Community > Posts By > Unknow

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Tue 12/03/13 04:58 PM
I wish I could get back together with my ex

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Tue 12/03/13 04:54 PM
Bought it by mistake a few weeks ago. made it with breakfast and everyone went nuts over it. Now it's the only bacon anybody here will eat. They want it every day laugh

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Tue 12/03/13 04:30 PM
laugh laugh funny stuff!

...and I'm just here petrified of spiders! scared seriously...its a phobia I will leave the premises if there is one inside.

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Tue 12/03/13 04:20 PM
I get it..and I know it to well.ohwell My ex was the one I wanted to be with and still do. I know the one in a million feeling you are referring to Tawt. I think I joined back up with this site to help me get him off my mind, not so much to meet anyone else because I can't just get over him.

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Tue 12/03/13 03:58 PM
This year I started late and had to cut me expenses all the way around but I did get something for my immediate family and a few friends so far..... I guess I am 1/2 way done.

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Sun 12/01/13 03:00 PM



BOW CHICA WOW WOWWW! laugh laugh laugh laugh :wink:

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Sun 12/01/13 01:42 PM
rough, tough , manly men here! :heart: laugh laugh

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Sun 12/01/13 01:33 PM

I've seen some things...

yeah? ... on sites like these , I think we all have! whoa

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Sun 12/01/13 01:23 PM

Are you insinuating that there is life outside the matrix ?

laugh laugh

The Matrix is everywhere. It is all around us. You can see it when you look out your window or when you turn on your television. You can feel it when you go to work... when you go to church... when you pay your taxes. It is the world that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth.

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Sun 12/01/13 01:12 PM
Get active in the forums and see, use the tools the site match, you can also use the advanced settings and search, it will bring up a bunch of people and start talking to people. OR go out and talk to some real people laugh laugh drinker

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Sun 12/01/13 03:41 AM
Dont know if it will be the same without "Brian". Vin and the Rock are in 7 also I think...about to go read up on it. Thinking its gonna be a Fast & Furious marathon this weekend. drinker

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Sun 12/01/13 03:17 AM
So sad..I watched all of the Fast & Furious movies with my sons... RIP Paul Walker

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Sat 11/30/13 05:30 PM
I ignore & delete all the foreigners ...just not interested in chatting with someone that far away. noway

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Sat 11/30/13 02:31 PM
There was a movie called Frozen a year or two ago. It was good for some reason it scared the hell out of me.

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Sat 11/30/13 02:26 PM
I love horror flicks, not so much Saw and that kind of stuff. Gotta agree with everyone on Dawn of Dead & Night of the L.D, The original Evil Dead ...all that older stuff is great! Some other great ones...The Shinning, Blair Witch, People under the Stairs, Amityville Horror, to many to pick favorites. Im about to see if some of these other ones everyones posting about are on Netflix! bigsmile

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Sat 11/30/13 02:10 PM

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Fri 11/29/13 05:41 PM
Ok 4 weeks before Christmas and Im still trying to get a Ps4 for my sons. Out of stock everywhere, in stores & online. hmmmmmmmmmmm.

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Fri 11/29/13 05:22 PM
lotsa good ideas ty!

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Fri 11/29/13 01:03 PM
My brother and I always exchange gifts. I am so stumped this year as to what to give him & his wife. They really don't need material things. Every year I give them a dinner & show gift certificate.Just feeling like I want to do something special this year. HELP frustrated

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Thu 11/28/13 03:42 AM
We used to have huge games of tag on the street I grew up on (we called it cops & robbers WAY back then). We had a 4-5 block radius to hideout on and tons of kids playing at times. I was 13ish and he caught me hiding behind the high school down the street. He arrested me & kissed me. We dated about a year after that and are still friends to this day.:smile:

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