SINGLE or TAKEN? - part 4
taken is a committed relationship between 2 people not u and 2 to 3 other people.. Interesting. According to your definition? What about people in polyfidelitous triads, for instance, where three people are in a romantic relationship with each other but don't date outside the triad? That's a 3-person relationship where the participants really ARE taken in a more traditional sense. You're right, though, in a more open situation like mine, terms like "taken" feel rather out of place and don't particularly apply. if it aint 2 people in a relationship it is not a true relationship no matter what u say,now many may believe it is,but far to many more know it isnt Again, I wonder how you have any idea how "real" my relationship is, and how anyone who hasn't even seen it, let alone is involved in it, can "know" that it isn't? |
SINGLE or TAKEN? - part 4
no one owns any one,in any relationship that aint a true relationship either I don't disagree, I'm just saying that I feel a hint of that in the term "taken", which is why I suspect that I wouldn't like it even if I were in a monogamous relationship. |
SINGLE or TAKEN? - part 4
taken is a committed relationship between 2 people not u and 2 to 3 other people.. Interesting. According to your definition? What about people in polyfidelitous triads, for instance, where three people are in a romantic relationship with each other but don't date outside the triad? That's a 3-person relationship where the participants really ARE taken in a more traditional sense. You're right, though, in a more open situation like mine, terms like "taken" feel rather out of place and don't particularly apply. |
SINGLE or TAKEN? - part 4
Then again, my recent ex and I, while theoretically polyamorous, were functionally monogamous due to neither of us actually dating anyone else while we were together, and I was feeling fairly taken with him despite still being technically available.
Of course, I haven't had a nominally monogamous relationship in many years, so terms like "taken" don't mean all that much to me in general, and I tend not to like the hint of ownership I sense in the term. |
SINGLE or TAKEN? - part 4
(((jason))) where u been? and ur not taken if ur not with one particular person..she sounds like a swinger. Swinging is a different subset of non-monogamous relationships. Swinging involves sexual connections outside a partnership, whereas polyamory involves multiple romantic relationships. There is a great deal of emotional attachment involved, and the relationships are ongoing. I guess that depends upon your definition of "taken". I max out around two partners, so I feel fairly taken at that point--I don't have the time and energy to maintain more romantic connections at a time than that. This varies by person. |
SINGLE or TAKEN? - part 4
I wasnt trying to be rude or mean in any sense I just state what I wanna say and if u think thats a real relationship then it is in your eyes and who ever else believes that. I dont think it is and thats just how I feel So why the problem differentiating between "type of relationship I wouldn't want" and "real relationship"? How do you feel you can know how real my relationship is based on such extremely limited information? you seem to be getting mighty defensive when all he did was state his views... you have yours, he has his... lets all move on with our lives I'm curious as to how he lacks the ability to differentiate between "not for me" and "not real" based on a few lines of text. I would never approach an entire relationship structure with that view, and it baffles me that he thinks that's a valid approach to a new idea. I'm not attacking, but honestly curious. |
SINGLE or TAKEN? - part 4
(((jason))) where u been? and ur not taken if ur not with one particular person..she sounds like a swinger. Swinging is a different subset of non-monogamous relationships. Swinging involves sexual connections outside a partnership, whereas polyamory involves multiple romantic relationships. There is a great deal of emotional attachment involved, and the relationships are ongoing. |
SINGLE or TAKEN? - part 4
I wasnt trying to be rude or mean in any sense I just state what I wanna say and if u think thats a real relationship then it is in your eyes and who ever else believes that. I dont think it is and thats just how I feel So why the problem differentiating between "type of relationship I wouldn't want" and "real relationship"? How do you feel you can know how real my relationship is based on such extremely limited information? |
SINGLE or TAKEN? - part 4
Edited by
Mon 04/07/08 09:02 PM
I didnt expect it to count for any thing as I said its my opinion and what I think I wasnt sayit it to put u down or what u do down I'm curious as to why you did say it then, and what reaction you expect when telling someone that you don't think their relationship counts as a "true relationship" simply because you wouldn't choose that relationship structure for yourself. That's not meant as hostility, simply curiosity. If you're actually interested, I'm happy to talk about it. |
SINGLE or TAKEN? - part 4
Edited by
Mon 04/07/08 08:55 PM
every one has there thing,I just dont see it as a true relationship,and unless u are actually there 100 percent I dont see it as u are taken,but pls dont take it wrong just my opinion ![]() What's a "true relationship"? We all have interests outside out relationships; in the case of my network, some of those interests happen to be other people. Monogamy is not the only valid relationship structure, and doesn't mean we're not in 100%. You can think whatever you like, but your opinion on my relationship counts for very little in my mind. |
SINGLE or TAKEN? - part 4
Edited by
Mon 04/07/08 08:49 PM
how can u be dating someone but not exactly be taken?? if u are dating someone u are taken ![]() It's a polyamorous relationship. He's got a fiancee; we've met and get along fabulously, everyone's fully aware of and consenting to the situation. He's got another couple peripheral involvements, she sees a few other men, and I'm open to see other people as well. |
SINGLE or TAKEN? - part 4
Dating someone but not exactly "taken".
In danger...
Sometimes I wonder if I'm in danger of such a thing, but then I remember how awkward I find initial encounters, and how I need emotional comfort to be sexual with someone, and I realize that while some thought of it may be appealing, it's not something that I actually want.
Crazy girl? or just young
Do I trust her with the friends thing or just get away from that as well? The only reason I ask is because I helped her with a lot on a personal level. The question is, do you trust her? Is she good for you? If not, then you have your answer. |
My Potential?
I think it looks good. It says something about you, about who you are and what you're looking for.
Spelling and punctuation. Personally, I'm unlikely to take someone seriously, or bother reading their profile at all, if they don't have them correctly spelled and punctuated.
well what you think
Break up your profile blurb with sentences. I'm also generally more inclined to take people seriously if they say more about what their hobbies are. You mentioned not wanting to sit around all day--so what do you do when you're not sitting around?
I would fix the punctuation. Your sentences need some commas, and a few of them should be more than one sentence and haven't been made so. It makes it hard to read.
The info is good, it's just that the delivery could use a bit of work. |
I think the lack of capitalization makes it hard to read. Other than that, looks good!
religious virgin
ok, so I met this guy and I like him! I know I do, but I don't really know him all that well... I mean... hes totally not my usual type, he's a religious virgon and Im neither. DO you think its a normal thing? I dont have to be religious, I feel like I need to respect his beliefs but I dont feel obligated to hurry up and go to church, I believe in god and thats enough for me, if its not for him then thats fine and ... everything happens for a reason I dont agree with you at all, I understand your thoughts, but I dont see how me not going to church with him has anything to do with a commitment to each other. If you have a connection to god then its a wonderful, PERSONAL experience. It shouldnt determine whether you like someone or not and it shouldnt determine whether or not you want to be with someone. I think if you have enough respect for each other then you can understand boundries and understand reasons for your life styles It sounds like you're approaching this with logic and maturity, and as long as he does the same, there's no reason not to explore your connection, right? I'd just talk to him and make sure he's open to your level of religious belief and not going to disrespect you by trying to bring you over to his way of thinking (or church-going, or whatever). As long as you two can respect where each of you is coming from, it's all good. Also, no one is "normal". It's a pretty useless description. |