Community > Posts By > renomanlive
What is Love?
I think we all have the capacity to love again but each time we get more and more cautious. Let me share this one with you that I wrote shortly after my divorce. I call it My Solitude.
MY SOLITUDE Here in my solitude I prepare to venture forth, donning yet another piece of jaded armor so that I may do battle in the arena of relationships as my need for love overcomes the fear of heartbreak that I feel will surely follow. I long for that which touches my heart, my soul but fear it just the same. I asked myself is this sanity or insanity? And why do I defend against that which I seek? Am I to become what I despise in others and how long can I continue this battle before it takes it’s ultimate toll on myself? As in any type of insanity there are moments of clarity and vision and in one of those moments I came to the realization that only when I can learn to set aside sword, shield and armor and venture forth my heart naked and baring my soul to the world can I truly realize my true potential. Fearful and cautiously I leave that which I know to be safe and step forth into the light of day not to do battle this time but once again to embrace what life has to offer in the knowledge that the pain of isolation can be far greater than the pain of loss. |
If I died tomorrow
I like it...
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Inspired Thoughts on Passion
Now, if Passion was as easy to find as it is to write about I would be a happy camper...
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What is Love?
What is Love? An age old Question. We find what we call love only to have it dashed against the rocks like a ship in a storm. Is love real or is Love nothing more than an elusive dream to be chased like a rainbow and admired for its beauty but always remaining just out of reach? Is love interchangeable with need? For far too many it is. So is it correct to say I need you so therefore I love you or I love you therefore I need you. Or can love stand alone on it’s own merit? Love is a word that is far to often miss-used, misunderstood and used as a tool or a weapon to acquire what is wanted or needed. So again I ask, “What is Love”. Is it two souls reuniting again and again lifetime after lifetime seeking to live out the dreams that reside within their hearts? Could it be two souls uniting to become one to stand-alone against the world or maybe it is far too much for mere mortals to understand? I am not really sure, but I do know it is a journey that two hearts have to take together to find the answers and only in the journey will the answer to the question “What is Love” be found. |
The Beast Within
I have one more that I am going to post as a new topic it is called What is Love.....
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The Beast Within
Thank you
I have posted several of my inspired thoughts here in the last two days. It is a great forum |
The Beast Within
The Beast Within
The exterior is proper and prim but I know the beast is patiently waiting within. For far too long it has been suppressed, quiet but not calm lays this beast within for it knows it must eventually go forth and be free or risk ceasing to be. The beast you see is Love, Lust, Passion and more that resides within the inner me, the side of me that is hidden from the world to see. I fear the price of freedom too high to set the beast free, for I would need to open the gateway to the inner me you see. So, until some future time and place the exterior shall remain proper and prim and the beast will reside securely within… |
I am looking for an attractive lady over 50 years old to be my dance partner and possibly more. If interested drop me a line.
Realm of Reality Here in the realm of what we call reality we reach out across time and space fingertips extended, longing, yearning, seeking that which makes us whole. We reach out because we must we are human, incomplete and adrift in the clouded chaos and confusion of life. We extend our tentacles branching out looking for intellectual and emotional connections ever watchful for the arterial stream that joins two hearts in a synchronous ebb and flow beating as one, connected and complete here in the realm of what we call reality. |
The Realm of Reality
Realm of Reality
Here in the realm of what we call reality we reach out across time and space fingertips extended, longing, yearning, seeking that which makes us whole. We reach out because we must we are human, incomplete and adrift in the clouded chaos and confusion of life. We extend our tentacles branching out looking for intellectual and emotional connections ever watchful for the arterial stream that joins two hearts in a synchronous ebb and flow beating as one, connected and complete here in the realm of what we call reality. |
Dancing Through Time
Dancing through time
I know you are there, I can feel your touch, hear your voice, feel the beating of your heart and the smell of your skin permeates the air I breathe. I stare into my past to see you in lifetime after lifetime like two kindred souls on a journey through time and space with our destination yet to be decided. When I look into the future I see your eyes staring back at me longing and yearning for me to find you once again to finish the dance that was started so many lifetimes ago. You know the dance, the one that feels so familiar yet so new and has become so much a part of who we are. Until then be patient my love for I am trying with all my heart and soul to find you once again and finish that dance, the dance that was started so long ago. ![]() |
Inspired Thoughts on Passion
Passion between two people as I perceive it is an ungovernable, uncontrollable feeling of love caught on fire, all consuming and only attained by two lovers that are able and willing to receive all that is given and give back more than received until a state of spontaneous combustion occurs. Passion once ignited consumes all until the only thing that remains are two souls lying together limbs entwined limp and spent only to rise again and again and drawn to each other like moths to a flame, unable to resist that which draws them together. Passion once experienced cannot be denied and if lost one will spend the rest of their life in search of the soul that can ignite the flames within, as there are few that walk the earth today that can truly trust and love enough to loose themselves within the heart and soul of another. |
Inspired Thoughts on Passion
Passion between two people as I perceive it is an ungovernable, uncontrollable feeling of love caught on fire, all consuming and only attained by two lovers that are able and willing to receive all that is given and give back more than received until a state of spontaneous combustion occurs. Passion once ignited consumes all until the only thing that remains are two souls lying together limbs entwined limp and spent only to rise again and again and drawn to each other like moths to a flame, unable to resist that which draws them together. Passion once experienced cannot be denied and if lost one will spend the rest of their life in search of the soul that can ignite the flames within, as there are few that walk the earth today that can truly trust and love enough to loose themselves within the heart and soul of another. ![]() |