Community > Posts By > alok99

alok99's photo
Wed 01/29/14 01:26 PM

You hear about stories on the news here about families doing terrible things to women that are in those aranged marriages. They may not all be forced and I'm sure that some aranged marriages are as you say but it's just disingenuous to claim that all of them are free to marry or divorce as they please. In some cases women are even murdered by their own familys because they "bring shame" on them.

Also, there's just more freedom for women to do what they want in western countries because of financial oppression in places like India where women are more dependant on men.


But still what you speak does happen but not so much the main reason behind it is dowry demand.But now days laws are very strict here and many a times are misused by women any way if such terrible things are done to women then she should first get all those people behind bar and second divorce nobody is stopping her.

Regarding financial oppression times have changed today almost all women are working even my mom works and get a very large sum of salary almost equal to my dad.

Those stories which you see on tv might be real but not so common hell domestic viloence happens everywhere it's just media which spice it up for trp.

In the state i live in there are almost 11 million people but i think there had been anywhere around 8 to 10 rape since the last 20-25 years but still they portray india as a place of rape.

I don't think that the media spice those stories up. They just give the facts. How can they be spicing it up when someone is beaten, murdered, or imprisoned by their own family? It isn't so simple for them to get their families prosecuted by the police and I've seen people talking about it on TV that had to conceal their identities because they are that scared. If it's an "honour killing" no law is going to stop them from doing it.

It isn't off topic anyway. You just want to portray marriage in India as if it's better than it is in western countries by saying that there isn't as much divorce and that's rather simplistic. Sure, there are domestic violence cases everywhere but if you start from the idea that marriage is how you say that it should be, there's just more social pressure on people to stay in bad marriages. And even if there isn't any violence against people that try to get out of those marriages, there's still the stigma and then they are staying married for the wrong reason.

Buddy for you to truly understand indian family and marriage you have to come here and experience on ur own coz it is experiencing first hand and not explanation that would work.

All those cases of violence abuse beating do happen but then we are a country of 1.27 billion people in relation to it they are only a minute fraction and u r painting whole india with same brush.

Let's say for eg here we always get to know in news that in US THERE HAVE BEEN random shooting in which many people have died .Does it mean that every man who is out with a gun in us is out for killing?No same rule apply here also.

And to tell u the real truth in indian family the female is most of the time dominant even when they are housewife.Basically women act as a head of the house even in remote villages at least as per my experiences.

alok99's photo
Wed 01/29/14 12:50 PM

really pal..
in a country where marriage =
:-charging a hefty sale price of groom in name of dowry
:-almost racial treatment to the bride in a large number of cases
:- forcing the wife to forget about her career and think only about kids , cleaning and house work,
:- attaching a taboo, stigma and a zillion more obstacles overthe women's desire to seperate from clutches of a barbaric husband
:- making woman accept her pain,trauma and all hell broken upon her a god's will, destiny and some other ********..

Don't make few incident reflect on the whole country and don't define Indian marriage with few bad cases in comparison to majority.

Dowry is not good and times are changing traditions take time to erode having said that in most of the cases it is gift from parents to their daughter as in north east state the groom has to give dowry to bride family different place different tradition .If you think getting divorce for petty reason from the person with whom you have entered into marriage with full consent is good then go ahead it's ur life ur decision as per me i would wish to love my wife till my end and would be with her in joy and pain .

alok99's photo
Wed 01/29/14 11:56 AM
Edited by alok99 on Wed 01/29/14 11:59 AM

alok99's photo
Wed 01/29/14 11:42 AM

From india with love

alok99's photo
Wed 01/29/14 11:33 AM

My parents are still married and in love. I kind of think that people here in the US are spoiled and they don't care enough about trying to make things work. So when things get rocky they split. We live in a time when people expect instant gratification. Plus I think some people simply get married to early in life. They are pressured into it by family and friends or religious leaders. They're not ready at all to start a family when they get married. Meaning they don't really have a job or stability. So that adds more stress into their lives. Raising kids is hard enough. Trying to do it when you work at a crappy job and can't support your spouse is hard enough. Add kids to the mix and it's just going to get worse.

He is up to the point and has pretty much said all so go through it.

alok99's photo
Wed 01/29/14 11:32 AM

You hear about stories on the news here about families doing terrible things to women that are in those aranged marriages. They may not all be forced and I'm sure that some aranged marriages are as you say but it's just disingenuous to claim that all of them are free to marry or divorce as they please. In some cases women are even murdered by their own familys because they "bring shame" on them.

Also, there's just more freedom for women to do what they want in western countries because of financial oppression in places like India where women are more dependant on men.


But still what you speak does happen but not so much the main reason behind it is dowry demand.But now days laws are very strict here and many a times are misused by women any way if such terrible things are done to women then she should first get all those people behind bar and second divorce nobody is stopping her.

Regarding financial oppression times have changed today almost all women are working even my mom works and get a very large sum of salary almost equal to my dad.

Those stories which you see on tv might be real but not so common hell domestic viloence happens everywhere it's just media which spice it up for trp.

In the state i live in there are almost 11 million people but i think there had been anywhere around 8 to 10 rape since the last 20-25 years but still they portray india as a place of rape.

alok99's photo
Wed 01/29/14 10:55 AM

Do you do them in different colours?

I'll be honest, I do like the idea of the one that has the emotional attachments but you seem to be saying that I can't have her on approval and with the other option at least if I don't like one I'm not going to be stuck with her.

IF you don't like her then it's natural that you would not have emotional attachment to her.

But if you do have an emotional attachment with someone{for real}then you would not be able to end with her easily or without you getting hurt.

alok99's photo
Wed 01/29/14 10:22 AM

How about a compromise? Could I try out a few of these women and then just pick my favorite and have that one as a regular thing?

I know you are saying this in a fun way but still please check ur language it demeans other sex.It's women u r talking about not pair of jeans.

That's begging the question a bit, isn't it? Or are you saying that if I want to try different ones, that's fine as long as they're just slappers that don't want anything apart from one night stands?

Can I have one that will also cook and clean for me? Ohh and when you say that I get sex every day, how many times a day and for how many hours? When can she start? Would this weekend be alright?

slaphead carry on waving

alok99's photo
Wed 01/29/14 09:48 AM

How about a compromise? Could I try out a few of these women and then just pick my favorite and have that one as a regular thing?

I know you are saying this in a fun way but still please check ur language it demeans other sex.It's women u r talking about not pair of jeans.

alok99's photo
Wed 01/29/14 07:58 AM

Hi in this forum most of the time i see western women are divorced and that to at pretty young age {nothing wrong if they want too} but i want to know why is this so common ?In my country India DIVORCE are rare when i see my parents both in love mutual admiration and respect i often wonder that it's not so hard to be married .

Is it really very common in west to get divorced or it just some individuals .

coz in our country once married u r expected to be pillar to each other till the end come.

I'll answer your question with a question.
why is rape so common in India?


but still you have got ur facts all wrong no problem mamwaving i would correct it for you

Australia, Botswana and Lesotho had the highest average per capita of reported rape from 2004 to 2010.

US Justice Department estimates 300,000 American women are raped every year, and the Centers for Disease Control puts the number much higher at 1.3 million.

When looking at reported rape cases per capita, Australia, Botswana and Lesotho rank highest. But tallying sheer totals, Europe and the Americas consistently top the charts.

In America One in five students has been assaulted, it said, but just 12 percent of them report the violence.

I'll repeat the question
Why is rape so common in India?
I never asked about other country's. I asked about your country.
You asked a rather insulting question about the west (which includes my beautiful country the UK)
So now I'm asking a question about your country. As you can probably guess I was a little offended by your question about the west and divorce.

You did not get the spirit of the question that's why u were offended as it was not meant to be so but still i APOLOGIZE to you if it had hurt your sentiments.

Second rape do happen in india and it's not good many reason are responsible for it but then it would be a long debate .

Ok, maybe I over reacted a little so i'm sorry too. As per my last answer, hope you have a wonderful day, and hey, life would be boring if every country was the same. Good luck and take care my friend x

Every country has got it's own positive and it's own negative side no country is flawless.And i agree we should enjoy the diversity in culture as it is the culture which define a country without their culture they would be a piece of land and boring as you have said.

Once again i respect every country and do not wish to be little any

You too have a great day great life u were feisty good quality and one which i admireflowers flowers flowers

alok99's photo
Wed 01/29/14 07:40 AM

Hi in this forum most of the time i see western women are divorced and that to at pretty young age {nothing wrong if they want too} but i want to know why is this so common ?In my country India DIVORCE are rare when i see my parents both in love mutual admiration and respect i often wonder that it's not so hard to be married .

Is it really very common in west to get divorced or it just some individuals .

coz in our country once married u r expected to be pillar to each other till the end come.

I'll answer your question with a question.
why is rape so common in India?


but still you have got ur facts all wrong no problem mamwaving i would correct it for you

Australia, Botswana and Lesotho had the highest average per capita of reported rape from 2004 to 2010.

US Justice Department estimates 300,000 American women are raped every year, and the Centers for Disease Control puts the number much higher at 1.3 million.

When looking at reported rape cases per capita, Australia, Botswana and Lesotho rank highest. But tallying sheer totals, Europe and the Americas consistently top the charts.

In America One in five students has been assaulted, it said, but just 12 percent of them report the violence.

I'll repeat the question
Why is rape so common in India?
I never asked about other country's. I asked about your country.
You asked a rather insulting question about the west (which includes my beautiful country the UK)
So now I'm asking a question about your country. As you can probably guess I was a little offended by your question about the west and divorce.

You did not get the spirit of the question that's why u were offended as it was not meant to be so but still i APOLOGIZE to you if it had hurt your sentiments.

Second rape do happen in india and it's not good many reason are responsible for it but then it would be a long debate .

alok99's photo
Wed 01/29/14 07:36 AM

Hi in this forum most of the time i see western women are divorced and that to at pretty young age {nothing wrong if they want too} but i want to know why is this so common ?In my country India DIVORCE are rare when i see my parents both in love mutual admiration and respect i often wonder that it's not so hard to be married .

Is it really very common in west to get divorced or it just some individuals .

coz in our country once married u r expected to be pillar to each other till the end come.

We are free in the West to do as we please, that's why.
The divorce rate isn't high at all and even if it were at least we have the freedom to divorce and lead a happy life rather than being dictaed too by leaders who shag anything that moves behind closed doors.
You need to get your facts right.

But you have got ur facts all wrong."we are free in west to do as we please" so what do you suggest "others are slave " everyone over here is also free to do as as he please till it is under law.
Have you gone through whole thread ?I have repeatedly mention that divorce do happen in india but one should only opt for it when it is not possible to live together but in majority of cases people do have happy married life hence less divorce not that they want to but law does not permit.
I could say more but then it would sound like lecture which i do not want.

"AND PLEASE DON'T MAKE IT INDIA VS WEST "Just was curious to know the reason coz to live a happily married life with a same partner does not seem so difficult when you see here +it is not that those who remain married to the same person are unhappy or are doing not out of love but their compulsion.

So these happy marriages you speak about, how many are arranged, and are they really happy or is it because they don't want to bring shame on their familys that they decide to stay together regardless.

one of my good friends is from India and in an arranged marriage and absolutely hates it. But he won't divorce till his parents are gone, even tho he never sleeps there with her. He also takes very good care of his daughter as well.

Exception are always there if ur friend wish he can take a divorce but since he does not want to hurt his parents he is not .
It's his own personal choice nobody is stopping him from getting divorced.

alok99's photo
Wed 01/29/14 07:33 AM

Hi in this forum most of the time i see western women are divorced and that to at pretty young age {nothing wrong if they want too} but i want to know why is this so common ?In my country India DIVORCE are rare when i see my parents both in love mutual admiration and respect i often wonder that it's not so hard to be married .

Is it really very common in west to get divorced or it just some individuals .

coz in our country once married u r expected to be pillar to each other till the end come.

We are free in the West to do as we please, that's why.
The divorce rate isn't high at all and even if it were at least we have the freedom to divorce and lead a happy life rather than being dictaed too by leaders who shag anything that moves behind closed doors.
You need to get your facts right.

But you have got ur facts all wrong."we are free in west to do as we please" so what do you suggest "others are slave " everyone over here is also free to do as as he please till it is under law.
Have you gone through whole thread ?I have repeatedly mention that divorce do happen in india but one should only opt for it when it is not possible to live together but in majority of cases people do have happy married life hence less divorce not that they want to but law does not permit.
I could say more but then it would sound like lecture which i do not want.

"AND PLEASE DON'T MAKE IT INDIA VS WEST "Just was curious to know the reason coz to live a happily married life with a same partner does not seem so difficult when you see here +it is not that those who remain married to the same person are unhappy or are doing not out of love but their compulsion.

So these happy marriages you speak about, how many are arranged, and are they really happy or is it because they don't want to bring shame on their familys that they decide to stay together regardless.

Most of them are arranged but by arranged it does not mean that you have to marry the one ur parents told you to.People first meet if they want to after seeing the photos then if chemistry match they talk for sometime{sought of date}only after that if they want to they marry so even after being arranged it's ur own personal choice and if you want to marry someone you love you can .(love *** arrange marrige}

To give you an example my parents had an arrange marriage and the mutual love admiration and care they share with each other is tremendous so stop pretending that who don't get divorced justdon't coz they are unable to or are afraid.

alok99's photo
Wed 01/29/14 07:25 AM

Hi in this forum most of the time i see western women are divorced and that to at pretty young age {nothing wrong if they want too} but i want to know why is this so common ?In my country India DIVORCE are rare when i see my parents both in love mutual admiration and respect i often wonder that it's not so hard to be married .

Is it really very common in west to get divorced or it just some individuals .

coz in our country once married u r expected to be pillar to each other till the end come.

I'll answer your question with a question.
why is rape so common in India?


but still you have got ur facts all wrong no problem mamwaving i would correct it for you

Australia, Botswana and Lesotho had the highest average per capita of reported rape from 2004 to 2010.

US Justice Department estimates 300,000 American women are raped every year, and the Centers for Disease Control puts the number much higher at 1.3 million.

When looking at reported rape cases per capita, Australia, Botswana and Lesotho rank highest. But tallying sheer totals, Europe and the Americas consistently top the charts.

In America One in five students has been assaulted, it said, but just 12 percent of them report the violence.

alok99's photo
Wed 01/29/14 07:16 AM

Hi in this forum most of the time i see western women are divorced and that to at pretty young age {nothing wrong if they want too} but i want to know why is this so common ?In my country India DIVORCE are rare when i see my parents both in love mutual admiration and respect i often wonder that it's not so hard to be married .

Is it really very common in west to get divorced or it just some individuals .

coz in our country once married u r expected to be pillar to each other till the end come.

We are free in the West to do as we please, that's why.
The divorce rate isn't high at all and even if it were at least we have the freedom to divorce and lead a happy life rather than being dictaed too by leaders who shag anything that moves behind closed doors.
You need to get your facts right.

But you have got ur facts all wrong."we are free in west to do as we please" so what do you suggest "others are slave " everyone over here is also free to do as as he please till it is under law.
Have you gone through whole thread ?I have repeatedly mention that divorce do happen in india but one should only opt for it when it is not possible to live together but in majority of cases people do have happy married life hence less divorce not that they want to but law does not permit.
I could say more but then it would sound like lecture which i do not want.

"AND PLEASE DON'T MAKE IT INDIA VS WEST "Just was curious to know the reason coz to live a happily married life with a same partner does not seem so difficult when you see here +it is not that those who remain married to the same person are unhappy or are doing not out of love but their compulsion.

alok99's photo
Wed 01/29/14 06:20 AM
Boss: Where were you born?
Sardar: India ..
Boss: which part?
Sardar: What 'which part'? Whole body was born in India .


2 sardar were fixing a bomb in a car.
Sardar 1: What would you do if the bomb
explodes while fixing.
Sardar 2: Dont worry, I have one more.


Sardar: What is the name of your car?
Lady: I forgot the name, but is starts with 'T'.
Sardar: Oh, what a strange car, starts with Tea. All cars that I know start with petrol.


Sardar joined new job. 1st day he worked till late evening on the computer. Boss was happy and asked what you did till evening.
Sardar: Keyboard alphabets were not in order, so I made it alright.


At the scene of an accident a man was crying: O God! I have lost my hand, oh!
Sardar: Control yourself. Don't cry. See that man. He has lost his head. Is he crying?


Sardar: U cheated me.
Shopkeeper: No, I sold a good radio to u.
Sardar: Radio label shows Made in Japan but radio says this is 'All India Radio! '


In an interview, Interviewer: How does an electric motor run?
Sardar: Dhhuuuurrrrrrrrrr. .....
Inteviewer shouts: Stop it.
Sardar: Dhhuurrrr dhup dhup dhup...


Tourist: Whose skeleton is that?
Sardar: An old king's skeleton.
Tourist: Who's that smaller skeleton next to it?
Sardar: That was same king's skeleton when he was a child.

alok99's photo
Wed 01/29/14 02:29 AM

Does it have to be every day? Is there any chance that I could have a day off from time to time? I mean, it does sound pretty good but when you say that it's going to be different people, do I get to take my pick from some sort of a lineup, or do you just send random women round and I have to just take what I get? Really don't want to sound picky here but I've got standards you know and I don't just shag anybody. What do you take me for?

I apologize by everyday i meant random hookups without any emotional attachment to be precise.

alok99's photo
Wed 01/29/14 02:06 AM

Hi in this forum most of the time i see western women are divorced and that to at pretty young age {nothing wrong if they want too} but i want to know why is this so common ?In my country India DIVORCE are rare when i see my parents both in love mutual admiration and respect i often wonder that it's not so hard to be married .

Is it really very common in west to get divorced or it just some individuals .

coz in our country once married u r expected to be pillar to each other till the end come.

This answers question?

In other words,Indian Women get a Raw Deal if they divorce!

That article is not totally correct in real life in india woman enjoys monthly allowance and right to property of husband after divorce and many other right.{most of the law are more lenient towards women and biased towards male}

Further it would have been a point when there would be many unhappy ,depressed couple who want to separate but can not due to society or tough law.Where as here i see most of the couple happily living and enjoying each other company for rest of their life respect and love is from both side contribution to relationship is equal from both ends.And where such things do not happen couple do take divorce but it's not so much.

alok99's photo
Wed 01/29/14 01:19 AM
Men and women please share that one thing in opposite sex that always turn you on devil

alok99's photo
Wed 01/29/14 12:00 AM

My parents are still married and in love. I kind of think that people here in the US are spoiled and they don't care enough about trying to make things work. So when things get rocky they split. We live in a time when people expect instant gratification. Plus I think some people simply get married to early in life. They are pressured into it by family and friends or religious leaders. They're not ready at all to start a family when they get married. Meaning they don't really have a job or stability. So that adds more stress into their lives. Raising kids is hard enough. Trying to do it when you work at a crappy job and can't support your spouse is hard enough. Add kids to the mix and it's just going to get worse.

Again a great ans and spot on analysis .I agree with you i hope it does not ever get so over here.{a big thumbs up to you}