Community > Posts By > IndianaJoans

IndianaJoans's photo
Fri 03/07/08 12:36 PM

Lindyy says:

First, I am SO PROUD of the U.S. Vet that took our flag down!

That flag stands for everything that has happened in the USA, it represents the citizens of the United States, how hard we have fought and worked to establish our freedom, our country, our rights.

I watched the video. The mexican owner of the business would not even speak to the television reporter. There was no one's buddy making up the whole incident for attention.

That mexican business owner stood there with his mouth shut. Picked up his flag from the ground and went into his business establishment,still saying nothing.

He knew very well that what he did was wrong, disrespectful, and illegal, for those of you think it was not such a bad thing.

TAKEN FROM OUR FLAG-THE STORY OF OLD GLORY by Mabel Ruth Bennett, Author of "The Hidden Garfden", "March Steele - Daught of the Revolution" and "The Christmas Book":

"Ulysses S.Grant, (1882-1885) 18th President of the USA. "There is no name so great that it should be placed upon the flag of our country."

"Major Gen. Arthur MacArthur, (1845-1912) served in the US Army for 47 years. "The flag of the American Union is a visible symbol of the ideal aspirations of the American people. It is the one focus in which all unite in reverential devotion. We differ in religion; we differ in politics; we engage in violent disputes as to the true meaning of the Constitution, and even challenge the wisdome of some of its provisions; we inject self-interest and cupidity into most of the ordinary transactions of daily life, but through the santifying folds of the flag, the collective intelligence of the Nation rises superior to the wisdom of any of its parts, and thus ensure the perpetuality of the Republic."

The following was wrtten by a ten year old in the fifth grade of Rockway Elementary School, Miami, Florida, in September, 1970):
F - stand for freedom, on land and on sea; for America is the land for me.
L - stand for Liberty, for love and for care, look at America, you'll find it there!
A - stand for Achievement, America too. American achievement is the best thing for you.
G - stand for Greatness, Glory and all that is Good. If you don't love the flag, you certainly should.

F-L-A-G is America's symbol, land of the free. And that is what our flag means to me!"
By Stuart Knox Chapin. 10 years old

The Star Spangled Banner Lyrics
By Francis Scott Key 1814

Oh, say can you see by the dawn's early light
What so proudly we hailed at the twilight's last gleaming?
Whose broad stripes and bright stars thru the perilous fight,
O'er the ramparts we watched were so gallantly streaming?
And the rocket's red glare, the bombs bursting in air,
Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there.
Oh, say does that star-spangled banner yet wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave?

On the shore, dimly seen through the mists of the deep,
Where the foe's haughty host in dread silence reposes,
What is that which the breeze, o'er the towering steep,
As it fitfully blows, half conceals, half discloses?
Now it catches the gleam of the morning's first beam,
In full glory reflected now shines in the stream:
'Tis the star-spangled banner! Oh long may it wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave!

And where is that band who so vauntingly swore
That the havoc of war and the battle's confusion,
A home and a country should leave us no more!
Their blood has washed out their foul footsteps' pollution.
No refuge could save the hireling and slave
From the terror of flight, or the gloom of the grave:
And the star-spangled banner in triumph doth wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave!

Oh! thus be it ever, when freemen shall stand
Between their loved home and the war's desolation!
Blest with victory and peace, may the heav'n rescued land
Praise the Power that hath made and preserved us a nation.
Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just,
And this be our motto: "In God is our trust."
And the star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave!

PROUD TO BE AN AMERICAN!:heart: :heart:

:heart: :heart: :heart:
drinker drinker drinker

IndianaJoans's photo
Fri 03/07/08 12:27 PM

I will disregard the immature response that is of the type used by a school child and will anxiously wait for you to respond with a mature answer more representative of your age. I have laid out several questions for you and have yet to receive a response above the level of "NO! It's my toy! Give it back or you can't play in my sandbox! If you simply choose not to answer then that is fine with me. It's better than a neener neener side step and no, I won't think your penis has shriveled up and you are less of a man than you think you are as a result.

I will disregard the immature response that is of the type used by a school child....laugh laugh

IndianaJoans's photo
Fri 03/07/08 12:16 PM

No, I am not infatuated with anyone. Is it because she is not infatuated with you? See, that is the problem: you can't stand the fact that she won't listen to you. Control, control, control. Ever been accused of that? I am sure no more than ........ 99% of the time.)

were the two of you separated at birth?....laugh laugh

I will disregard the immature response that is of the type used by a school child and will anxiously wait for you to respond with a mature answer more representative of your age. I have laid out several questions for you and have yet to receive a response above the level of "NO! It's my toy! Give it back or you can't play in my sandbox! If you simply choose not to answer then that is fine with me. It's better than a neener neener side step and no, I won't think your penis has shriveled up and you are less of a man than you think you are as a result.

IndianaJoans's photo
Fri 03/07/08 12:02 PM

And you constantly follow her around to remind her of that.

joansey...if you havn't noticed she starts up more threads than the rest of us reasonable people together
(I have noticed)
...and 99% of them are propaganda
(We can all research her posts ourselves. We don't need you to claim an undocumented percentage that is clearly your own biased opinion. Are you sure it isn't 84.3%? 92.6%? Where did you get that figure?)

so apparently she needs to be reminded
(Reminded of what? That you don't believe what she believes? I think you have been successful with that one)

...and you don't have to take my word for it
(ok I won't)
...take a look at her posts and what others have pointed out to her
(I am talking to you, not anyone else, and I am talking about what seems to be your desire to be the self appointed jsh police force)

...maybe since you are infatuated with her maybe she'll listen to you...laugh
(No, I am not infatuated with anyone. Is it because she is not infatuated with you? See, that is the problem: you can't stand the fact that she won't listen to you. Control, control, control. Ever been accused of that? I am sure no more than ........ 99% of the time.)

Quotes are in parenthesis.

IndianaJoans's photo
Fri 03/07/08 11:45 AM
Edited by IndianaJoans on Fri 03/07/08 11:46 AM

IndianaJoans's photo
Fri 03/07/08 11:44 AM

hello yanke....i was reading what you wrote to my friend miss symbelmyne..and you were the one who made the first remark..where the insultings are conserned..

this is highly entertaining for people to read really..was this your goal in your useless existance??
to entertain??..

well, success is yours...

not only are you hidden from the rest of us to view..which can only make the intelligent ones here on jsh..consider you to be a kind of man who likes nothing better to do with his time then to trash others...but also a man who has absolutely no courage of his own convictions...making you useless,and have no bareings what-so ever to society...

but i enjoyed the way your only friend stood up for you though...
perhaps one day this lovely lady will see for herslef what kind of a pethetic life-form you are...

what a sad life you must really have our pity

Lindyy says:

Oh brother, I need my 'pooper scooper' and hip boots again!!

Really, now. What was the purpose of the above-quoted post as I have no idea what the poster is trying to convey.

:heart: :heart:

You will have to go back and read the script as it was laid out. My point is that we need to follow the forum rules pertaining to civility.

IndianaJoans's photo
Fri 03/07/08 11:40 AM

We should all behave. Our opinions are just that our opinions. If people could leave the personal attacks out of the debate all would go along better.

yes opinions are just opinion...but you post what you call facts which have no factual basis at persistently perpetrate lies...

And you constantly follow her around to remind her of that. Are you the jsh police force? Why don't you show your maturity and avoid the posts? I don't agree with a lot of what she says but it is not my job to be a bully either. Maybe if you started your own threads? Are you as passionate about your own views? Start a thread titled "what a Canadian thinks about foreign politics" or something along that line perhaps? Maybe it is just more fun being a cyber bully?

IndianaJoans's photo
Fri 03/07/08 11:30 AM

hello yanke....i was reading what you wrote to my friend miss symbelmyne..and you were the one who made the first remark..where the insultings are conserned..

this is highly entertaining for people to read really..was this your goal in your useless existance??
to entertain??..

well, success is yours...

not only are you hidden from the rest of us to view..which can only make the intelligent ones here on jsh..consider you to be a kind of man who likes nothing better to do with his time then to trash others...but also a man who has absolutely no courage of his own convictions...making you useless,and have no bareings what-so ever to society...

but i enjoyed the way your only friend stood up for you though...
perhaps one day this lovely lady will see for herslef what kind of a pethetic life-form you are...

what a sad life you must really have our pity



You must be new to these threads. Otherwise, you would know that quite a few of us "insult" each other, as you put it. It is part of politics .... who knows why but discussing that forum brings out the worst in some of us, including myself. I have thrown a few barbs at your friend. She in turn, and rightly so, has done the same to me. There is a saying "If you can't stand the heat stay out of the kitchen." So, lighten up and don't make a big deal over a group of people sparring on a political thread. Your friend symbelmyne and the rest of us can handle ourselves and do not need you or anyone else to step up to the plate in her or our defense.

