strongwilled1234's photo
Tue 08/28/12 01:26 AM
Well, I have children that have AD/HD and they are on meds because of it. I don't like that they are, but if they aren't on them, everything goes haywire. I have looked into natural remidies, but haven't tried them yet. There are many many people in this world that don't understand mental illness and think it's a joke, excuse or whatever, but from someone experienced with this, it's not!! Believe it or not boys have the higher chance of having this then girls do, however, new research is showing that girls are being diagnosed with it more and more now days then before. There have also been studies done that AD/HD overshawdows Bipolar and so it's misdiagnosed. This is not just in children, but majority is...teen years.

If you want to ask me questions I would be happy to answer them.