Community > Posts By > JoshMN

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Wed 03/05/08 10:09 AM

Just show them this:

yeah, that's about as boring as the one we made them watch lol

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Wed 03/05/08 10:06 AM
Dieser Faden ist für die ganzen Leute deutscher Erbschaft. Ich bin nicht sicher was wir werden besprechen es, aber wir werden deutsch während Machen es sein!

This thread is for all the people of german heritage. I'm not sure what we'll talk about it, but we'll be german while doing it!

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Wed 03/05/08 10:02 AM

that don't sound to bad to me

i've never certified people before, that's new to me. so i had to sit on his computer and try to figure out how to do it while trying to instruct people that don't speak english on what they're doing wrong and why they couldn't go home yet.

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Wed 03/05/08 09:59 AM
i had a damn safety meeting at work today. my new position puts me in kind of a higher-up position and my supervisor came up to me yesterday and told me i had to have a meeting and give a little safety lecture about the forklifts, then i could leave, and then my supervisor would come in and watch all these people drive the forklift to make sure they followed safety procedures and everything. sounds easy, huh? no, my supervisor is a helmet and didn't show up so i had to do his job and watch all these people on the forklift so i could certify them.

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Wed 03/05/08 09:54 AM
.......................nuff said...bigsmile

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Tue 03/04/08 07:15 PM
my ex called me last night after a month of not talking so she could ask to borrow money

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Tue 03/04/08 07:05 PM
ugh,, i prefer showers

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Tue 03/04/08 06:52 PM
sounds like fun

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Tue 03/04/08 06:47 PM
bout to crack open some whiskey, yours?

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Tue 03/04/08 06:38 PM
i think so too.........

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Tue 03/04/08 06:36 PM
I'm here!!!!!

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Tue 03/04/08 06:08 PM
i feel abandonded!!! :cry:

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Tue 03/04/08 06:02 PM

Bored stupid here too,where's everybody at tonight?drinker drinker

well i think most were trying to help me get unconfused...

why are you confused? flowerforyou

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Tue 03/04/08 05:54 PM

Bored stupid here too,where's everybody at tonight?drinker drinker

my apartment.....trying to decide what to do for supper and if i'd rather have whiskey or

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Tue 03/04/08 05:47 PM
BLAH! booger stain!!!!

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Tue 03/04/08 05:40 PM

I find it interesting that individuals can achieve a state of boredom even though they have a wealth of knowledge at their fingertips. The internet is all encompassing, learn something new. Endless information is right here, learn a new language, work on some subject youve always had difficulty with, study some history, learn more geography, or current events, anything really.

Ich will eine andere Sprache nicht lernen. bigsmile

sehr gut drinker drinker


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Tue 03/04/08 05:35 PM

you can google up some midget porn

LMAO, not you too.......a guy i work with is obsessed with midget

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Tue 03/04/08 05:35 PM

at least you spelled bored right

are you implying something?grumble

no photo
Tue 03/04/08 05:33 PM

I find it interesting that individuals can achieve a state of boredom even though they have a wealth of knowledge at their fingertips. The internet is all encompassing, learn something new. Endless information is right here, learn a new language, work on some subject youve always had difficulty with, study some history, learn more geography, or current events, anything really.

Ich will eine andere Sprache nicht lernen. bigsmile

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Tue 03/04/08 05:28 PM
yeah, but i'm having a hard time finding a convo i'm interested in