Community > Posts By > jnbuglady

jnbuglady's photo
Mon 09/15/08 11:37 AM

jnbuglady's photo
Mon 09/15/08 11:25 AM
Prayers being sent, with all the strength there is.

jnbuglady's photo
Mon 09/15/08 11:18 AM
waving Byeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

jnbuglady's photo
Sun 09/14/08 08:31 PM

Do you know why?

When a woman wears a leather dress,
A man's heart beats quicker,

And his throat gets dry,
He goes weak in the Knees,
And he begins to think irrationally.
Ever wonder why?

it's Because she smells like a new truck

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

jnbuglady's photo
Sun 09/14/08 08:30 PM

wind is blowin' like a huricane here in Buffalo. 40 mph sustained, with gusts up to 60 mph, lights are flickering, really unusual.surprised
Part of the hurricane?

jnbuglady's photo
Sat 09/13/08 08:51 PM

I like them drunk and desperate, that way the bar is set low. :tongue:
devil drinker

jnbuglady's photo
Sat 09/13/08 08:41 PM

I'm oot and aboot ehsmokin smokin smokin
Lol, canadians!

jnbuglady's photo
Sat 09/13/08 05:13 AM
Have a safe trip. Where in California are you going?

jnbuglady's photo
Fri 09/12/08 08:12 PM
What kind of help do you need?

jnbuglady's photo
Fri 09/12/08 08:11 PM

groovy but I'm outts here for a while ya'll have fun and let me know what I missed when I get backglasses
Like totally[groovy kinda feelin]lol

jnbuglady's photo
Fri 09/12/08 06:23 PM

for my shirt too sexy rofl rofl

jnbuglady's photo
Fri 09/12/08 05:50 PM

To marry someone and cheat on them or to admit up front you are a ploygamist and have multiple spouses and be faithful to them?glasses
Honesty is one of the keys to a good relationship!

jnbuglady's photo
Fri 09/12/08 05:36 PM
waving Back at ya, going to fix some dinner, Im hongry!

jnbuglady's photo
Fri 09/12/08 03:12 PM

I just went to buy a 3 Musketerrs and found that they now have 45% less does that mean it was okay for me to get 2?bigsmile
Hmmmmm, makes perfect sense to me!

jnbuglady's photo
Fri 09/12/08 12:09 PM

I Knew It Was Coming....spock

Gas Prices shooting up... ten to sixty cents a gallon.... winking

The Town Drunks.drinks .are having to direct traffic....slaphead scared

Because all the Cops are investigating Accidents and Fistfights... (No Gun/Knife Fights here YET...:suprised:..
waving Doc!!!!!!!!!!!!

jnbuglady's photo
Fri 09/12/08 12:07 PM

I just finished making a potato salad, slicing some kielbasa and cheese, will slice the fresh tomatoes when I am ready to eat, and lay out some crackers. Who wants to join me for dinner tonight? It is light and healthy.
Hang on I gotta throw some things in a bag, be right there.

jnbuglady's photo
Thu 09/11/08 06:15 PM
I'll watch you!

jnbuglady's photo
Thu 09/11/08 04:31 PM

Like doin A bag of Oreo cookies and gallon of milk..:tongue:
Too funny, but yummmmmmy.

jnbuglady's photo
Thu 09/11/08 03:52 PM


jnbuglady's photo
Thu 09/11/08 10:42 AM

I just had a orange creamsicle shake from arbys.
and i thought it was pretty yum/
I noticed in the grocery store,yesterday, there is a drink that is an orange creamsicle, have you seen it?

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