looking for that last dish that needs washing is like looking for
that last raisin hiding in the milk. Knowing it is there somewhere just
waiting to get caught in your throat as you gulp down the last of the
milk. Checking all the cupboards, closets, back yard, for that one thing
that you hope you don’t lose during yet another move.

Sitting here I think about all the times I have moved in these last few
years. I wonder how many different raisin bran cereals I have eaten over
the years. Some are sweeter than others, and some are crunchier than
others. Will this be the last bowl of cereal I will eat alone in my
thoughts? Will this be the last time I move on by myself, to a wondrous
new land of cereals?

Time will tell if I will be the cereal and the love will be the milk. I
am crunchy in the ways I do things, and after a while you will notice
there is a way to soften how I do it. Soon you will understand how much
milk to add to get just the right softness, yet still have the crunch
you have always desired. Stir up this bowl from time to time to find
that raisin you know is hiding and drink of the love that the gulps will
bring you.

I enjoy the fact that soon I will be home with the one who will eat a
bowl of Raisin Bran with me to the last drop.

This is My Last Meal

Gryphyn's photo
Wed 06/13/07 08:24 AM
Once again a post is sidetracked, by those who wish to debate who is
doing what. Posts are for debating/arguing about the post TOPIC not
which child can scream loudest. These are rules posted at the top of
each section. Please stay on topic in the future and stop HIJACKING

Gryphyn's photo
Wed 06/13/07 08:15 AM
I am always here, I just hang out in the corners more. Today is moving
day and tomorrow is the day I continue the path before me. 2400 miles of
driving will take some time but I know its worth it.

:wink: flowerforyou :heart: bigsmile


Gryphyn's photo
Wed 06/13/07 04:40 AM
Sad but true,flowerforyou sad


Gryphyn's photo
Wed 06/13/07 04:27 AM
Communion? To commune with god or nature? Sacrament to partake of a
sacred ritual often referred to as communion. yes you are correct most
Christians do take communion to renew a covenant in the memory of
Christ, however it is only a ritual for renewal of this covenant with
him. The frequency of this ritual does depend on the person involved.

Saints? Nope sorry I don't believe in saints as you put it, thus I could
not be a saint in the literal term. If you mean a saint as in one who
accepts certain teachings and allows God and his son Christ into my
life, then yes I am a saint, but these are not necessary to be a saint
in my book. In my book A saint is one who has spirituality and follows
his heart. If you use that definition then yes we all have the ability
to be saints.

Member of a church? HHhhhmmm this would be tough to answer, yes and no.
From time to time I wander into a church and as a result I could be
considered a member. In this aspect you would be correct, however since
I lean to a more strict belief system than most it would be hard to say
which religion I would align myself with. Most religions preach
damnation and I don't think anyone will be damned in the end, they will
simply be judged for who they are inside and not necesarily what they
have done on this plane of existance.

Same beliefs? That depends on How you interpret the beliefs they have.
Basic belief of christians is that Christ is a man of God, beyond that
christian beliefs vary. Some say he is the son of god, some say he is
God's incarnate upon this earth, some say he is a part of God. I am sure
there are other ideas also.

Many Christian churches are run like a business, they have secretaries,
leaders, doorman, and many other positions that a business does. This
does not however make it a business, to spread the beliefs they, they
have need money. To build the churches to hold meetings they need money.
Is this wrong? To ask a member of any church for money, or any other way
of gathering money to do these things is necessary Evil in order to
carry out the work they do.

Competition? Not in a literal sense, however most if not all organized
religions want you to follow their beliefs and in so doing you could say
they do compete for your soul.

Conversion? HHhhmmm if telling you how I feel about Anything I believe
in is conversion then yes, so by the same statement anytime you tell me
your opinion on anything you are trying to convert me. Are you calling
yourself a Hypocrite?

I pray for guidance, inspiration, protection, etc etc etc, however as it
is written in the Bible I pray to no Man or Idol. I do pray in the name
of Jesus Christ. There is a very big difference.

:wink: bigsmile


Gryphyn's photo
Wed 06/13/07 04:27 AM
Communion? To commune with god or nature? Sacrament to partake of a
sacred ritual often referred to as communion. yes you are correct most
Christians do take communion to renew a covenant in the memory of
Christ, however it is only a ritual for renewal of this covenant with
him. The frequency of this ritual does depend on the person involved.

Saints? Nope sorry I don't believe in saints as you put it, thus I could
not be a saint in the literal term. If you mean a saint as in one who
accepts certain teachings and allows God and his son Christ into my
life, then yes I am a saint, but these are not necessary to be a saint
in my book. In my book A saint is one who has spirituality and follows
his heart. If you use that definition then yes we all have the ability
to be saints.

Member of a church? HHhhhmmm this would be tough to answer, yes and no.
From time to time I wander into a church and as a result I could be
considered a member. In this aspect you would be correct, however since
I lean to a more strict belief system than most it would be hard to say
which religion I would align myself with. Most religions preach
damnation and I don't think anyone will be damned in the end, they will
simply be judged for who they are inside and not necesarily what they
have done on this plane of existance.

Same beliefs? That depends on How you interpret the beliefs they have.
Basic belief of christians is that Christ is a man of God, beyond that
christian beliefs vary. Some say he is the son of god, some say he is
God's incarnate upon this earth, some say he is a part of God. I am sure
there are other ideas also.

Many Christian churches are run like a business, they have secretaries,
leaders, doorman, and many other positions that a business does. This
does not however make it a business, to spread the beliefs they, they
have need money. To build the churches to hold meetings they need money.
Is this wrong? To ask a member of any church for money, or any other way
of gathering money to do these things is necessary Evil in order to
carry out the work they do.

Competition? Not in a literal sense, however most if not all organized
religions want you to follow their beliefs and in so doing you could say
they do compete for your soul.

Conversion? HHhhmmm if telling you how I feel about Anything I believe
in is conversion then yes, so by the same statement anytime you tell me
your opinion on anything you are trying to convert me. Are you calling
yourself a Hypocrite?

I pray for guidance, inspiration, protection, etc etc etc, however as it
is written in the Bible I pray to no Man or Idol. I do pray in the name
of Jesus Christ. There is a very big difference.

:wink: bigsmile


Gryphyn's photo
Wed 06/13/07 03:49 AM
The walls we create can be climbed with the proper rope, I am sure you
will find the rope you desire.

flowerforyou :heart:


Still amazed at your gift of words.bigsmile

Gryphyn's photo
Tue 06/12/07 11:06 PM
It seems we are still playing tag. I guess I'm it. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,
...............ready or not here I come.



Gryphyn's photo
Tue 06/12/07 11:02 PM

Gryphyn's photo
Tue 06/12/07 10:46 PM

I am reminded of the scents of life as I see a candle burning. Reminded
of the life I left behind the wax slowly dissipates to nothingness. As I
pack for the journey ahead of me I wonder if the air I breathe is the
same as the candle. Am I able to watch the candle breathe life? Its
flame flickers as it warms the wax around it. The pool is hot to the
touch, is this what I will find at the end of my journey? Is the flame I
have searched for these past decades at the end of this tunnel?

I see how the wax drips over the sides and curls around the edges, is
this what I can expect when I see this flame that guides me from my
darkness? A warm pool of love lit by my passions fire has been my guide
from the beginning of time itself. I see this love that seems to mold
together with mine as we heat together in anticipation.

This candle has burned for many a day, yet only now am I able to see it
flicker. It flickers stronger as I grow closer to its flame, I feel the
heat as I breathe in its direction, and its fire warms my lips. Deeper
this candle burns into itself; it calls to me as I watch its pool of wax
grow bigger. It is hot with the knowledge that I will never walk away
from a dream decades old, decades of searching the fires of my life,
seeking the candle that will never burn me as I walk into its pool. I am
covered in this pool of love; it is consuming the air I breathe and the
fires within. I am becoming one with the candle that long ago was only a

Today it is the fires within that calls to the candle. I smell it, I
taste its scent on the air, I see it calling to me. With every breath I
take it becomes stronger, its flame is higher, its molding edges are
reaching out to me as the arms of a lover, wanting to hold me, never
letting me go. Willingly, consenting, traveling my path is to become
one, one with my love, my Candle of Life.

Gryphyn's photo
Tue 06/12/07 11:17 AM
Spiritual enlightenment is what I have come to call some of what has
been posted here. Like many others I have a few of these Gifts/curses. I
call them that for one simple reason, they are very hard to interpret
properly and when I was younger they Scared the living hell out of me.
Like many others I tried to turn them off and for the most part it
worked, however it took lots of drinking and using to make them seem
unreal to me. The drinking let me think they were not real, and the
drugs let me not care.

I lived like that for 15 yrs or so until I knew I was destined to life
of hopelessness. Today they no longer scare me, I try to see what those
dreams/visions have in store for me and those around me. Most if not all
that I write flows through me like water from a fountain and what I
write about is what I have seen.

So today I consider it a gift, if you ever think you know someone you
you probably do. Whether it be on the internet or at the store, the
pictures I see in life have far more depth than most people are aware

A few of my friends have seen me when I see something familiar or a
dangerous situation, and how I deal with it. They are fully aware of who
I am and why I do the things I do. They are true friends and are not
afraid of the dark, they are open to what can be done with the human
mind if it is applied properly.

It is as a result of embracing these abilities that I do not follow any
particular faith, however I have spent much time trying to find a
particular Faith/religion that embraces both Christ and these abilities
without calling me strange/posessed.

:wink: flowerforyou bigsmile


Nice topic

Gryphyn's photo
Mon 06/11/07 08:56 PM
HM got in the way, but he would be a great poster child for the Grateful

Gryphyn's photo
Mon 06/11/07 08:55 PM
Fill it to the brim, or shaken not stirred

Gryphyn's photo
Mon 06/11/07 05:08 PM
It seems once again the cannonball of Cupid has struck again. So now my
Big furry friend is who he is supposed to be, HAPPY....... Jenn Thank
you for being who you are.

:heart: flowerforyou bigsmile


Gryphyn's photo
Mon 06/11/07 01:00 PM

How about when Poet made the new doorway? or When we all helped build
the door? I have written many a poem here it is soooooo nice to relax
and unwind here.

flowerforyou flowerforyou