Topic: Relationship
agbevi's photo
Thu 03/20/14 09:35 AM
this is a word that people always say but what actually it is most people don't's very simple,that is [ one] if you know that relationship is one you will be in it us long us you live on this earth.without knowing this you will think that you are two.if you think like this you are ending your relationship.

teebee79's photo
Thu 03/20/14 09:43 AM
Edited by teebee79 on Thu 03/20/14 09:43 AM

this is a word that people always say but what actually it is most people don't's very simple,that is [ one] if you know that relationship is one you will be in it us long us you live on this earth.without knowing this you will think that you are two.if you think like this you are ending your relationship.

Girl Moment: OMG... Are those YOUR shoes! I'm loving them!

on your Post: No, Can't say I agree. Only because, not every relationship is meant to last.
Some people say, or believe, relationships with people are like Trees.
A fairweather friend.. a leaf.. blows away at the slightlest breeze
A nice friend.. a branch... breaks when you add a little pressure, like a tropical storm

A TRUE friend... The roots... These people are here come what may.

I say " friends" but it's the same for romantic relationships as well.