Community > Posts By > Whiteknight311

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Wed 12/04/13 07:00 PM
I posted it (Lightning lottery being a term I often use to comedically describe an unbelievably low chance of something) Then thought, I wonder if it's ever hapenned. I just googled it and came up with that, which was something someone posted that they saw on the news. So, I mean, the information is as reliable as internet heresay, but funny none the less.

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Wed 12/04/13 06:57 PM
In this context, it's more of being a gentleman and such than the whole feudal age thing. I merely picked it because I heard the quote a few times, 'Chivalry is dead' and after taking a look around on that note, started thinking... hey, they might be right.

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Wed 12/04/13 02:25 PM
On- When a girl looks into my eyes and smiles.

Off- Smoking, drugs, and agree with TawtStrat, Cheaters never prosper

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Wed 12/04/13 02:23 PM
Found this minutes after posting...

BLANCHARD, Mich. — No one quite understands the term "striking it lucky" better than 16-year-old BreAnna Helsel. The Michigan teen survived being struck by lightning and went on to win $20 in the lottery the next day.

Still... don't... believe

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Wed 12/04/13 02:20 PM
I've experienced what I believe people mistake for love at first sight. She was a pretty, upbeat girl who approached me and my friends and started talking to us about geeky stuff. We talked for a length of time, then she moved away and didn't have any time to even text. (or at least, not to me)

In short, no, I do not believe in love at first sight, at least not mutually. You've got a better chance of winning the lightning lottery. (Win lottery, struck by lightning, same day)

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Wed 12/04/13 02:16 PM
I appreciate everyone's replies. I must agree with Chris that it is on its deathbed if not totally dead, as there are girls out there who are aware of things guys do for them, but this is rare, and I really only see it with older couples, my parents, and grandparents. When my ex told me that she nearly got straight up molested on a first date, then later revealed how 'exciting' that was for her, (This being the same girl who got bored with me and becomes self consious because I don't look at her like an object) I had to ask this question, because she's not the only girl who's like this.

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Wed 12/04/13 09:41 AM
I found a post with this title on another dating site, and while the postings restored some hope, I realised that everyone posting was 50+ in age. So I want to know this generation's (Prolly 18-25 age) view on the subject. Is Chivalry Dead? Do good guys really finish last?