Community > Posts By > teebee79

teebee79's photo
Thu 03/20/14 10:12 AM

Folks, Stay Puft was roasted by the Ghostbusters.

Yeah... forgot thatohwell

Sweet Tee, I am still available though. bigsmile

I'd never forget my favorite martian.. Oh wait, wrong showslaphead
((Dave)) flowers

teebee79's photo
Thu 03/20/14 10:09 AM

His conversation....

A guy who can speak clearly and intelligently, while still being witty.....I'm in lovesmitten
me also if we have nothing to talk about oh yeah I'm quite the talker so always something to talk about

this is my problem... I can talk to anyone, so he may think we have a love connection, but if he has only agreed wth me, laughed at my jokes , all while I'm dragging answers from him.

We are NOT a match:angry:
you are so funny, your to cute and sweet you'll find that special one

Awww blushing Thank you, but I'm not holding my breath.
As long as I don't turn into " The Cat Lady" of the neighborhood
It's a win :thumbsup:

teebee79's photo
Thu 03/20/14 10:06 AM

I meet scammer on this site..

Bless your heart... Did you tell him to kick rocks!:angry:

teebee79's photo
Thu 03/20/14 10:03 AM

Folks, Stay Puft was roasted by the Ghostbusters.

Yeah... forgot thatohwell

teebee79's photo
Thu 03/20/14 09:55 AM

His conversation....

A guy who can speak clearly and intelligently, while still being witty.....I'm in lovesmitten
me also if we have nothing to talk about oh yeah I'm quite the talker so always something to talk about

this is my problem... I can talk to anyone, so he may think we have a love connection, but if he has only agreed wth me, laughed at my jokes , all while I'm dragging answers from him.

We are NOT a match:angry:

teebee79's photo
Thu 03/20/14 09:43 AM
Edited by teebee79 on Thu 03/20/14 09:43 AM

this is a word that people always say but what actually it is most people don't's very simple,that is [ one] if you know that relationship is one you will be in it us long us you live on this earth.without knowing this you will think that you are two.if you think like this you are ending your relationship.

Girl Moment: OMG... Are those YOUR shoes! I'm loving them!

on your Post: No, Can't say I agree. Only because, not every relationship is meant to last.
Some people say, or believe, relationships with people are like Trees.
A fairweather friend.. a leaf.. blows away at the slightlest breeze
A nice friend.. a branch... breaks when you add a little pressure, like a tropical storm

A TRUE friend... The roots... These people are here come what may.

I say " friends" but it's the same for romantic relationships as well.

teebee79's photo
Thu 03/20/14 09:36 AM

Michelin man... You busy later?love
As I am more representative of the Sta Puft Marshmallow Man's physical "attributes", what the h3ll is wrong with Sta Puft?

you're gonna make me actaully say it here whoa

Sta Puft!! Isn't that the SOFT marshmallow guy!!

Marshmallows get hard when it's stale, Right?slaphead
So now I'm stale? Yes i will need some alone time now that I'm stale(hard).
<<<looking for the eraser on this internet thing. I can't believe I just posted that.

I know Right! If only there were a reverse button on life...
You know scratch that, some of us probably wouldn't make it to life!

teebee79's photo
Thu 03/20/14 09:26 AM
His conversation....

A guy who can speak clearly and intelligently, while still being witty.....I'm in lovesmitten

teebee79's photo
Thu 03/20/14 08:58 AM
Why do I tap my toes to elevator music?

teebee79's photo
Thu 03/20/14 08:57 AM

Women are like tea bags, you never know how strong they are until they're in hot water.

Good one!:thumbsup:

teebee79's photo
Thu 03/20/14 08:55 AM

why do scammers always try to get folks to communicate off the site?

Because they want to send nasty pics of themselves.



wait... is that MY BRA!:angry:

teebee79's photo
Thu 03/20/14 08:54 AM

<<<tries his hand at reverse psychology.
You are so not sexy, nor beautiful,and I'm ok with the friends with benefits thing. Is it working?