Are you a moderator or is your statement claiming that we should disregard the rules? Maybe we should get clarification of the rules from the site mods? BTW crap belongs in the bathroom not the kitchen and if it is hot in the bathroom you open the window, NOT inviting your friends in to look at the crap with you. Let's forward this to the mods and see what they have to say about their silly rules about being civil, huh?flowerforyou

Additionally as you have stated this forum tends to bring out the worst in some including yourself then maybe it is you that should avoid these threads until you can reign in self control? As my father always said, if you don't have something constructive to say then *****ing will only make it worse.

IndianaJoans's photo
Fri 03/07/08 11:20 AM

hello yanke....i was reading what you wrote to my friend miss symbelmyne..and you were the one who made the first remark..where the insultings are conserned..

this is highly entertaining for people to read really..was this your goal in your useless existance??
to entertain??..

well, success is yours...

not only are you hidden from the rest of us to view..which can only make the intelligent ones here on jsh..consider you to be a kind of man who likes nothing better to do with his time then to trash others...but also a man who has absolutely no courage of his own convictions...making you useless,and have no bareings what-so ever to society...

but i enjoyed the way your only friend stood up for you though...
perhaps one day this lovely lady will see for herslef what kind of a pethetic life-form you are...

what a sad life you must really have our pity



You must be new to these threads. Otherwise, you would know that quite a few of us "insult" each other, as you put it. It is part of politics .... who knows why but discussing that forum brings out the worst in some of us, including myself. I have thrown a few barbs at your friend. She in turn, and rightly so, has done the same to me. There is a saying "If you can't stand the heat stay out of the kitchen." So, lighten up and don't make a big deal over a group of people sparring on a political thread. Your friend symbelmyne and the rest of us can handle ourselves and do not need you or anyone else to step up to the plate in her or our defense.

Are you a moderator or is your statement claiming that we should disregard the rules? Maybe we should get clarification of the rules from the site mods? BTW crap belongs in the bathroom not the kitchen and if it is hot in the bathroom you open the window, NOT inviting your friends in to look at the crap with you. Let's forward this to the mods and see what they have to say about their silly rules about being civil, huh?flowerforyou

IndianaJoans's photo
Thu 03/06/08 06:27 PM
Thank you both. I think the best thing might be for me to avoid the political forums. There is too much anger in here and rather than everyone trying to see the other's point of view it seems more like they want to cram their opinions down the throats of others. None of us are completely right. I respect the views of others and realize that I am not always right even if I think I am. It's all about working together for me. Not all conservatives or liberals are mean spirited. We should all work toward middle ground. After all it is what is best for ALL of us that matters isn't it? :cry:

IndianaJoans's photo
Thu 03/06/08 06:17 PM

I find it interesting that the only thing people talk about concerning Katrina is New Orleans. Mississippi and Alabama were hit just as hard and you never hear a word about those areas. You also don't hear about the rest of Louisiana. Why do you suppose that is?

I don't think that the other affected regions are being forgotten. I think generally speaking the rest of the nation just umps them all together with New Orleans as the focal point. I also don't believe Bush is a racist but I do wish we would spend money that has gone to fight for another country to fight for our own people. JMO. It is VERY sad to me.sad

IndianaJoans's photo
Thu 03/06/08 06:07 PM

hello yanke....i was reading what you wrote to my friend miss symbelmyne..and you were the one who made the first remark..where the insultings are conserned..

this is highly entertaining for people to read really..was this your goal in your useless existance??
to entertain??..

well, success is yours...

not only are you hidden from the rest of us to view..which can only make the intelligent ones here on jsh..consider you to be a kind of man who likes nothing better to do with his time then to trash others...but also a man who has absolutely no courage of his own convictions...making you useless,and have no bareings what-so ever to society...

but i enjoyed the way your only friend stood up for you though...
perhaps one day this lovely lady will see for herslef what kind of a pethetic life-form you are...

what a sad life you must really have our pity

I apologize to everyone for saying mean things myself. I am new here and I hope you all can forgive me.

IndianaJoans's photo
Thu 03/06/08 04:51 PM
Awwwwwwwwwww I miss my kitty!sad

IndianaJoans's photo
Thu 03/06/08 03:47 PM

you are not a ...... small penised little man like others may think.

i guess not!! did you see the size of that sombrero laugh

It could be the male version of the padded bra? laugh

IndianaJoans's photo
Thu 03/06/08 03:14 PM

he's ^^ (northern yankee) actually a really nice guy (sorry to spoil your image, haha)

and he looks awfully good in drag laugh

Thanks paper.First impressions are important and he has blown it with me.:wink:

I've blown it with you....oh my..what have I're arrogant if you think that matters in the slightest way to me...laugh

My God you are immature.

ok then...please tell me how whatever you think of me or say to me affects me in any way...yawn

there are only a few people in here that I care what they are not one of them....

It doesn't. You are not a rude, obnoxious, self centered arrogant, small penised little man like others may think. I think you are a wonderful person that cares deeply for others.drinker

IndianaJoans's photo
Thu 03/06/08 02:48 PM

he's ^^ (northern yankee) actually a really nice guy (sorry to spoil your image, haha)

and he looks awfully good in drag laugh

Thanks paper.First impressions are important and he has blown it with me.:wink:

I've blown it with you....oh my..what have I're arrogant if you think that matters in the slightest way to me...laugh

My God you are immature.

IndianaJoans's photo
Thu 03/06/08 02:22 PM

he's ^^ (northern yankee) actually a really nice guy (sorry to spoil your image, haha)

and he looks awfully good in drag laugh

Thanks paper.First impressions are important and he has blown it with me.:wink:

IndianaJoans's photo
Thu 03/06/08 02:19 PM

I am curious as to why you quantified your statement, "I'm not really mean". Is it that you are not mean? Or not REALLY mean?

you want me to qualify my statement?...I'm not mean...I say it as I see it and if that bothers you then that's too bad...I have no time for liers or bu!!$!hiters or left wing if you don't fall into that group you probably don't think I'm mean..and if you do think I'm mean what's it to don't have to read what I post and that woman you think needs your help to protect herself from me thinks I'm mean she doesn't have to read or say anything to me. In fact she has already said in a post a little while back she was going to ignore me and called me a few names and it's too bad she didn't stick to her little plan..

Why do you keep focusing on symbelmine as the issue? I am directing my questions to YOU about YOU. If she called you names I missed it. All I see is you being mean and by your admission you have no time for anyone who doesn't see the world as you do. Maybe a refresher of the forum rules is in order? As far as me avoiding reading the posts in which you are involved, I have this to offer. Your butt itches and although you know you have a hemorrhoid you simply scratch around it.

IndianaJoans's photo
Thu 03/06/08 01:48 PM
Edited by IndianaJoans on Thu 03/06/08 01:50 PM

symbelmyne..... I am not touching that one

she could be used as the poster girl for celibacy..laugh laugh laugh

That is SO mean! She is very pretty but way out of your league as your attitude displays. Very immature! grumble

I am SO may think she looks pretty but I see past that you think by kissing her butt you got yoruself a new friend?...bigsmile

You are a mean person. Good luck with dating. At least your hand will be happy.noway

I'm not really mean....but if you think so oh well, I'm not going to loose any sleep over it. you really know her or do you know her just from this virtual place. You sound really young, you shouldn't let yourself be so easily influenced...

No I don't know her personally and I am as young as I feel. You checked me out so you know my age. Why does any of that that matter? By your query am I to understand that it is ok to treat someone you know badly? If you find it easy to deduce someone's age from text then surely I can deduce that you are a mean person from yours.
I am curious as to why you quantified your statement, "I'm not really mean". Is it that you are not mean? Or not REALLY mean?

IndianaJoans's photo
Thu 03/06/08 01:30 PM

symbelmyne..... I am not touching that one

she could be used as the poster girl for celibacy..laugh laugh laugh

That is SO mean! She is very pretty but way out of your league as your attitude displays. Very immature! grumble

I am SO may think she looks pretty but I see past that you think by kissing her butt you got yoruself a new friend?...bigsmile

You are a mean person. Good luck with dating. At least your hand will be happy.noway