Community > Posts By > warmachine
I am single again after 6 years and I'm just looking to meet new people. I might've went out into town to do that, but I sorta broke my back in 4 places... so I used to be on this site, many years ago, even had some great friends I made here, that I can't seem to find now... but hoping that I can meet new ones.
First I see no sourcing for all those numbers you posted. Second, lets assume that all those big, scary numbers are based in reality. Dr.Paul must be a magical vatican assassin reptoid ninja, because for all his "overpriced" staffers, he somehow manages to get elected over and over again, regardless of the ways the powers that be tried to rehash the lines that defined his district, so talented that Democrats refused to run against him... they knew better, yet the NeoCons never learn and blew way more money over the years trying to unseat him... oh and for all those big, scary numbers you placed in this post without so much as one link to one website, somehow Dr. Paul always seems to wave his magic ninja wand of shapeshifting and returned money to his districts treasury... huh... interesting how that happens isn't it?
No Congressional Pension, no golden caddie health care and no paid junkets from lobbyists... Gosh, seems to me like he's not exactly running two fisted from the pot of gold. FYI, I figured since you didn't source squat I wouldn't either. Maybe that'll give you the opportunity to do a little research as opposed to relying on O'reilly to craft your opinions for you. |
Wheres my Kansans at?
I know y'all are here...come on out and play! ![]() What are we playing? |
3 words.
End The Fed. Central banking is, by and large, the cause of the problems we face. The ability to create currency and pass it out as the whim suits is a horrific power to instill upon a private banking cartel. |
AMC's fear fest
Don't forget walking dead tonight!! I know! Poor Otis! Wth! Yeah, that caught me totally off guard! But, what is really confusing is, if Shane had planned (or maybe he hadn't planned it) on shooting Otis, why not a head shot....leaving him to the zombie mob to be eaten alive was a cruel thing. Shane's lost it, I think. Shooting him in the leg allowed him maximum possible time to get away. It made Otis struggle, slowing down the zombies while they got him and enjoyed his live meat, and it also prevented him from actual credit for killing Otis. This was the best, most sinister way, to accomplish his goal. Shane does not do well with moral choices. ![]() I dont know if you caught the moment of flashback with Shane and his buddy's wife looking at each other longingly before Shane informed her that he was 'dead'. He knew thats what needed to happen before he would get her. And get her, he did. Besides, what'd we learn from Zombieland? Cardio Otis... Cardio! |
Who else is on the "list"?
The negative reaction quite frankly disturbs me. You have people exercising their 2nd amendment rights in order to defend those who are exercising their 1st. Seems most uniquely American in it's nature to me. Freedom of Speech stops where action starts! Your Freedom of Speech doesn't entail you to violate my rights! You're doing the exact same thing that the MSM did with the Tea Party, lumping all of them into one broad grouping, with the base descriptions coming by way of the worst of the attendees. There's more to both movement's than what the talking points will tell you, I'd suggest perhaps speaking with some of these folks, on both sides of the false left/right paradigm. |
"All I'm asking for is the opportunity to disseminate more Federal Reserve Propaganda by way of repeatedly saying nine..."
AMC's fear fest
Might be me, but I find myself watching way more T.V. during this time period than any other... not to worry though, that'll even itself out about the time St. Nick invades the airwaves.
Is it possible that the concept of time itself is a construct of the human mind?
The negative reaction quite frankly disturbs me. You have people exercising their 2nd amendment rights in order to defend those who are exercising their 1st. Seems most uniquely American in it's nature to me.
I could care less
I'm incognito.... |
I could care less
When someone starts a sentence with, "No Offense"... that usually means that person is about to offend the hell out of you.
What's worse is I've caught myself using it from time to time and that irritates me even more. |
I have nothing to add here. I just wanted to say hi to Kerry. How have you been stranger? I continue to survive... Still doing the radio shows, tinfoil hat and all! How are the kitties and did your move go well? Shoot me a facebook! |
If he was seeking to do anything about the sucking sound that is the drain pouring out our jobs overseas, then maybe the man should stick to his campaign promises... but he can't because the agenda isn't his to dictate. Just like Bush, Obama's only taking orders
Long time no see Fanta, my friend.
My point is not an anti-Obama/anti-Bush stance, rather an antiglobalism stance. However, since the issue was put forth, I should address the Obama for people point. Obama is no more for the people than Bush was. Both were put into power by the money powers, the international banking parasites. In fact, Obama's administration has been the government by the bankers for the bankers, his is the most extreme wall street administration of modern times. I for one do not consider Obama to be a Socialist, because he doesn't set the agenda, he is just running plays that his "coaches" are calling. These are Cherry picked from the worst of all political paradigms, From flat Marxist communism, to fascism, and yes, even from Capitalism. Obama's just the front man... a PR person and dare I say: A puppet. |
It just keeps coming back to me. The Republican Party called limiting corp involvement in American Politics and the political donations they give unconstitutional. Now these corps are taking even more of our jobs out of country. Then the SOBs refuse to extend unemployment benefits to, the same people whose jobs are being outsourced, unless the tax-cuts to the same people (corps) are extended. Talk about a win win for the corps, and a screw you to the American people....... And, many Americans support the bastards (Repub Party) I don't know whether to laugh or cry. You blame the Repubs, but no mention of Clinton doing the final legwork on Nafta or Obama telling the American voter that he would reform Nafta all the while his staffers were telling Canadian press that it was just campaign rhetoric and to ignore what he was saying to the people? Please remember, Globalism has infiltrated both sides of the paradigm, you're just playing the taste test game between coke and pepsi, but when you remove the blinders, either way, you're getting a brown, caffienated and acidic drink. |
White House Drafts Executive Order for Indefinite Detention Tuesday 21 December 2010 by: Dafna Linzer | ProPublica | Report The White House is preparing an Executive Order on indefinite detention that will provide periodic reviews of evidence against dozens of prisoners held at Guantanamo Bay, according to several administration officials. The draft order, a version of which was first considered nearly 18 months ago, is expected to be signed by President Obama early in the New Year. The order allows for the possibility that detainees from countries like Yemen might be released if circumstances there change. But the order establishes indefinite detention as a long-term Obama administration policy and makes clear that the White House alone will manage a review process for those it chooses to hold without charge or trial. Nearly two years after Obama's pledge to close the prison at Guantanamo, more inmates there are formally facing the prospect of lifelong detention and fewer are facing charges than the day Obama was elected. That is in part because Congress has made it difficult to move detainees to the United States for trial. But it also stems from the president's embrace of indefinite detention and his assertion that the congressional authorization for military force, passed after the 2001 terrorist attacks, allows for such detention. To read the rest: I am so disappointed ![]() Now I have more reasons not to agree with Obama. The list is getting longer. Remember when we met up at the Waffle house? I believe during the course of that conversation that I didn't see much difference between Obama/Bush? Everyday, the Republicrats show me just how scammed the Average American is. |
Well, before we start pointing fingers, one should examine the history.
3 places "imported" National Socialism after WWII. Russia, a block of South America and of course the U.S. Looking at the mix of corporate power and the way they seem to control the Government here, does that not make us Corporate Fascists? |
I'd have to agree with Charlie Murphy when he said of Palin: "High Functioning Retard" (yes I know retard is not PC... who ever said I conformed to such lunacy, let alone Mr. Murphy)
Now Ron Paul on the other hand, with his concise knowledge of economics, health care being a OB/GYN, foriegn policy and of course, the Constitution, would spank Mr. Soetoro, I mean Obama, quite furiously, figuratively speaking, in any debate. |