Community > Posts By > JeremyCastle
A little story im working on
A faint noise woke her up from the last time. She opened her eyes and looked up into what appeared to be never ending darkness. Why? Her voice was the barest whisper. Her mind began to show her images of what had happened at the party and she moaned slightly. Reshel sat up and looked down at her body, she was in a red dress that showed off her figure and fading bruises. She got out of the bed, her mind a jumble of thoughts, unsure of what to do and where to go.
She couldnt feel or see anyone, and nothing seemed to be different. She blinded searched for a way to know where she was. She felt a faint breeze as if a window was open just slightly, stirring her hair and dress but she couldnt tell where it was coming from. Reshel felt like crying, she felt like running away, and she felt like screaming as to why these things were happening to her. A whispered noise, told her that someone was in the room with her, just watching her as she trembled with fear, rage, and desire to hit and hurt someone. She released her held breath and whirled in a circle not caring what was to happen to her. Reshel could feel the blood pumping in her veins, her feelings of anger for her treatment. She began to walk, now that her eyes could see in the dark, feeling small things and soon found a door and walked out into the hallway, and saw something in the next room. What she saw was a ballroom, with various instruments and candles lighting the space. The rich fabrics took her breath away, One side of the wall held many pictures of various people, seeming to be from the Old Days that Reshel would read in her history books at college. Her eyes and body were drawn to the piano in the middle of the room. Reshel felt her body move towards the beautiful instrument and sat on the bench, her anger and cares gone for the moment. She lifted the lid off and began to play to her hearts content. She also sang a few songs being in perfect harmony with the piano. After what seemed to be hours yet was only about a half an hour she got up from the piano, her cheeks flushed with the heat of singing and the happiness it made her feel. As Reshel was playing the piano she felt as if she was being judged by many pairs of eyes. She quickly walked out back into the hallway and wondered what to do next. The dimness of the hallway didnt help which way she wanted to turn. Suddenly Reshel felt a commanding presence at either part of the hallway. She turned her head and saw the figure of Stephan Salves watching her and on the other side was Aubrey, looking as something she had read in a book so long ago and she had a feeling something bad was going to happen. She searched widely for a place to run, knowing that they could easily catch her. Without a second thought, without a thought in her mind, she bolted back into the music room and fled towards a window and found it open and began to search for a way down out of the building. ****. She muttered to herself as she tried to escape. Reshel saw that both men were following with her, and she steeled her nerves judging the fall wouldnt be too bad and she jumped. Her descent was halted as a hand had reached out and grabbed hers and hauled her back onto the balcony and was staring into the eyes of Stephan. Aubrey was no where insight but as she took a step back, she had backed into a hard cold body and knew it was Aubrey. Tremors of fear went through her body as she tried to calculate in her mind what she was to do. In her moment of fear Aubrey had began to chuckle as he could read her mind as a book and knew her inner most thoughts. Reshel not thinking whirled around and slapped him on the face, and then turned to face Stephan and slapped his too and ran out of the cold moonless night. Both men looked at her retreating figure and gasped in shock; anger filling their faces and the need and want to go after went through their bodies. Both men fought it off and then snapped out of the rage and looked at each other. Both had a chilling smile on their face, as if they were thinking the same thoughts about what to do with Reshel. As she had drifted further into the maze of the house, only so few knew how to work out. Reshel felt blinded by anger and rage that was boiling her blood. Anger thoughts raged in her mind. How dare they trythey have no right to enter my mind, to stop my escaping. Ugh, they all deserve to dieHer mind drifted off as she was too angry to even think. As she was moving deeper into the mansion she was in she stumbled as she saw the figure of Duncan moving with an eerie grace towards her, something about him terrified Reshel. Duncan. Was the greeting she gave him, her voice betraying her feelings of fear. Reshel, what are you doing here? Duncans voice was different, muffled, slightly off by something but Reshel couldnt figure out what it was. Reshel stopped completely baffled. I am not sure Duncan, but at the moment Im not in the mood to talk to you. Her voice was filled with anger. She just wanted to get away from him, from Aubrey, and from Stephan. If she had to, Reshel was going to fight for her life to survive. Duncan muttered something and quicken his pace, Reshel wait. His voice was commanding. Reshel almost stopped but continued, her mind trying to find ways to get out of this place. Im leaving Duncan. She raged, I cant take this anymore, what is going on. What are you? Who are you? Duncan had reached her and stopped her by grabbing her arm and placing her against the wall. Listen to me. Reshel looked down but Duncan placed a hand under her chin and lifted her face to look at him. I am something that you cannot stop thinking about. His voice deepened, and gained a seductive tone, almost crooning the words to her. Reshels eyes widened, Why me? Duncan chuckled and let her go, Theres something about you, Reshel that attracts all of us and we want to know why. Reshel swallowed hard and felt a tremor go through her body as she saw Stephan and Aubrey behind her, moving slowly towards her. Reshel, I think we need to talk to you. Reshel nodded, unsure of what her voice would sound like. She was taken to a room and sat down, waiting for someone to begin to talk. |
A little story im working on
Reshel reached where she wanted to go; she smiled with bliss as one of her favorite songs came on. She never noticed her friends behind her watching her as she threw herself to the beat. Reshel had a slight smile on her face as she let her body rock to the music. Some of her other friends smiled as they watched her dance, a little envious of how good she could dance. Duncan came up towards them and began to dance with his other friend that he was falling in love with. The girl that Duncan was dancing with was a breath-taking beauty. Her rich chocolate brown hair cascaded down her body mostly straight except for the ends which were curled to perfection. Her face was pale, had a good set of lips, and her eyes were the deepest color of blue that Reshel envied for a moment.
Reshel smiled at the two, seeing how happy Duncan was with this beauty in her arms. She closed her eyes and allowed the music to wash through her body when she felt hands circle around her waist bringing her close to his body. A gasp went through her as well as a shiver as she felt the pressure of his hands on her hips showing her what he wanted. Reshel never liked when a man tried to pressure her into doing something that she didnt want to. She liked when a guy placed his hands on her and let her roll and move with the way she wanted to. Reshel felt the man breath on her neck and whisper. Hello Reshel, I didnt know you liked to dance. The blood drained from her body as she felt his heat on her backside and swallowed hard. Stephan, what are you doing here? Her voice was weak as she stopped dancing and tried to step away from him, but his hands tightened on her body as he grinded against her. Stephan just smiled as he continued to dance with her, soon he felt a cold hand on his shoulder and a cold, deadly voice by his ear and turned his head and saw Aubrey standing there, a look of smoldering rage on his face, especially in his eyes and heard a voice in his mind. Get away from her if you dont want to die right now... dog. He used the hurtful phrase of dog that werewolves knew they didnt like and let go of Reshel and whispered in her ear, I will be back for you my sweet. Reshel watched as he walked away and turned to face Aubrey who tried to hide the rage but couldnt as he watched the man leave. Reshel trembled with rage and hurt. Aubrey moved towards her with a dancers grace and took her in his arms and whispered in her ear. Dont worry about him, together we will take him on. At those words Reshel smiled and Aubrey began to move against her and soon they were dancing together, both lost in the music. Reshel soon realized that the song was over. She looked up into Aubreys face and blushed while smiling, as he still held her close to his body. His cool hands felt good on her hot and sticky flesh. Reshel looked up from the ground and survey the dance floor around her and noticed that a lot of people have left and that Duncan was no where to be seen. She smiled and turned into Aubreys arms, Im thinking we should leave, theres not much activity here. Aubrey nodded and went to get her coat and his as well. She watched him walk away and then noticed him turning and winking at her as she felt her face flood with heat of him catching her looking. She bit her lip and flickered her eyes away as she swayed to the beat, her body yearning to continue dancing. Aubrey returned quickly and silently, Reshel didnt notice that he was watching her as he was walking back. Slipping back into his natural habits of a hunter stalking his prey; who did not know he was coming or when he would pounce for the kill. Reshel jumped as she felt a hand on her shoulder and whirled around to see who it was and blushed once more thanking that it was still dark on the dance floor. Where shall we go Reshel? It seems to me that Duncan left us alone on purpose. He chuckled, in amusement. Reshel swallowed, feeling a little uneasy as if something was going to happen to her. They left the building into the damp cold of fresh snow that was just lying on the ground, like a fresh blanket. Little did Reshel know what was coming for her in a few hours. The next thing Reshel knew the world became dark and she fainted, only to be caught in the arms of Aubrey who smiled tenderly at his chosen prey, hoping she could survive what he was going to put her through. When Reshel woke up, her head was throbbing and she was chained to a four poster bed that had no canopy top. She blinked and looked around the room trying to figure out what was going and what was happening. What? She croaked her voice hoarse from just getting up and being very dry. Reshel felt as if she ran her hardest in a race and ended up losing. She laid her head back down and soon was lost into the darkness as it came up to greet her with blessed darkness |
A little story im working on
Hello. Reshel smiled and stood her ground, staring up into these black eyes that she had never seen before in her life. Might I know your name? The man smiled and stuck his hand out and Reshel took it. My name is Aubrey. She swallowed and took his hand. Around him, she felt calm, and relaxed, as if her nightmare had never happened. She smiled and yawned, suddenly tired. Aubrey looked at Duncan and words exchanged between them but she didnt know how or what was said. Reshel was lucky to have a dorm room to herself, and she had two extra beds, her parents had bunked her bed and added in a couch. Lets get you back to bed, you seem tired.
Aubreys voice seemed to move over her skin, making her feel more tired every second. Reshel swayed and soon felt two arms wrap around her waist. What? Reshel blinked, and looked up at them, her eyes feeling heavy. The two men smiled above her head and proceeded to half walk, half carry her, to her room. Why are you treating me like this? She blinked again, her movements sluggish, her mind not being able to comprehend what was going on. Shhh. Duncan muttered to her and opened her door, Aubrey supported her weight while Duncan fixed her bed and took her from Aubrey and laid her down. Duncan shut the door and climbed on the bed, while Aubrey took the couch. She muttered, Good night. Both men smiled and willed Reshel to sleep and soon she fell into a deep sleep. They watched her sleep, and noted how she was thrashing, the covers that hid her body from the way they were pushed off and her nightgown rose up as well as the sleeves and they could see bruises on her body come into view. Duncan snarled and Aubrey felt a small rage take over his body. Wake her up. Aubrey commanded to Duncan and nodded. He got off the top of the bed with ease and soon was in her bed, watching her for a moment, marveling the beauty of her body and face. Leaning down he whispered in her ear. Reshel get up. Duncan knew she hated when someone touched her stomach, so he put a heavy hand on her stomach and Reshel was jerked awake and tried to fight Duncan off her bed but he captured her wrists, and put his weight on her body so she couldnt hurt herself or him. Reshel thats enough, wake up. She stopped fighting and looking at him blinking the sleep out of her eyes. Duncan? He smiled and replied, Yes, now will you relax or do I have to keep you pinned down? She attempted to look down at their bodies and blushed. Duncan chuckled and got off her and pulled her towards Aubrey. She tried to balk and not move but Duncan just looked at her and smiled, You cant stop me Reshel. Reshel looked up at him and swallowed and asked in a small voice, What are you talking about? Duncan pulled Reshel close to his body, You asked for it. Reshels eyes widened as Duncan leaned close to her as her body was mere inches from his and her face inches apart from him. He whispered in her ear, Dont tempt me Reshel. Reshel trembled and Aubrey grunted at the two of them. Duncan looked up and picked her up and placed her in front of Aubrey who took her hands in his own. Reshel looked down at him before he stood up and she had to tilt her head to look up at him. Whats going on? Reshel shifted not wanting to be watched intently, she swallowed and looked away. Duncan was behind her, and she flinched. Both men chuckled at her reaction. Stop it, its the dead of night, Im exhausted and youre scaring me. Aubrey moved closer to her and used his other hand and pulled up her sleeve even higher. These, Aubrey touched one and she inhaled, are very interesting, Im guessing their all over your body. He then moved his hand up her arm she watched his long fingers on her body. She nodded, and then he hit a cut that had dried blood surrounding the shallow wound. Reshel flinched back into Duncan muttering, Ouch that hurt. Duncan placed his hands on her hips hard and she cried out. Duncan loosened his grip but didnt let go. Duncan that hurt a lot. He smirked, Sorry love. Aubrey still had her hands gripped together and Duncan had her back and kept her in place. What do you want from me? She cried out, pain intertwined with her fear. Aubreys eyes bore into her own as she looked up into them mesmerized by their darkness and beauty. His black hair fell into his face, giving his appearance all the more haunting, changing the planes of his features. Reshel swallowed, waiting for one of the men to answer her question. It was Duncan that responded to her, We want to know what happened and how you came by these bruises and cuts on your flesh. Reshel swallowed once more and began to shake, her thoughts coming back to her. She began to tell her story, I was at a party, I dont know if you guys were there, and I remember drinking a little just enough to get me tipsy. After awhile I began to dance, She paused for a moment and turned to see Duncan smile at her dancing. Reshel continued, as I began dancing, a few guys came up to me and all tried to dance with me, but one succeeded and the next thing I know Im chained against a wall in a cell of some sort with a candle for a light placed on a table. She stopped trying to regain her thoughts and finish the story. I remember a man coming up from me telling me something about his man not hurting me too much and that he was sorry, his name was Stephan Sa or something of that sort. I cant remember is last name at the moment. Reshel blushed, I was terrified of this man, something about him I couldnt quite place my finger on it, I think he knocked me out for the next thing I knew I was in his bed with a raging headache and my whole body on fire and throbbing with all the cuts and bruises. I told him I wanted to go home and I found myself here not knowing how and went downstairs to find you. Aubrey took his hand and stroked her cheek, pulling her close to his body forcing Duncan to release her and wrapped his arms around her, whispering, I will talk to Stephan if you want me to. Reshel looked up at him, No, I want to, this is my battle. Reshel smiled, it was filled with such anger. Aubrey smiled in return, but Reshel wasnt able to read what was in his smile or his eyes. Suddenly Reshel yawned, and stretched in Aubreys arms and laid her head on his chest, relaxing, and closed her eyes. So tired. She mumbled in a soft voice. Both Aubrey and Duncan smiled and Aubrey lifted her into the air as all three of them got into bed with her. As soon as Reshels head hit her pillow she had fallen asleep. She had a smile on her face as she felt one of their arms go around her waist, they listened to her breathing and after a couple of minutes they crept out of her bed and left her room for the night. Reshel woke up slowly, and stretched, wincing in pain as her body ached from the bruises on her body. She rubbed her eyes and got out of bed, she locked her door and got undressed looking at her frame, she was athletic with a trim body and a hint of muscularity. Bruises discolored her pale skin in various places and she grabbed her towel and went to take a shower. After her shower she put jeans, a tee and a sweatshirt on to hide her bruises, she dried her hair and put a little makeup on. Her stomach rumbled and as she finished cleaning up and fixing her hair, a loud sharp knock laid heavily on her door. Reshel moved towards the door and unlocked it to see Duncan and Aubrey lounging against the doorframe and wall. Hello. A faint blush rose on her pale face. Hello to you to little one, Came Duncans response. Aubrey just smiled at Reshel, who smiled back in return. What can I do for you boys? She took a step aside as both men moved in with a dancers grace and shut the door and locked it. Reshel didnt notice as she was looking at something outside. She shook her head and turned around, forcing a smile on her face. Duncan was watching her; he had never told her his secret of what he and his parents were and how old he actually was. He had appeared to Reshel when she was a junior in high school. He made sure they became friends, and he realized one thing in his many years of his life, that he was falling in love with a human. There was a rule in place that he wasnt allowed to do nor should he ever change a human against their will into a vampire. As Reshel had turned around she noticed the two had fixed their eyes on her and she raised a hand to her throat without thinking. It was something she always did when something made her nervous. Little did Reshel know that Duncan was falling in love with her, but he was also falling in love with another of his kind who was going to the same school as they were. Reshel turned away and tried to ignore their eyes on her body, tugging at her clothes to make sure they were hiding her bruises and cuts. They began to walk, since it was almost winter-time it was getting quite chilly outside and she shivered as her body was thrown out into the cold. She bit her lip to not make her teeth chatter, soon they reached the inside building and she felt better, mentally telling herself to relax and not worry about the cold or the two boys on either side of her. She walked ahead of them and found a table, dumping all their stuff on it and going to hunt for some food. The men sat down watching her move around the room, talking to various people, and getting food. When she came back, she sat down and began to eat, closing her eyes as the warmth came back into her bones. Reshel looked up and blushed at her actions and mumbled, Sorry. They both smiled and when Reshel was done they went back to a spot back in the woods, a small little home owned by Reshels parents and Duncan went and lit a fire, creating a warmth and coziness to the room. They had talked about this earlier in the week, wanting not to do any homework and just relaxing for the day and night. Night rolled around and Reshel got up suddenly as she remembered something. Guys, can we go to the dance? She could hear the faint pounding of the music and she was getting sick of being lazy. Reshel wanted to do something, her body feeling the music, thrumming to the beat, her body yelling out to her, to begin to dance. Duncan smiled at her and watched as she took off her sweatshirt, and placed a long sleeved shirt and muttered. Blast, Im never going to get rid of these bruises. Both men shook their head and grabbed their coats and shoes and was ready before Reshel could open her mouth to say something else. She hurriedly put on her shoes and coat and flew out the door, not waiting for the men behind her. |
A little story im working on
sure thing i can get more for you right now
i have a bit that was just some of it |
A little story im working on
continuing page 1
Soon Reshel woke up, and groaned; her head pounding and she sat up too fast and clutched her head. Warm hands took her own hands in theirs and helped lay her back on the bed murmuring, �Take it easy, you�ve been through a lot.� Reshel looked up into the eyes of the man that took her away from the cell as she thought about it a few moments later. �Where am I?� Stephan looked down into her face and stroked her hair as her eyes dropped shut once more. �You are in my home, in my bed.� Reshel looked at him for a long moment before looking away, �I�m sorry for causing you so much trouble�� Stephan laughed, �Darling, you don�t bother me in any way. I�m just glad I found you when I did, and those men were gone.� Reshel nodded, and looked out the window. �I best be getting home.� Stephan nodded, �Well, let us see how well you hold in liquids and solid foods, you�ve had quite a beating.� She nodded again, and sat up once more, this time more slowly, her head didn�t hurt as much and she accepted the glass that he had given her. It was hot chocolate, one of her favorite drinks. She drank slowly, her belly filling up with warmth and she smiled. �Why are you doing this?� She turned to face him, unaware of what was on her body, her tattered dress was replaced by a nightgown. Soon the pain was coming back and rearing its ugly head. Reshel hissed with pain as her body began to throb ever so slightly. He didn�t answer and handed her a pill, �Take this.� Reshel took the pill and swallowed it with the help of the last bit of hot chocolate, and she felt herself become tired. �I have to go home.� She tried to lift her head up but it felt so heavy like the rest of her body. Reshel closed her eyes and soon fell asleep once more, lost in the dreams of her assault. She woke up once more, this time it was night and she was in her own bed, unaware of how she got there. She sat up, her eyes adjusting to the darkness, feeling heat moving through her body. �Who was that?� She whispered to the darkness, knowing that she was alone. She looked at the clock at her bedside table; it read 3:06 A.M. in bright red numbers. She groaned and decided to just to get up. