Starsandmoon2021's photo
Sat 11/21/20 08:05 PM
Contrats on getting your new kitty on Monday. I would say let them be. They will introduce themselves to each other when ready. They may hiss at each other, or maybe like each other right quick. Some people slowly introduce their new pet to their older one.

Good luck!

Starsandmoon2021's photo
Sat 11/21/20 07:49 PM
I was walking to my car at 4:00a.m. getting reading to head off to work. I glanced up and so a triangle of three lights. I could see a ....craft/ship...whatever it is to be called. I stood there looking at this object. Again it was triangle, big, soundless and moving very slowly. I could not comprehend what i was seeing. For a few days I did not say anything to anyone and kept thinking of it. Then, I googled UFOs and found what I saw. I was thinking, did I really see that? I really don't believe in UFOs that much, though I do believe in ghost/spirits. That is the only expirance I have had.

Starsandmoon2021's photo
Sat 11/21/20 04:09 PM
I love houseplants. orchids invites I cannot grow.

Starsandmoon2021's photo
Thu 11/19/20 03:35 AM
Keto chili is good. ( I don't do Keto anymore, but still make the chili. No beans, and very flavorful. Recipe below. It's a Pinterest.

Starsandmoon2021's photo
Wed 11/18/20 04:43 PM
The Shining, with Jack Nicholson. My all time favorite.

Starsandmoon2021's photo
Wed 11/18/20 04:40 PM
I have to say "Rear view Window,". James Stewart:heart: