Community > Posts By > funcutennice
Posting nasty pics...
guys like to see silky smooth, mouth watering legs that make them hard and full of desire.
If you got em ladies then stretch them out and make us guys hot and bothered. Only hide them if they look like a hippo's or the trunk of a tree. Anything else? |
Employee of the month
Edited by
Tue 06/10/08 05:24 PM
Employee of the month is just their way of telling you theyre too damn cheap to give you any money. And by the way, to all you poor saps who think an award is good, just try working any less like a hero the next month and they will give you serious attitude.
Different Kisses
Edited by
Tue 06/10/08 05:20 PM
kiss her on the neck and with your chin undo the top button on her blouse. she'll expect you to kiss her cleavage and when she braces her breasts, kiss her instead flush on the mouth with a warm, wet kiss.
PS It helps if you dont have breath like a dragon. Your Welcome |
Fly undone
reach in and pull the pole out into the open. Nothing like a breath of fresh air to let you know the window's wide open.
It doesnt seem like it's happened to anyone else before. Everyone seems to be making a joke of it. Why am I not laughing.
Actually this woman is beautiful, with flaming red hair, a wonderful smile, a sparkle in her eye that rips your heart out, and a fun loving, down to earth manner that makes me hurt every second I'm apart from her.
She doesnt share my feelings however. So I'm adrift with a shattered heart, a falling plane with no runway beneath. It's all crash and burn from here on in baby. |
coffee movie chit-chat
Well, I guess if youre not gonna be honest with the poor guy, he's gonna keep embarrasing himself.
Protective goggles anyone? |
I cant explain how it happened, but I seem to have fallen madly in love with a woman I just started casually chatting with. It is quite frightening really. Has any one else ever had this happen to them?
coffee movie chit-chat
Anybody with a mug like yours...hide that puppy, puleeeeeeeeese.
what would
A poisoned piece of peach pie, so my pesky peach loving pal would stop pinching off my plate
That's what happens when youre too cheap to replace your old mattress and it gets full of holes, you start to get ideas.
im not to sure of this
If you would stop playing with it all the time maybe it would have a chance to grow!!!!!
Tina, tina, you get prettier each time i see you. Let's do I mean lunch!!!!!!
actually i was only foolin about the door. You sound adorable and sweet and after looking at your pic, you do look cute and sexy. I repent. No hard feelings I hope.
bed with me.
(dont rush me ladies, single file if you please, enough for everyone) |
She goes,I know
dude, that has to be the worst poem I have ever read. there has got to be a law against you coming near a typewriter!!!!!!!!!!!
me myself and I
who let the...
which mod was asleep at the switch and let this post get out!!!
I see this alot....
Another philisophical thought gone off the wall and bouncing into the looney bin. Guys and girls chat because they both wanna have an orgasm the old fashioned way. They play with each others minds to shake out a loose screw so they will know how "odd" the person is that they are dealing with.
Your welcome |
OK 8888888888888
so you finally know your true calling and are going back to mars, how appropriate. dont hit yourself with the spaceship door on the way out!!!!!!!!!!!!