Community > Posts By > FroznChild

FroznChild's photo
Wed 04/30/08 12:43 PM
Ha ha... Lol. Don't get us daydreaming now. Tropical Island...
ahh.... I can literally feel the heat seeping into my skin as I picture it...
Maybe a bottle of Corona, with a lemon or lime, (for who-ever likes that sorta thing)...
dang you sandra... now I'm going thru withdrawals... laugh
No snow in Yakima at the moment... but it's still pretty cold.
Always so windy here.
I'm thinking... Tropical beach... with blue sand...

FroznChild's photo
Wed 04/30/08 12:38 PM
Hah... Thanks for the flowers PKH.... so good to see you!
Here's one back.flowerforyou

FroznChild's photo
Wed 04/30/08 12:37 PM
Lol... If we're hanging in Yakima, Dive bar it is! Kinda hard to get away from that...
Doesn't mean a good time can't be had by all!
Lol... Some say, it's not the bar... it's how much they serve.

However, something about your slightly scrunched up photo, tells me that we wouldn't have to worry about dinner conversation.
You seem rather... Lively, as it is!
I don't know about Cnote.

FroznChild's photo
Wed 04/30/08 12:31 PM

We actually are seeing blue skies without even a hint of snow. Yippee!

Lmao... There's even enuff snow left, for people to keep ski-ing today...
Well, best of luck to them.
I'm ready for warm weather, warm conversation...
and a cool drink!
and not necessarily in that order.

FroznChild's photo
Wed 04/30/08 12:28 PM
I've always depended on the kindness of ladies...
Women, can be especially kind...
lmao... Or, especially Mean...

It would best behoove a man, to say the right things,
so as not to bring the wrath of the Lady,
down upon himself.
Of course, it's a rather tricky thing...
as you can't just say, what you think they want to hear.

FroznChild's photo
Wed 04/30/08 12:25 PM
Technically, I've never met him before...
But you, you seem like a lady of your word.
So, any friend of yours... laugh
Now, if I could only meet you, we could all go out to dinner! laugh

FroznChild's photo
Wed 04/30/08 12:22 PM

Frozen you should move to Tacoma and join us lol

Ooohhh weee.... You blew me out of the water with that Evening!
Thanks for the invite!
Truthfully, I could only be so lucky, to be in your company.
(Can't say I haven't dreamed of it since I met you,:tongue:)
Now I'm going to have to sit here and daydream for awhile. laugh
Lol... you're something, Evening.

FroznChild's photo
Wed 04/30/08 12:19 PM


Howdy Howdy Spokane! Good to see you peakin in!
Kinda like SandraDee from Grease!
How's the weather down there?

FroznChild's photo
Wed 04/30/08 12:18 PM
Lol... Yeah, not my usual style. ohwell
Don't know tho... It's always worth rockin the casba with a different tune now and then.
Thanks Teddy,
and also,
thank you CnoteBlack...

Ya'all set examples for responding! :tongue:

FroznChild's photo
Wed 04/30/08 12:14 PM
Looks like SimplyElla's got mad skills...
I think she's turning him back to the flock!

FroznChild's photo
Wed 04/30/08 12:12 PM
Lol... Right back to that, men always say the right thing...
real smooth.

FroznChild's photo
Wed 04/30/08 12:10 PM

Damn, I know I am Straight as a board....but even I got confused in the answers....Now I think I may be an elephant was that a choice.laugh laugh laugh

You know a Board can stop being straight if it gets wet...

...That's why I fully endorse Thompson's Water Seal, to prevent my Sundeck from suddenly getting into musical theater. laugh

Halarious... simply... halarious... Rock on Joshyfox.

FroznChild's photo
Wed 04/30/08 12:07 PM
If you're gay and you know it, clap your wrists...
If you're gay and you know it, clap your wrists...

FroznChild's photo
Wed 04/30/08 12:05 PM

I make men cry in front of me all the time...come here a minute!laugh

Lol... No way... You're not making me cry again.

FroznChild's photo
Wed 04/30/08 12:03 PM

take me, i don't mean that literally, but i am openly lesbian and i am proud of it, and i so want to rub bushes with gypsy
noway Im a hairless monkey..........


Lmao... I think that's the funniest response I've read all morning...
Guess they say that you can't shave two bush's with one stone.

FroznChild's photo
Wed 04/30/08 12:00 PM
Lol... be careful what you wish for as well...
Instead of ending up with a man that is willing, or doesn't mind crying in front of, or with you...

You might just end up with one that's SOBBING all over you!

FroznChild's photo
Wed 04/30/08 11:58 AM
I think maybe most men are afraid to cry...
hate to rust those buns of steel... :tongue:

FroznChild's photo
Wed 04/30/08 11:46 AM
(4 poems for your pleasure) not necessarily connected, but I really didn't think anyone would want to click on four seperate pain poems... Now that would be a real pain.
So, here they are all together...
(The last one's best in my opinion) ohwell

The Pain,
If you will,
Isn't really a pain.
It's more of a longing when I call your name.
As echoes whisper back,
and silence fills the air,
Reminding me that you're not there.
Reminding me that I'm alone,
Living the life that I have sown.
So I water these seeds and watch them grow,
Like nectar from their petals flow.
Dreams of you that I have made,
But without your sunshine, the colors will fade.
So shine your light on me once more,
Show me what I'm working for...
You. (Equescent thoughts)

And now Look at me through the window,
Beyond the candle light.
Look at me for real,
But use your second sight.

See the tears in my eyes,
Feel my pain on the wind.
Live, for me, my memories,
Wait for my heart to mend.

Voice sorrow for my sadness,
Regret for the things I do.
Shatter this terrible loneliness,
And I'll do the same for you.

Look close into my eyes,
Advance with cautious stealth.
For here, within my pupils,
A mirrored reflection, of yourself.

Take everything that hurts me,
From within the candle's hue,
Take my pain and misery,
And I'll do the same for you. (Equescent thoughts)

Together... Are we?
Can you see my swollen face?
I think the crying stopped awhile ago,
As my heart began to race.
Began to burn inside my chest,
With a fire that could not be quenched.
My love was love slowly turned to ash,
And the flame then softly pinched.
Like a candle that could not last the night,
Bringing darkness much to soon.
Then whispered shadows across the floor,
Eyes in the light of the moon.
Soft cadence of solitude,
Loneliness and pain.
Tears that have fallen so many times,
Falling once again.

Catch them for me, ... will you?
So that I may not forget.
That once, pain had visited me here...
Once, ... pain and I met. (Equescent thoughts)

The Pain is like a cloudless sky,
Still rain is sliding down my cheeks.

It's like the treasure a young boy never finds,
Still he seeks, and seeks, and seeks.

The pain is like a love song,
Filled with promising lies.

It's like the old man watering the grass,
Loving it, still it dies.

The pain is like a clown,
Who's smile is painted on with tears.

It's like the would be hero,
To scared to face his fears.

The pain is like a baby,
To small to protect its' own.

Growing up, surrounded by friends,
Surrounded, but still alone.

But the pain is still a feeling,
Teaching you life, bit by bit.

Without it, life would be nothing.
...Embrace it, ...Love it, ... Feel it.

With Equescent thoughts...
FroznChild indifferent

FroznChild's photo
Wed 04/30/08 11:14 AM
That is quite the compliment, from D4TC... Not to mention everyone else...
I think that this one appears to be going over as well as your other one about women...
(Lol, which, I didn't/haven't gotten to read yet)
If this first one is any indication, then I'm missing out!

(and yeah, I'm not totally right in the head) Lol... but, I promise to stay away from the PlayHouse...
or scream any magic words!

FroznChild's photo
Wed 04/30/08 11:01 AM
blushing Awww....
Well gee everybody... Glad that you liked it.
Always puts a smile on my face, knowing that my poetry has touched others...
Lol... (and not in a way that will get me arrested) laugh :wink:

(Sister, hope your Grandma makes it through all right)
I may not be a girl, (even tho I wrote it from that perspective) but I do know, how really hard it can be...
Living a life of one,
that was designed for two.
I'm sure that, like the gentlemen in the story, he is "still there" to help her out, in anyway that he can.

Blessings to all that responded!
(Hiya Winx)

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