"Girls / Grown Women"
Doesn't matter who wrote it, the post was outstanding. Thanks for sharing!
thanksgiving plans?
Think I am going to dream while awake. I want to spend this Thanksgiving remembering last years Thanksgiving. I lost my mom on July 8th, 2009 after caring for her 24/7 for the last 3 years. I remember last thanksgiving like it was yesterday. My father said why don't you get your mom up and in that wheel chair and head over for turkey. Oh, the fun just started! Mind you, my fun might be different than yours. Mine consisted of getting mom changed in her hospital bed and putting on that magical diaper. Sliding the hoyer lift to her bed and raising her like a mechanic pulling out the motor out of his favorite car. She slowly floats in the air and plunges down to the waiting wheel chair. I comb her hair and wheel her to the front room just to hear her say, time to change me again. So back to the bedroom we go. Mom,usually had to be changed about 4 times before we pulled out of the driveway, even on Kidney dialysis days. Takes about 2 hours to finally get out the driveway on good days.
So now we pull into my fathers house, he had a massive stroke in early October and just wanted us at his home, since he just recently was released. Yes, that October I had my mom on the third floor of the hospital and my father on the second floor, Oh I miss October 2008! But, my dads house isn't wheel chair friendly and I had to power lift mom up some stairs and put her in a chair. I go back outside to get her wheel chair and she decides to move and falls and breaks a few toes. Instantly she turns black and blue from the blood thinners she is on. I wanted to take her to the hospital but she wanted to stay, so we ate. It was a nice afternoon with my father, my step-mom and my real mom all under one roof. I am glad you asked what we are going to do for Thanksgiving. Out of all the thanksgiving past, and I am 47 years old, I remember this one and wont forget it. So I will put on some music, look around my home and wondering what mom is thinking. I hope everyone has a wonderful thanksgiving and is lucky enough to spend it with the people they LOVE! Best wishes to all, Mike |
Hyderabad is the capital and the most populous city of the Indian state of Andhra Pradesh.,_India |
Here are my questions: Please answer before reading my profile!
<1> If it was possible to relive your life would you? <2> Would you change any part of you life? This one is the key question! Remember people changing even one thing in your life alters your life and you probably wouldn't be looking at this website now. Would you still want to change your life? I can answer this an will after people respond. Thanks In advanced for your responses. I look forward to your replies. ![]() |
man or a dog
Every dog i have known has been totally loyal and with love that is unmatched. Men and woman, well thats a different story. Humans always have a motive, well most of the time! Men can be cruel, woman can be cruel, your own family can be the cruelest of all. It is sad to say but give me a dog anyday! I am begining to wonder about the human race, so much hatred for eachother. Queene, it seems to me that some man has screwed up the worlld you live in. I might be wrong but all the writing I have read of yours is a man letting you down. Men aren't perfect, niether are woman, but everyone would agree leave the poor puppy out of it.. LOL
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Its Tuesday already can anyone tell me what happened to Monday?
![]() Thanks you for reminding me that one must sleep to enjoy coffee and cold water. ![]() ![]() |
Peace is such a fleeing aspect of life, one minute it is there and the next gone. we spend our lives searching for inner peace, if we get lucky we obtain it. But peace, being something we get, can be shattered within seconds! For peace like us is fragile. We build a wall to hide ourselves from feeling pain in order to feel at peace. But that wall brings more pain and isolation! It builds a buffer to deflect the pain and keeps us safe. But this wall only increases the pain, for what we let in is fake. We try to convince ourselves that what is getting in is real, and deep inside we know it has been filtered. So that brings us to the biggest five letter word around "TRUST". We have to trust ourselves before we can trust another. We hope that we all can be honest with our level of trust! For HOPE and TRUST is a feeling that builds a vast puzzle and lets pieces get added to our lives. Without pieces added to our lives, we do not grow and mature as a person. So remember to RISK and let another enrich your life! The payoff is inner peace and happiness, and isn't that what we are all searching for?
Girls are mean. You jus gotta find the right one. Mean or not, Life wouldn't be the same without them!! |
so i just joined. my sister met her husband on here and he turned out to be a crazy, crazy man. haha. so i'm a little skeptical, but whatev. i got dumped on valentine's day and i'm just... i really want to get out a little more, meet some new people. that kind of thing. Dumped on valentines day thats harsh. Someone needs to shove Cupids arrow up that mans behind. ![]() |
Rain from the Puppet Master
Have you ever wonder where rain comes from? I have an opinion and mind you it is just my view tonight. I feel the rain we see during our lifetime is the tears from our puppet master. He cries, for he feels the pain we have inside. Unlike us he can shed a tear for his fellow man and not feel ashamed for doing so. I feel he rains tears on us to remind us we have the power to clear our hearts through the tears of our eyes. He rains his upon us, to let us know we all can cry and not be judge. But as his tears increase I begin to think mankind is not seeing the wisdom he drops upon us. For if we each took the time to shed a tear for another in pain, what a beautiful world it would be!
What is it with Doctors?
I am addressing this to both sexes tryin to figure out if woman and men are asked the same "Stupid" question when you go see a doctor.
In the last 31 months I have seen no less then 100 doctors in 3 states. What kills me is they all ask the same stupid question first. They always ask >>>> ARE YOU MARRIED? <<<< What does being single or being married have to do with me walking in with a hole the size of fist in my abdomen. I mean you can stick your hand against my gut and feel where the muscle is gone. So i suppose that if I had been married this hole would have never appeared! As if being married will keep me out of the doctors office. I am currently working on a list of comebacks to answer their Insane question and looking for any snappy one liners from everyone. Examples: I'm not married, because I dont have time to date since I visted me local sex shop that was having a close out special. Or, No woman will date me becuase I spend to much time answering you marriage question Or, I'm single because the woman I date prefer using battery powered toys! Or, I'm single because it is easier to patch a blow up doll then it is a real person. Or, you mean to tell me if I had a wife I wouldn't have a hole..LOL sorry couldn't resist that one.... So you see what I'm looking for please feel free to add some snappy remarks. I look forward to all feedback! Thanks in advance! |
dude they dont want to see your face neways this thred is lame nice pic next time leave it blank it might help...internet junkies like people actually use this to hook up with people that is weird lame and as gay as this thread oh n as lame as hellcat... And what good have you done with your life? Do you even have a heart? Or is that truly ice in your veins? Have you even left your city, your house? Do you even have a Job or know what its like to support yourself beside tak9ing handouts from your family. Judge me, works both ways.. You want my life. I guarantee if you lived my lfe you wouldnt be alive today, your not strong enough. Have you been Raped? Has any of your fiancees ever been raped infront of her daughter and then Stabbed? Have you spent 23 years of your life piucking up feeckle matter on the floor and all over the house caring for a disabled parent. Have you held the hand of a stranger as they died<Thats compasion and I have>? Have you ever had your life destroyed at the hands of a surgeon just because he was in a hurry to go fishing? Well thats just a taste of my life, care to live it. I right now have a 1 inch wide 4 inch long whole in my gut watching my bowels go thru it. Yet I have to wait for a surgeon to be kind and fix me and I still have to be insulted by you... Isnt life grand! So glad your in it to prove for without you I would need pain meds... |
reply to my own post:
I over the many many years of interneting. Does anyone remeber the Imagination Network. Im talk back when the internet was just starting. I made friends there and even dated a few people from there. I made many trips over 1000 miles in my time. Take ICQ when it was a good place to chat back in the mid 90's, I met people in Arizona, Texas, New York, Canada and Australia plus other places. the only one I never got to meet was in Canada. I do whatever it takes be it just for a friend or more. Life is short and meant to enjoy, so i pack the car and hit the road. All the good memories and times I can remember. I Just posted that to open up discussion since I am bored laying in bed for the last week. All one can do is watch tv, read a book, listen to music and log on with laptop from time to time. have fun evryone until next time Mike. |
Has anyone ever wondered why we seem to grow fond of people over vast distances? As I sit talking to friends I find myself asking this page this question. Do we feel safer opening up to a person that's miles away from us, or are we really opening up at all. I think we feel safe in the fact that the odds of meeting these people is slim at best. I feel the sadness in this, for it breeds more despair. We bond with a friend miles away and get disappointed when we never meet them.. Oh we make plans to meet, but we all know how often those really happen. But still we build hope on such a small string something is bound to snap. More often than not what snaps is us, not our friendship. We fall apart because the things we want to happen never seem to materialize, and this hurts us beyond repair. Have you ever asked yourself why we do this to ourselves? I think in some ways we build a picture of a safe place with our distant friends, and find strength that the odds of meeting are slim. This is not to say, that we really don't want to meet that person, because if we look deep inside we truly do. Oh to have the money and time to reverse this trend and prove to people its ok to open up and show yourself to a distant friend both online and in real life. Just think of the expression that would be on your friends face as you arrive. Can you imagine how happy that person would be for the rest of there life. For deep inside I think we all just need to feel love and share the love we have inside. To give the hug we need to give and kiss the check of the friend we long to meet! Distance is just a barrier we put to help us fail. Are you tired of failing? I know I am!!! Hugs to all my distant friends for without you I would not be me.
I was just thinking about a friend that has departed and how she changed my life. I met her and her husband online on ICQ over 10 years ago. This is just something I wrote for her and since I cant't talked to her maybe in someway she can see this and know she is still in my heart, my friend forever.She did get to read this the next day after I wrote it.
Miss Ya Trish... Sorry I never made it to Canada to see you and your family... Voices....Lets just say I have found a voice to penetrate the hardest of hearts. To hear this voice is like hearing birds sing at dawn. It's the most beautiful sound I have ever heard! It rings your ears with passion and compassion, all in all erotic within the realms of good taste. I spent the night tossing and turning praying to hear the voice again. Oh, how I longed just for one more word to pass through my heart. But alas this would not happen. I find comfort is this voice, so familiar yet so strange. I scream aloud and hope to hear the voice call to me, but then again its the voice of a friend a phone call away. But still I want to hear the voice, I search the net in the hope of finding my friend. To the voice that took my night of sleep away, i give you the deep compliment of forever calling you my FRIEND. |
I sit watching a women with a face that time hasn't changed. I look deep into her eyes and see a world that I would love to join. Does she know how I feel? Does she want I feel? I held her in my arms as she wept for a love she can't have, and I wept knowing the Love she has inside is a Love hard to find! I lay at her side wanting to tell her how I feel and how I want to stop her Pain. But as I hold her I find myself crying- -- for I wish she was crying for me!! I long to be with the women with the baby face! Am I wrong?
so whos gievn up?
I pitty the person that does hook up with you if you find no worth in people here. Beauty is not only outside but inside. Beauty can be in the way the woman moves her hand as she talks, or the way she arches her back as you touch it. Life is beauty and you cant see what is infront of you is a shame. What happens when you do settle for someone, your not going to be happy. Do yourself a favor and stop drooling over photos and try to find what each person has to offer their unique beauty, love!
Is anyone willing to give me money? ![]() ![]() Ill trade you bills, bet mine are worse than yours. lol try living on workmans comp wages for 30 months and supporting a disabled parent and yourself. Shall we toss in the Tornado that just hit my house. If you find someone to lead you money tell them to contact me ASAP.. LOL Nice post though, atleast you had the guts to post such a request.. ![]() Oh well, it was worth a shot, huh? And don't judge me, it's not like you didn't want to say it yourself. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
trying to meet new people
Last I heard Mr. Right was on Vacation! As for Mr. Right Now, he tried to call you but your line was busy. Couldnt resist..
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