Community > Posts By > downhomechik

downhomechik's photo
Sun 02/15/09 06:40 AM
I try not to use public bathrooms....huh I'm a nut like that.happy

downhomechik's photo
Sun 02/15/09 06:35 AM
I touch more...hand on the arm, hand on the shoulder....connect with the eyes, smile a lot & laugh at all his jokes ---- "engage"

downhomechik's photo
Sun 02/15/09 06:33 AM
Welcome. Hope you find what you want on here!

downhomechik's photo
Sun 02/15/09 06:31 AM
Mine went pretty well

downhomechik's photo
Sat 02/14/09 07:57 AM
Schindlers List

downhomechik's photo
Sat 02/14/09 07:55 AM
laugh I love getting everyone all FIRED up!!! laugh

All in all at the end of the day--- I believe meeting someone face to face is the only true way to know if there is a real connection....


downhomechik's photo
Sat 02/14/09 07:47 AM
I think its even more than that.....some of these men are physically attractive to me well. Here's where it gets complicated. Behavior is important.....and maybe some of you more astute people could tell me why...

I notice things like the fact that at lunch time he leaves his napkin on the table instead of throws it away. One of them doesn't listen and often starts talking changing the subject before another person finishes talking. One never holds a door for a woman. Maybe the behavioral level is more important to me ? ?
Guys, I know because I am one, simply forget at times or just don't think about it. A verbal cue is needed sometimes. But if you have to constantly remind us to do something, then that's a sign the man does not care what you think and you simply are "constantly bit(hing at him. No it's not right but that's how it works.

slaphead These guys are only friends and I've never once *****ed at any of them. I'm saying its just my observation & the men that I've been most attracted to often exhibit behavioral cues like thoughtfulness, encouragement, manners ----and while I may "think" he has this in him --- when I meet him or spend time with him I can see it or not.

downhomechik's photo
Sat 02/14/09 07:39 AM

I think it's that what we think and say we want all goes out the window when animal instincts kick in. Our brains and our bodies have different needs.

Yes but that's why their pictures and cams, to find out if you really do want to meet and try. Either that or I have just been pretty

Well there are like 4 people worthy out here & you are already taken silly happy brokenheart

downhomechik's photo
Sat 02/14/09 07:35 AM
I have a 40th birthday party!!!

downhomechik's photo
Sat 02/14/09 07:33 AM

The mystical link that people try to ignore in many cases is the sexual attraction. If we look at the person in a sexual manner then we are considered shallow. Thus, we must come up with all these other reasons why we want to date or see a person. They can be the greatest person in the world. But, if that sexual attraction and chemistry is not there, something will be missing in the relationship.

I know we all want the whole package. Let's be honest with ourselves and understand the dynamics between relationships that cause that special spark. JMHO :banana:

I think its even more than that.....some of these men are physically attractive to me well. Here's where it gets complicated. Behavior is important.....and maybe some of you more astute people could tell me why...

I notice things like the fact that at lunch time he leaves his napkin on the table instead of throws it away. One of them doesn't listen and often starts talking changing the subject before another person finishes talking. One never holds a door for a woman. Maybe the behavioral level is more important to me ? ?

downhomechik's photo
Sat 02/14/09 07:18 AM

It goes both ways There are some women on here I really like . Their personalities are just fantastic. But if I were to meet them in person... I am afraid it wouldn't work.. to many ifs. Mostly because the internet hides to many other

Yes, this is what I'm saying.... Amongst some of my male friends --some of them I truly enjoy their personalities and have connections with them on that level, however, there are things about them on the behavioral level that I am completely turned off by.

Is the conclusion that you must "meet" a person before you can really say there is any connection at all?

downhomechik's photo
Sat 02/14/09 06:52 AM
I've given this some thought. There are a couple men I know that if I met them on the internet (I believe) I would definitely connect with their personalities. However knowing them in person, I already know there is no chemistry between us. So I wonder what that "mystical" link that is missing is?

downhomechik's photo
Fri 02/13/09 06:27 PM
If someone finds me attractive and I don't feel the same---I wouldn't be mean to them. I have had that happen to me.

I try to think how would I feel in their shoes? How would I want them to handle it?

downhomechik's photo
Fri 02/13/09 12:37 PM
Digging in the dirt. It's a ***** in the winter.slaphead

downhomechik's photo
Fri 02/13/09 12:35 PM
None of mine are more than a few months old....

downhomechik's photo
Fri 02/13/09 12:34 PM
allowing myself to argue with a teenager....

downhomechik's photo
Thu 02/12/09 04:56 PM
Does he love you? If he does and you are ho-hum about him then best to move forward and not slip back to the comfortable---kindest direction for both of you to go though sometimes the right decisions are the hardest to see through.

downhomechik's photo
Thu 02/12/09 04:51 PM
I vote -CRUISE-

Big ship....
:banana: tongue2

downhomechik's photo
Thu 02/12/09 04:49 PM
Can't believe the site exists... my wait is over loldrool

downhomechik's photo
Thu 02/12/09 04:46 PM
waving BIG WARM HELLO:thumbsup:

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