Community > Posts By > bassman1959
I really don't think most men are capable of really telling a woman's size, in terms of clothing. I believe both men and women are able to tell if a person's appearance is pleasing to them, and place that in accordance with everything else about them. well some know especially when they guess your size and automatically close the conversation just bc they know you are a bigger girl... Would you really want to be with a person like this anyway? Heck, if the dress size means that much to the men you are dating maybe it's because they feel they wouldn't look good in that dress themselves. ![]() |
Well, if I was in my early 20s I would wait. But since I am in my late 40s I would wait a little while but not for long.
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Sun 03/09/08 08:06 PM
As many of you have seen i had no answer on whether i was married or not. Yes i am married but right now my marriage is going down hill. I have been married for almost 6 years now.The first four were ok. When i met my husband i had just got out of bad relationship with my childrens father. I feel i just jumped into a relationship without giving a thought first. Sometimes i feel trapped in a marriage that i cant get out of. I love him but im not in love with him. I feel i didnt have the time to fall in love with him. Cause he moved in with me a month later. I think we took it to fast. and im unhappy and dont know what to do. I dont want to leave because hes been with my kids since my daughter was 2. Somebody please give me advice. DON'T go on a single dating site. Go to family, friends, and a marrage counselor. BECAUSE here men will hit on you and THATS NOT what you NEED right now.. ![]() ![]() ![]() Listen to iam4u. This is real good advice. But I will also ad my own......don't rush right out and get a divorce. You might regret it later. Also, don't do anything that will make your husband suspect that there is something going on. Like having a provile on a dating site. It looks to me like you are just giving him a reason to divorce you so you won't feel guilty about divorcing him. Work on your marriage and find out why you are unhappy. Good Luck. |
im doomed
Back problems don't always show up when your back is actually hurt. You might have hurt it a few weeks ago and just this morning throw your back out getting out of bed. You do need to see a doctor. Have someone take you. And stop telling us you can't go to a doctor. You know what cowboys did to their horse when no doctor was around?
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Every woman that I was dating...or in a long term relationship(Marriage) that told me that wanted to end the relationship. In some cases they had already started to date someone else.
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Thu 03/06/08 07:18 AM
What are you going to do to prevent this from happening in the future? I see a lot of people saying that this guy should be shot and other things. Yes, he was wrong no one is saying otherwise. What makes any of you think you are any better than he is? What are you going to do for him when he gets back? Are you going to give him the help he needs and deserves? Or would you wish he was dead and lock him up. The guy was wrong. But he wears the uniform of the Marine Corp. of the USA. That alone tells me he has a lot more courage than you people that put the life of a dog before a human. And as far as the guy that started all this.......What were you thinking? How can you want him dead and think you are better than he is? I know plenty of animal rights activists(terrorist) and I wouldn't want to be friends with any of them. You never should have started this. |
Yes, The marine was wrong. However, he isn't as wrong as some of these people who think he should die for it. I hunt. From what I have been reading here I am sure some of you would think I am crazy as well. That is fine. You can think what you want. But who are you going to run to for help if it is needed? It's sick to put the life of an animal before a human life.
Every man should
Wow, Ladyof magic,
That is hard to believe. It's not you. You must be fishing in the wrong pond. You are pretty, and you seem like a nice person. |
I try to answer all my emails. I think it is rude not to. How and you answer your emails and if you answer at all says a lot about you. If I write to someone it's because I read something in their profile that I liked. If they don't answer it makes me wonder just how honest they were in their profile. This is a dating won't get a date or meet anyone if you don't answer.
Think about it....if you were out in public and some of these people that you ignore here might turn out to be someone you want to meet. |
The topic is firearms. Im all about the 2nd amendment, but as it refered in 1776, it is no longer a valid arguement!! Fanta, You need to study your history. The 2nd amendment is still and always will be a valid argument. There are 2.5 million cases a year where a citizen uses a gun to protect themselves or their family. In more than 50% of those cases it's a woman using the gun. Now, in the majority of those cases no shots were fired. Also, during World War Two a Jap sub was just outside of the San Francisco Bay. The sub captain decided not to attack, not because of our army but because he was afraid of all the citizens that had guns. And something else you should know....most of these guys here in America that hunt with 30 cal. rifles are very good shots. They don't have to stand in front of an army. They would stay up in the hills and take their shots one at a time from 300, 400, 500 yards away. Every army I know is afraid of snipers. The only way any army is going to beat America on it's own turf is to drop a very big bomb. Guns are here to stay. Good honest citizens will keep it that way. |
jooking for A huntress
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Wed 03/05/08 08:21 AM
Strange, They say that they couldn't hunt an animal but they have no problem hurting a human.
Here this guy asks an honest and harmless question and you turn it into male bashing. |
jooking for A huntress
There are a few out there. But they are hard to find. My friends all seem to have wives that hunt. They all seem to think that it makes a lot more sense to know where their food is coming from than just buying it all wrapped up at the store. Their families all seem pretty tight too. They spend a lot of time together as a family no matter what they are doing.
is this a bad thing?
![]() ![]() ![]() Nope, I disagree. She is a woman that is proud of her position in life. If you insist on paying you will scare her away. These days more and more professional women are at least paying there own way and even paying for the whole date. They understand that you work hard for your money and they just want things to be fair. However, on the second date....if you haven't done it already, buy her a single rose. |
is this a bad thing?
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Mon 03/03/08 07:32 PM
Wow, consider yourself lucky. You have a mature woman that wants to date you. There is nothing wrong with letting her pay if she wants to.
Don't touch a thing. You look fine. Your chances are very good. |
Things I Love About Men
I'd like to add what I said above. I am not putting down anyone on this site or offf but a lot of women come right out and flatly state they want a Harley guy. I have been turned away by at least two because of this; they are in my age group. I've always rode a shaft drive rice rocket because I don't have to oil the chain, the damn thing can go around corners, can out accelerate anything, parts don't fall off of it and it gets good gas mileage and costs less than half a Harley. I am not going to pay just for the bike's image whether it's a chick magnet or not. That would be like eating hamburger instead of steak because it came in a gold plated package. So why only Harleys ladies? Because whether the Harley guy is a bad boy or not, and most are not, that is the image these ladies are looking for and because there are some bad boys out there they ending up getting what they were looking for and then later wonder why they got the shaft. Do women really care what kind of motorcycles guys ride? I can't imagine anything more shallow and idiotic. What about --can you make her laugh? How do you treat the wait staff when you eat out? Are you kind to animals..children..old people... who gives a crap what kind of bike you ride? Yes, Hikerchick. Some of them care. You would think that people who have been around for a while would want a deeper connection that the type of bike you ride or car you drive. It goes back to what I said about intimacy. Most of the woman I have met just want to go out and have fun. They want a guy that will do it all for them but they give very little in return. It takes a LOT more than sex you keep us over 40 guys happy. And most of the woman think all you have to do to keep a guy happy is have sex with him. When I am in love with a woman I want to show her off to the world. I want to hold her hand as we are walking through the mall. I want her to listen to what I say. I want her to be there for me when I get knocked down. If a woman isn't secure enough to be shown to the world....or if she gets embarrassed because I get on the speaker at Walmart or where ever and say I love so and so then I won't really think she cares that much for me. It's all about intimacy. |
Things I Love About Men
Bassman, yes, give it to me Ok, This is a dating site. Right now.....just bassed on what I have seen here you are a very bitter woman. What makes you think any man would want to date a woman with your attitude? Like I said earlier....If you want to be loved you have to allow yourself to be loved. When are you going to allow it? Just out of curiousity ,why do you say I am bitter? And what is it about my attitude specifically do you see as problematic? I may consider allowing someone to love me when someone decides to try, but I am in no hurry. Sorry, but love is scary, you know? there is just so much at risk. I honestly dont' feel bitter, though..I am not angry at anyone, certainly not men - some of my best friends are men. I wonder if you are saying that a woman has to be all hearts and flowers in order to be loved - if that is the case, I am doomed. I am more into bawdy humor than romance novels. Does that make a woman unlovable? No, I'm not saying that you have to be all hearts and flowers....but what you are saying...LOUD AND CLEAR I might ad is Hey, I can do all this stuff myself. Who needs a man? It's not about the things men do for you. Heck, by the time a man hits 40 he knows that no matter what you do for a woman it's not enough. A man is looking for intimacy. And I don't mean sex. We can get that anywhere. And You, Hikerchick.....will not allow a man to get near you. I am a picky guy...but out of all the women here that have posted, you are the only one I would stay away from. And I am not trying to be mean. All I am saying is take a good look at your attitude. It screams MAN HATER. And I know because I was married to one. |
Things I Love About Men
Bassman, yes, give it to me Ok, This is a dating site. Right now.....just bassed on what I have seen here you are a very bitter woman. What makes you think any man would want to date a woman with your attitude? Like I said earlier....If you want to be loved you have to allow yourself to be loved. When are you going to allow it? |
Things I Love About Men
My sister's husband was the guy who gassed up the cars and cleaned them every weekend. He checked her gas gauge all the time, as he hated the idea of her having to pump her own gas. I think that is very sweet. It'd be sweeter if they were still together, but the idea of it... I like. Some really do have their ways of letting us know they care...sometimes it's a matter of us just getting out of their way, being a 'bit' dependent on them to appreciate it I would be very bothered by a man I had to pretend to be dependent on. If you have to feign weakness in order for him to feel like a man, what's the point? It's not a matter of feigning weakness or pretending to be dependent's allowing them to do what they do. Everyone needs to feel needed. I am very independent, spent more of my life single than as a couple, but I still recognize there are things I cannot do that a man can, things I might be able to get accomplished on my own, but I'd rather have man's assistance with. If you do not allow them to show you they care, they love you, allow them to feel needed......then what's the point? If you want to be loved, you have to allow yourself to be loved. These days it is really hard to find a woman that really wants to be loved. I see a lot of bitterness in some of the posts. But instead of cutting wood and gassing up the cars, what else is there? Isn't there anyone that just enjoys intelligent conversation? How about just sitting there watching a good movie on TV with a guy knowing that you are safe? Once you have been married and divorced you start to look for things you didn't think of when you were younger. I knwo there are a LOT of things I look for in a woman now. Maybe I am picky....or maybe it's because I really did learn something about myself. One thing I learned is no matter how much you do for won't make any difference if the don't love you. well, see that's the thing. I can gas up my own car but I can't make myself laugh (usually) or keep myself company. I want someone who can teach me something..not do my chores for me. i guess I am picky too..or maybe psycho... Hey Hikerchick, Would you like my opinion? yes, unless you are going to say that I am being a baby and a thread hog because I already know this. Nope, I wasn't going to say that. Still want it? |
Things I Love About Men
My sister's husband was the guy who gassed up the cars and cleaned them every weekend. He checked her gas gauge all the time, as he hated the idea of her having to pump her own gas. I think that is very sweet. It'd be sweeter if they were still together, but the idea of it... I like. Some really do have their ways of letting us know they care...sometimes it's a matter of us just getting out of their way, being a 'bit' dependent on them to appreciate it I would be very bothered by a man I had to pretend to be dependent on. If you have to feign weakness in order for him to feel like a man, what's the point? It's not a matter of feigning weakness or pretending to be dependent's allowing them to do what they do. Everyone needs to feel needed. I am very independent, spent more of my life single than as a couple, but I still recognize there are things I cannot do that a man can, things I might be able to get accomplished on my own, but I'd rather have man's assistance with. If you do not allow them to show you they care, they love you, allow them to feel needed......then what's the point? If you want to be loved, you have to allow yourself to be loved. These days it is really hard to find a woman that really wants to be loved. I see a lot of bitterness in some of the posts. But instead of cutting wood and gassing up the cars, what else is there? Isn't there anyone that just enjoys intelligent conversation? How about just sitting there watching a good movie on TV with a guy knowing that you are safe? Once you have been married and divorced you start to look for things you didn't think of when you were younger. I knwo there are a LOT of things I look for in a woman now. Maybe I am picky....or maybe it's because I really did learn something about myself. One thing I learned is no matter how much you do for won't make any difference if the don't love you. well, see that's the thing. I can gas up my own car but I can't make myself laugh (usually) or keep myself company. I want someone who can teach me something..not do my chores for me. i guess I am picky too..or maybe psycho... Hey Hikerchick, Would you like my opinion? |