Community > Posts By > Tyler_B

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Tue 10/30/12 06:17 PM
Thanks, Penny and Tazz, for taking the time to read and comment! :D

I've always seen Love as a game or puzzle, if you will. We are but a single piece that has only one true mate. The hard part is finding it in the sea of "possibilities" throughout our lives. It's a constant struggle - even after that perfect match has been made. We need to build up that relationship with many other pieces that fit perfectly ( trust, loyalty, communication, etc...). It's those pieces that form the foundation of a strong, life-lasting relationship.

We have all felt the urge to rush into things and, for the most part, we find out too late why it's never a good idea. If it feels like it's "Too good to be true," it probably is.

If we only took the time to listen to that voice in our heads that keeps telling us "slow down," and "take your time," our lives may have turned out completely different...

Best of luck to us all! happy drinker happy

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Mon 10/29/12 07:52 PM
The scattered pieces lay upon the floor.
Teased by the warmth of your touch.
There are so many!
It's so overwhelming!

"Take your time."
A gentle, soothing voice from within...

"It will all come together.
One day.
Or another.
I promise."

As frustration grips you,
I watch as you look to the Heaven's for an answer.

A single tear swells within your eyes,
Threatening to fall into a puddle of sorrow
And desperation...

"Why are you so sad, child?
The things we work hardest for
Are the things we hold onto forever...
Take your time..."

I watch as you struggle to find that perfect piece...
The perfect match.
Knowing that it's there yet,
It eludes you.

"Take your time..."

With no image as a guide,
You search through chaos
Hastily Trying to establish a foundation...
Somewhere to start...

"Take your time, dear child."

The winds creep forward
Tickling the edges
Each gust a perilous journey.
Threatening to capture it's prey

A Battle wages within
Fear of Failure...
Against the fear of Success.

You continue searching
Sifting through an endless mass
Examining each piece with a critical eye
Waiting for that glimmer of hope.

"Take your time"

I watch as futility burns through your mind
The flames stoked by despair

With one final effort,
I urge you to search once more...
To open your eyes...
To SEE what you're really looking for...

A whisper of wind
Tearing through the chaos before you
Reveals something of which is like no other...

The foundation appears!

A Beginning!

A rush of excitement.

"Take your time and your efforts shall prevail.
You must first strengthen that foundation
To bear the weight of a lifetime...
If rushed, that foundation may crumble.
And all will be lost...forever"

Your eyes flash acknowledgement,
Fingers lusting to push forward
Your mind craves the challenge
But the fear flows freely through your veins.

"Rest now, my child
For the beginning has begun...
There is much work yet to be done..."

©Dec. 18, 2010
**Revised on October 29,2012**

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Mon 10/29/12 10:59 AM
Q: Anyone know why the Easter Bunny hides the eggs???

A: Would you want anyone knowing that YOU'RE "doing" a chicken???


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Mon 10/29/12 10:56 AM
A very simple joke, indeed!

Q: What did Goldilocks say to the 3 Bears after she ate their porridge?



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Mon 10/29/12 10:45 AM
Without trying to sound too "blah," I'm feelin pretty lonely right now.

Anyone ever have the feeling that you're gonna be alone for the rest of your life?

Meh! I'd honestly rather be lonely than be in a relationship and STILL feel alone. Been there, done that, made and am still wearing the T-shirt.

Have a wonderful day, everyone! For those of you who are state-side, please, take care and be safe as the storm roars through.
For my fellow Canadians, no matter what Mother Nature hands us, we're strong and can handle it because... "We ARE CANADIAN!!!"


Be safe.


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Wed 09/19/12 08:15 PM

I just wanna know who figured up these statistics. Lol

It doesn't matter... 68.45% of all statistics are made up right on the spot.... <~~~~~~~ just like that one! lmao

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Sun 09/16/12 10:14 AM
Edited by Tyler_B on Sun 09/16/12 10:15 AM
<~~~~~ IS Canadian!


*rushes off with his Dogsled Team, headed home to his Igloo*

*Edit* - From Oshawa, Ontario

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Fri 09/07/12 04:57 AM
"Never look back," a wise man once said,
"Leave the past where it lies - consider it dead!"
"See not what you have done but, what you are GOING to do."
"That's how people survive, people like me and you."

"We learn from our mistakes, each one in every day."
"Giving us strength and courage, to fight each battle that comes our way."
"Each thought, each calculation, each choice that we must make,"
"Leads us further down the path of life we subconsciously choose to take."

"Believe in Fate, not l

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Fri 09/07/12 04:03 AM
Close your eyes, little darling,
Let your worries subside.
'Cause in my arms, I will protect you,
With the words of a lullaby,

I'll be your shield, your shelter,
Wishing upon a star.
Dream sweet dreams, my baby,
Let the moonlight guide your way.

Always and forever,
I'll be here by your side.
A soothing touch, a gentle kiss,
Good night, my child. Sleep tight.

So close your eyes, little darling,
Let your worries subside.
'Cause in my arms, I will protect you,
With the words of a lullaby.

©2011 ~ Tyler_B

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Thu 09/06/12 11:52 AM



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Thu 09/06/12 11:50 AM
*slides into the room, holding his trophy high in the air*


*looks around to see that no one else is in the room so he darts off to the next room*

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Tue 09/04/12 02:04 PM

Nice write Tyler. welcome to mingle and the creative writing forum. flowerforyou

Thanks for the welcome and comment! :D I hope to write more soon.

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Tue 09/04/12 02:03 PM

very niceflowerforyou

Thank you very much, Cutiepie. :D

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Tue 09/04/12 02:03 PM

:heart: flowers
very my minds eye.

Would you have guessed what I was writing about?

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Thu 08/30/12 01:18 PM

very nice.the words touched me.drinker flowers

Thank you, 2KidsMom! :D

It's just too bad that I haven't found my "Siren" yet...

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Thu 08/30/12 01:15 PM
The following poem was inspired by a contest that I entered on another site. The contest was to create a poem - of any style - that describes an object within the room that I'm in at the moment.

Untitled –

The curves of your body,
The smoothness of your skin.
Will forever captivate me
As I long to feel you again.

Your voice is but a melody
Sung softly to the wind.
Touching the hearts of many men
Brining inspiration from within.

Bring me your glory!
The passion I know so well.
For the night is almost nigh
Raising the demons from their hell

That soft, melodic voice,
Turns to a shrill and raving cry
When the light of day grows dim
Each and every night.

Dawn shall rise again, my friend
And with it, she returns.
With her soft voice and smooth skin,
'Tis not the Beginning, nor the End.
©December 20, 2010

This poem was written to describe my guitar. :D

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Thu 08/30/12 12:29 PM

A poem written for one woman that will touch a cord in every woman...Beautiful Tyler!flowerforyou flowerforyou

Thanks for the flowers and the comment! Made my day. :D

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Thu 08/30/12 12:26 PM

Loved it..My days are numbered as well.:heart: flowers

Thanks for taking the time to read! :D We all know that our days are numbered. We just hope that our lives are filled with happiness and joy.May you find peace from this day forth. :D

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Thu 08/30/12 12:22 PM

A poem depicting my Uncle's last days.

The room is silent...
Tranquility and serenity hang precariously within the placid air
Just out of reach...
if I could but only raise my hand...

A teardrop falls elegantly to the floor.
A lamentation of memories forsaken.

* * * * * *

Fear caresses my mind
Is it time...?

* * * * * *
The Martyr's descend
My screams are silenced
Freedom is nigh

* * * * * *

Bring forth thine blade!
Exact thine might
Whilst the Martyr's sing
A chorus of unjust tribulation

I loathe thee not

* * *

Mine soul bleeds true
Lest I be forgotten forevermore

I shall remain immortal
In the memories of mine brethren.

* * * * *
©February, 2010

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Thu 08/30/12 12:15 PM

In a place filled with darkness,
T'is thine voice that bring'th light.
A soft breath with'n the Willows
A lover's Bane if for naught.
A Siren's song
Such beauty and power,
Hold'th mine heart fast
Drawn forward to thine breast
As babe to Mother.
Time draws nigh
As the Willows part
The journey ahead
Lead by the light of thine heart.
A Prisoner.
Yet I struggle not
For I embrace
The calling of the Siren.
©Jan 2011 ~Tyler

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