Community > Posts By > AthenaRose2
Agreed. If my broad bangs my bro, da ho be out da do. He would have done me the favor of exposing her broke back. You guys are hilarious... or should I say broz... ![]() |
I apologize if I offended you that wasn't my intent. I also hope you find what you're looking for either here on M2 or in your life offline.
Warm regards... ![]() |
well I don't think my friends would do such a thing.. but if I'm out with a lady friend.. and some other dude.. tries stepping on my grass!.so to speak... I step into his face ,and let him know to back off... ... and if a friend taps my lady friends. . bottom so to speak. A.. I askher!how come you never let me in the back door...hmm..?. it's because of my size isn't it.. you're scared I'may ruin you..lmao.. and then me and my friend go for a drink... bros before hoes....jk.. ![]() ![]() ![]() . ![]() ![]() ![]() priceless... ![]() |
Some folks get possessive and certain observances will eventually add up. The way I look at it what's mine is MINE until it isn't. And whoever chooses to be with me is gonna want to be possessed by me. ![]() ![]() ![]() And I 100% agree that once we add up all the little things the bigger picture eventually shows us what's really going on... ![]() Flirting leads to being screwed most of the time. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Just had a fab idea - what do you think? I think we should be selective about the ideas we promote. I or someone really should set up a website so people can name and shame the players and jerks who make dating harder for the people who are actually serious about finding someone, sick of being used, lied to and told exactly what i want to hear to get the only thing they are looking for, until they realize that some women/men actually have morals and wont sleep with someone without protection then being told the most ridiculous excuses going. What if someone created a website so people could name and shame the players who easily or continually fall for the jerks they let use them? I think people in the dating arena are pretty savvy when it pertains to the lies they choose to believe simply because they subconsciously hope there's something in it for them to do so. Men/women that actually HAVE morals can readily distinguish between those who have them too, or not. And anyone sexually active whether they have puritan or alley cat values should always use protection. If they don't they can't blame the consequences on anybody else but themselves. Personally, I don't think the jerks make it harder for the players to find someone they can develop a serious relationship with. In fact, jerks make it easier and quicker to recognize behavioral traits we want to avoid from jump street, imo. Why cant people be honest nowadays, its not difficult, If your just after one thing why not just say so then you know exactly what to expect and where its going. Saves a hell of alot of time!! Anyone agree!?! ![]() Being honest with ourselves about what we're really looking for on a dating site will help to keep those who might only want one thing at arms lengths until we decide its time to accept or decline. Responsible adults don't see themselves as victims of others games, but as willing participants in the exchanges it takes to discover if another is what we're looking for or not. IMO. So im not a responsible adult?? And i NEVER said i was a victim! Ive spend 13 years in an abusive relationship and took me to realize i need to open myself up to find someone who is going to treat me with respect. From the opening topic you thought it was a fabulous idea to publicly shame other people. So "no" I don't think this is an adult or a responsible thing to do. I can understand if you're just coming out of a bad relationship and you feel like venting. But trying to hurt people while you're going through the healing process would probably backfire. As for seeing ourselves as being a victim in the dating games we play and lose sometimes, I am merely generalizing not directing my comments "at" you. I was trying to be helpful not hurtful. ![]() |
family and friends are Good pretenders Not everyone in our lives are pretentious. Nor are we always or never pretentious with others either. When need thru hardships,struggles their are not the to comfort you. But once you reach success they will be by your side Left and right. Not true! Whoever of my family and friends are not comforting when going through hard times, also won't be comforting during successful times either. Thanks for this food for thought... |
Stalking stalker signs ...