:laughing: I actually had someone do this to me!!!

He emailed me with " Something about you just Bugs me"

So.. being me pitchfork " I said, well.. it's a good thing I don't give a F_k what you think, or else I'd be concerned"

yada yada yada We dated for 3 months smitten
So Tee...did I ever tell you I don't think you are very pretty? Hey that guy got three months, all I want is three weeks, just three weeks.

I was young and Stupid then....huh

So, you really think I'm not that prettysad2

tongue2 Ha!
Are you reversing my reversal? Don't confuse me. Yes I think you're pretty.

No, Reversal of the second part when the reversing of the first part didn't actually reversewhat

or just Thank youflowers
You're welcome, I think. I'm still getting a lawyer.

I'll be ready :laughing:

teebee79's photo
Thu 03/20/14 08:50 AM
Leigh oh Leigh, Shall I compare thee to a summer's day??

No... because weather is fleeting and fickle, and you my dear are not! flowerforyou

winks to you winking

teebee79's photo
Thu 03/20/14 08:47 AM

. I can only imagine. the things you must. apply to that beautiful , oh so dark chocolate ' velvety smooth.. body of yours..mmm..yess.. the richest of riches chocolates... I don't know do you think skin would have been better then body..hmm.?lol

again.. Do you need some alone time in this thread?huh

teebee79's photo
Thu 03/20/14 08:45 AM

Michelin man... You busy later?love
As I am more representative of the Sta Puft Marshmallow Man's physical "attributes", what the h3ll is wrong with Sta Puft?

you're gonna make me actaully say it here whoa

Sta Puft!! Isn't that the SOFT marshmallow guy!!

Marshmallows get hard when it's stale, Right?slaphead

teebee79's photo
Thu 03/20/14 08:39 AM

<<<tries his hand at reverse psychology.
You are so not sexy, nor beautiful,and I'm ok with the friends with benefits thing. Is it working?

:laughing: I actually had someone do this to me!!!

He emailed me with " Something about you just Bugs me"

So.. being me pitchfork " I said, well.. it's a good thing I don't give a F_k what you think, or else I'd be concerned"

yada yada yada We dated for 3 months smitten
So Tee...did I ever tell you I don't think you are very pretty? Hey that guy got three months, all I want is three weeks, just three weeks.

I was young and Stupid then....huh

So, you really think I'm not that prettysad2

tongue2 Ha!
Are you reversing my reversal? Don't confuse me. Yes I think you're pretty.

No, Reversal of the second part when the reversing of the first part didn't actually reversewhat

or just Thank youflowers

teebee79's photo
Thu 03/20/14 08:32 AM

I"m a Joisey Girl!

Sadly, so is Snookie embarassed

laugh waving flowerforyou :heart:

Good Morningwaving ((Leigh)) !!

teebee79's photo
Thu 03/20/14 08:30 AM

<<<tries his hand at reverse psychology.
You are so not sexy, nor beautiful,and I'm ok with the friends with benefits thing. Is it working?

:laughing: I actually had someone do this to me!!!

He emailed me with " Something about you just Bugs me"

So.. being me pitchfork " I said, well.. it's a good thing I don't give a F_k what you think, or else I'd be concerned"

yada yada yada We dated for 3 months smitten
So Tee...did I ever tell you I don't think you are very pretty? Hey that guy got three months, all I want is three weeks, just three weeks.

I was young and Stupid then....huh

So, you really think I'm not that prettysad2

tongue2 Ha!

teebee79's photo
Thu 03/20/14 08:26 AM
I"m a Joisey Girl!

Sadly, so is Snookie embarassed

teebee79's photo
Thu 03/20/14 08:12 AM

I'm surpised that I can make a joke out of everything!

and I mean Everything!surprised

Ehh.. it's how I cope!frustrated

Get outta my head! I tend to do the same things.. *nodding*flowerforyou

IT's better than being a cryer.tears . Am I Right??!:banana: :banana:
i do find your posts funny

Thank you flowerforyou