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CyprusChris's photo
Wed 11/14/12 09:11 AM
Hepinize çok teşekkür ederim (Thank you all very much)

CyprusChris's photo
Wed 11/14/12 09:07 AM
The Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus is more than just my spiritual home, it is my adopted home; such a pity I am serving what it tantamount to internal exile in the UK at the moment! Happily,I continue my connections given that I write in both Turkish and Turk-Cyp media each week.

CyprusChris's photo
Wed 11/14/12 09:04 AM
Thank you too

CyprusChris's photo
Wed 11/14/12 09:04 AM
I am really very grateful, thank you so much...

CyprusChris's photo
Wed 11/14/12 04:42 AM
This Blighted Isle

I am a plastic bottle, but I am not short of a friend
For there are thousands of us lying here on this island end to end

You will find us at the roadside or in a drainage ditch
The pollution on this sceptered isle is at fever pitch

And so we lie here patiently awaiting a thousand year decay
Our numbers growing steadily every single day

Like a hydro carbon carpet covering shore to shore
And it will continue ‘till land you’ll see no more

Oh, why can we not be recycled and live a life anew
It might be fun to be a bollard or perhaps a traffic cone, or perhaps the fabric of a mobile telephone

I’d love to be a shelter keeping people dry
But the wastage on this island is enough to make you cry

You could melt me down to basics and turn me into tar
I’d help make the roads much better and safer for the car

I am a plastic bottle, please listen to my plight
We didn’t ask to come here and to cause such blight

So hear our plea we beg you, try with all your might
Tidy up this island, restore the wondrous sight

Chris Green

CyprusChris's photo
Wed 11/14/12 04:36 AM
Summoned by Hills

Sun kissed beaches cooled by cobalt blue seas
Palms sway as might a willow soporific ın the breeze
Hibiscus and Borgainvillia comforts gently all around
Carpet like covering, spreading, beautifying the ground
Sheltered by the limestone hills of the Besparmak mountain range
Guarding for many a millenia, watching all the change.

Imagine now the Five Fingers mountain, extendıng hands and arms
Holding you as might a Father comfortıng against life`s harms
Mosques and Churches standing side by side for four hundred years or more
Mixed faiths in harmony be they rich or poor
Muezzen and Church bells sing the self same song
God is God and loves us all; in Whom we all belong.

Ancient forts dominate yet reminds of past and present strife
Yet this wounded isle recovers and continues on in life
For as the sun rises in the morning granting gentle light
It leaves us in the evening bestowing peaceful night
And the palms sway as might a willow soporific in the breeze
The beaches caressed and cooled as ever by translucent, cobalt seas.

Chris Green
9th December 2008. Girne.

CJG08 Rights Reserved

CyprusChris's photo
Wed 11/14/12 04:34 AM
Fall from Grace

Flown scheduled on Concorde and ‘touched’ the stars
Now walking in subways, beneath the cars.
From speeches made in the Albert Hall,
To mooching around the shopping mall
In a dead man’s shoes from a charity store
Guessing he didn’t need them anymore.

From dining with Presidents and leaders of state
To ‘Socially Excluded’, maybe a figure of hate.
Yet having long borne the burdens of many upon his plate
Now himself facing an uncertain fate.
Detached as he is now from the City’s madding throng,
That world now precluded-he no longer belongs.

But free to catch a one-pound bus ride
And try to find a place to hide
To contemplate that perhaps inevitable suicide;
Maybe conjure a method, a suitable way
And scribe a few last lines to say...
But inspiration for neither comes this day.

Soon darkness comes and it’s time to roam,
To what now passes for a home
An empty room to be alone
With only old demons in his mind to moan
And remind him that daylight’s comfort is yet hours away
That tomorrow is – sadly- yet another day.

Christopher J Green (May 2011)

CyprusChris's photo
Wed 11/14/12 04:31 AM
Shed no Tears

Shed not a tear at my departing, for I didn’t really leave;
Don’t surround yourself with sadness I don’t want you to grieve.
For I have ended all my ills and conquered all my pain;
I’ve defeated morbidity, dull days, sufferings long reign.
Now I can embrace eternity’s wondrous terrain
In its peaceful gardens, I shall walk again.

So don’t indulge in sadness or empty days,
But fill every waking moment in useful ways:
Reach out for solace and in good cheer,
I’ll be there to comfort you and to hold you near.

Now, dry the tear that may well in your eye,
Don’t for my mortal passing cry:
For my spirit dwells within you now as ere I fly:
Alive! Alive in your memory, I shall never die.

Christopher J Green 1991

CyprusChris's photo
Wed 11/14/12 12:32 AM
I am personally greatly favour interracial relationships and I see nothing but positives deriving there from.Having lived and worked overseas I have enjoyed such relationships in several forms and have gained a lot from these experiences.

I am seeking a lady of any creed, colour or calling, as is shown in my profile and would suggest that we all remember that as human kind, we all dwell under one roof, that being the canopy of heaven; unfortunately mankind has erected many compartments beneath that roof and through many of these, there are no interconnecting doors!