Community > Posts By > JoshMN

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Sat 03/15/08 10:05 PM
alright, gimme a second, i'll try a different one

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Sat 03/15/08 10:02 PM
yeah, all i have is a camera phone so my picture quality is kinda limited

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Sat 03/15/08 09:59 PM
tell me what you think.....

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Fri 03/14/08 03:07 PM

be easier to die for beliefs or kill for them?

if you died for your beliefs, you weren't shooting good enough

i agreebigsmile

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Thu 03/13/08 09:04 PM

Damn, man or woman, if you are not a god or a godess you dont even get a second look.ohwell

you do if you post pictures of your chest!bigsmile

good idea, i'll get right on that.

can you send me some to while youre at it?

yeah, why not

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Thu 03/13/08 08:59 PM

Damn, man or woman, if you are not a god or a godess you dont even get a second look.ohwell

you do if you post pictures of your chest!bigsmile

good idea, i'll get right on that.

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Thu 03/13/08 08:57 PM
from what i've noticed they may not be EVERYTHING, but they're a big part of it.....

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Thu 03/13/08 08:44 PM

we have 6 flags....Ranger's stadium and the future site of the Cowboy's stadium

do those count???

hey, i'm fabricating the glass for the cowboy's stadium.....i think i've broken like 4 pieces so far...laugh

well stop's costing me money laugh

if it makes you feel better next time i break a lite i'll mail you a peice.

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Thu 03/13/08 08:40 PM

we have 6 flags....Ranger's stadium and the future site of the Cowboy's stadium

do those count???

hey, i'm fabricating the glass for the cowboy's stadium.....i think i've broken like 4 pieces so far...laugh

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Thu 03/13/08 08:38 PM

Portland Oregon has more strip clubs per captia than any other city in the US!!!

i'll be there in 2 days

You gonna see how many you can visit?? the guiness book of world records....i'm going for the all time

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Thu 03/13/08 08:37 PM
wow......that makes me sad......i love queen.....:cry:

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Thu 03/13/08 08:35 PM

noway Im not sure JSH is the wisest place to ask for medical advice noway

Good point.

Josh, there are lot's of reasons for chest pain. Maybe heart, maybe not, if they haven't done a stress test, then you should probably have one. Is the doc you're going to a cardiologist? Maybe you should get a 2nd opinion.

i was at work and the chest pains got so bad i collapsed so my supervisor took me to the hospital and a family doctor talked to me, took an x-ray, and gave me pills.

You're really young for angina, but it's not impossible. You need to have a complete evaluation from a good MD. Don't mess around. I know it's expensive, but so are funereals. See a good internist (not a family MD and NOT an ER doc). If you don't know one, call your local hospital, ask for the medical staff secretary/office & get a recommendation. Say you want a board certified doc in either internal medicine or cardiology.

see, the whole thing about age...i didnt know anything about that....and i also didn't know about NOT wanting to talk to a family md or an er doc...why is that, by the way?

It's not that you don't want to talk to them.....just you want someone who is well trained. Internists & cardiologists are usually better trained than a family doc for possible heart problems or difficult diagnoses. ER docs aren't usually 'at the top of their class', plus their focus is the immediate situation, not the 'big picture'. Hope this helps.

yeah, it does.....thanks a lotdrinker

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Thu 03/13/08 08:34 PM

Portland Oregon has more strip clubs per captia than any other city in the US!!!

i'll be there in 2 days

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Thu 03/13/08 08:33 PM

the movie "Angus" was filmed (in part) in my hometown, and also took place there. they used the real high school, real restaraunts, real houses. but the place where they had the prom i believe was a set in hollywood cause i've never seen it. lol

I <3 Angus :P

yup, Owatonna High School is actually the real high school (i went there), they really are the Owatonna Huskeys (used to be the Owatonna Indians, but apparently somebody found that offensive) and Angus ate at the Lunch Box, which was a real diner across the street from the high school til the cops shut it down for drug deals and whatnot

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Thu 03/13/08 08:28 PM
the movie "Angus" was filmed (in part) in my hometown, and also took place there. they used the real high school, real restaraunts, real houses. but the place where they had the prom i believe was a set in hollywood cause i've never seen it. lol

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Thu 03/13/08 08:22 PM

noway Im not sure JSH is the wisest place to ask for medical advice noway

Good point.

Josh, there are lot's of reasons for chest pain. Maybe heart, maybe not, if they haven't done a stress test, then you should probably have one. Is the doc you're going to a cardiologist? Maybe you should get a 2nd opinion.

i was at work and the chest pains got so bad i collapsed so my supervisor took me to the hospital and a family doctor talked to me, took an x-ray, and gave me pills.

You're really young for angina, but it's not impossible. You need to have a complete evaluation from a good MD. Don't mess around. I know it's expensive, but so are funereals. See a good internist (not a family MD and NOT an ER doc). If you don't know one, call your local hospital, ask for the medical staff secretary/office & get a recommendation. Say you want a board certified doc in either internal medicine or cardiology.

see, the whole thing about age...i didnt know anything about that....and i also didn't know about NOT wanting to talk to a family md or an er doc...why is that, by the way?

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Thu 03/13/08 08:15 PM

my brother went throught the same thing... youd be suprised.. im not saying thats what it is... but often enough it is. and if you can stay away from the drugs its always better.. i know its not always possible tho.

that's why i'm on here......trying to get advice from different ends of the spectrum...cause i really don't know if i want to waste the money on a doctor

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Thu 03/13/08 08:09 PM

relaxation or meditation... keep in tune with your body

sit back and take inventory.. what are some things that could be causing the anxiety.. youd be suprised. sudden change in lifestyle, bills, loss of someone, something, even your job..

i don't think it's anxiety cause a lot of the times i'm sitting at home completely relaxed and calm and all of a sudden it's like OWW!!

no photo
Thu 03/13/08 08:06 PM

Wont really go away. Dr needs to give you some nitro. that will ease the pain when it occurs. what you are describing sounds like stable angina

from what i was reading that's what i think you have any experience with this?

no photo
Thu 03/13/08 08:05 PM

noway Im not sure JSH is the wisest place to ask for medical advice noway

Good point.

Josh, there are lot's of reasons for chest pain. Maybe heart, maybe not, if they haven't done a stress test, then you should probably have one. Is the doc you're going to a cardiologist? Maybe you should get a 2nd opinion.

i was at work and the chest pains got so bad i collapsed so my supervisor took me to the hospital and a family doctor talked to me, took an x-ray, and gave me pills.

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