Community > Posts By > cflbikedog

cflbikedog's photo
Mon 08/11/08 09:08 AM
they taste great, and are less filling- takes pot shots at the gulls......

cflbikedog's photo
Mon 08/11/08 08:46 AM
I think the secret is to be a nice guy but not be a pu$$y about it........

cflbikedog's photo
Mon 08/11/08 08:43 AM
Secretly wants to wear a thong to the beach.....:laughing: oops oops

cflbikedog's photo
Mon 08/11/08 08:20 AM
Tried "Just For Men" on his beard and it turned orange......drinker drinker

cflbikedog's photo
Mon 08/11/08 07:56 AM
Living well is the best revenge.....

cflbikedog's photo
Mon 08/11/08 07:54 AM
Missed his autograph session the other night....

cflbikedog's photo
Mon 08/11/08 06:57 AM
peeks through peoples' mail slots....

cflbikedog's photo
Mon 08/11/08 02:46 AM

Hell no.
-Trust me...everyone will be thankful!

I seriously doubt that.........:wink:

cflbikedog's photo
Sun 08/10/08 06:51 PM

cflbikedog's photo
Sun 08/10/08 06:50 PM
would that create enough horsepower?

cflbikedog's photo
Sun 08/10/08 06:45 PM
surprised surprised surprised surprised surprised surprised surprised surprised surprised surprised surprised surprised surprised surprised surprised surprised surprised surprised surprised surprised surprised surprised surprised surprised surprised surprised surprised surprised surprised surprised surprised surprised surprised surprised surprised surprised surprised surprised surprised surprised surprised surprised surprised surprised surprised surprised surprised surprised surprised surprised surprised surprised surprised surprised surprised surprised surprised surprised surprised surprised surprised surprised surprised surprised surprised surprised surprised surprised surprised surprised surprised surprised surprised surprised surprised surprised surprised surprised surprised surprised surprised Maybe these will help....

cflbikedog's photo
Sun 08/10/08 06:43 PM
Once shared his girlfriend with Kid Rock.......

cflbikedog's photo
Sun 08/10/08 05:28 PM
Depends- ya got a zoom lens?

cflbikedog's photo
Sun 08/10/08 05:27 PM
Hell ****in' YES!!!!! How soon do I get the cash?

cflbikedog's photo
Sun 08/10/08 05:22 PM
Metal, are you ok? That was so ****in' harsh it dropped the room temp 10 degrees here!!!

cflbikedog's photo
Sun 08/10/08 05:07 PM
Oh, man...........................

cflbikedog's photo
Sun 08/10/08 04:55 PM
Only bathes on Saturday........

cflbikedog's photo
Sun 08/10/08 04:54 PM
H:wink: ey Missy, I'll lick you all over for a dime........

cflbikedog's photo
Sun 08/10/08 04:52 PM
I used to sponsor a guy who did things like that, he'd go use and then hit his phone list after the bar had closed or whatever. Eventually noone would take his calls and he killed some people in a drunk driving accident. His disease won, but it was his choice to continue to use. He never called anyone BEFORE he got all ****ed up. He didn't allow the miracle to happen. This type of thing keeps me going to meetings- 1/07/1988

cflbikedog's photo
Sun 08/10/08 04:43 PM
That was me, you just missed the switch cue.........