It is time to enter...
Greetings again my fellow travellers , coming back into the Inn for yet another ale
It is time to enter...
With my ale finished i stand up and alk out of the Inn , wandering around this quiet town
It is time to enter...
i will get you a tiny brew spirit361
It is time to enter...
*i am far from weak my fellow friend , placing my hand on my sword handle , unhilting it a little , why do you speak to a fellow adventurer like this , havent we all been brought to this inn for a reason*
It is time to enter...
watches tahahl enter and sit at her table , gazing at her beauty from accross the room , letting out a soft smile as i turn back to my quiet drink
It is time to enter...
Greetings travellers , sitting at a table alone and drinking my ale quietly , how is everyones day faring? i hope all is well
( feel free to add me as a friend ) |