I've also noticed a lot about stalkers on Facebook. There must be a real problem with it over there too. ![]() They certainly are relentless. ... I've had the same problem with same thing Had to block on another site Block the phone Block Facebook Now here.... Unreal... Yeah, internet followers of ill intent made me more cautious about who I let get close to me after I established myself online too. Specifically because of the previous stalking and acts of physical violence that had occurred in my life offline when I was younger. Now though, once interested individuals prove themselves to be unworthy of my attention I just block their access outright or simply ignore them when they try to approach me online. Deceive me, burn me, or insult me once, shame on YOU... and if YOU don't own up and apologize you can just move on to demean somebody else because I don't waste my time on those without any type of public etiquette. Some people have a lot of nerve... and I agree with you... it's unreal... Can't block them here...unfortunately. . You can ignore, , move on,, but daily They have your screename typing your name,, I thought guys were bad psychotic females are worse... I think you nailed it with "psychotic". Some people become so obsessed with their target they think their target is obsessed with them instead. Having become delusional in their thinking that everything is about them when nothing is. |
I'm thinking about how hot i am right now with sweat dripping off my hair after mowing the darn yard again for the second time this past week. Rain, rain please go away and don't come back for at least a few more days... ![]() Thanks for the redirect... ![]() ![]() okay... that's all I'm thinking about mowing again for this week... ![]() |
Well, as you know, I am attached to the biggest flirt in the galaxy. However, 'absolute trust' are not just words. The feeling goes deep. No issue :-) I didn't know that... but I do now... ![]() ![]() |
The Eyes Have It...
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Hides in closet with camera. OMG! I'm speechless. I can't even begin to describe the things I've just seen trying to find the perfect picture to post in response to this. ![]() Suffice it to say... would you be pleased or angry over what your lens might capture? ![]() |
The Eyes Have It...
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My friends can tap my guy on the shoulder anytime they feel like it...Move any further south on a regular basis and we are going to have a conversation about touchy feely ...All three of us... ![]() Sounds nice and friendly to me... until strike three... ![]() |
I feel my guy can do what he likes in a relationship with me. He can flirt or do whatever else he wants with whoever , I don't control his life. But the real question is...Is that something I can accept? The answer will always be no....and if he's lucky, he'll get a break up at BK. Gotta love them whoppers... ![]() The men I always seem to gravitate toward have the same expectations to possess me, so I say turn about is fair play. ![]() ![]() Wow! That's a whole lotta don'ts. How endearing is that? Sounds like being single and free is the way to be... ![]() |
I'm thinking about how hot i am right now with sweat dripping off my hair after mowing the darn yard again for the second time this past week. Rain, rain please go away and don't come back for at least a few more days...
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Under these circumstances the only "tapping" allowed is double-tapping. Aha! I punned, or was that a double entendre? Is that going back for seconds? Or tit for tat? |
I need to see how the man responds first to determine if I can trust him , sometimes its harmless fun. On the other hand I was faced with a situation where I just came out and said"are you two eachother your acting guilty you cant even look at eachother ...I trust my intuition he's in the past. So you're saying that its cool if your trusted galpal flirts a little just so you can see if your man will bite... ![]() ![]() Yeah, I hate that scenario when you're all together and the two of them go to great and obvious lengths to ignore each other, when just two weeks earlier they were good friends too. It's like WTF PEOPLE are you serious!!! Get on outta here with that two timin' crap... ![]() No its not cool not even really a test.just observing the situation . Gotcha! ![]() |
Nobody has better access to our significant others than our friends. How do you deal with "in your face" flirtations between your partner and your friends? If "off limit" lines are crossed and your friend taps a piece of a$$ from your partner do you easily forgive them both? Seek revenge? Or move on from them entirely? To answer my own questions... Hell NO! if I'm really into the relationship I have with my partner that shiiit won't fly!!! To me it's a serious sign of disrespect if my girlfriends flirt with my man in front of my face, but its even more conniving if they try to get away with it behind my back. Then, if I catch them together in the act, or find out about it after the fact I'm SO DONE with the BOTH of THEM! I don't seek revenge other than to ultimately cut ties and move on to a better class of individuals I can trust and respect. I don't even get into guys who claim to love me but then at every opportunity they're talking to other women for nothing more than to get their attention. Or they're talking to other women about me to get their advice. To me, my man doesn't need to talk to any other woman besides me to figure out where I'm coming from with him. What I find really ballzzzeee is when women pretend to be my friend just to get information on me to run back and tell my man behind my back. To me a woman that stabs me in the back like this is no friend of mine, and again I cut ties. There are definitely lines I won't let others cross and I don't cross these same lines either. There. You gave my answer. ![]() |
If my friend is tapin my girl, thin there no friend of mine, exactly... ![]() |
Bouncing back, or NOT?
Edited by
Mon 06/30/14 09:43 AM
Who believes the USA's economic collapse of 2008 is on the upswing?
If you think it is, are there any possibilities or current signs that another collapse is on the horizon? I'm holding my breath and preparing for almost anything. Is there something in particular you've done to ensure you won't be hit as hard if there's a repeat performance? ![]() |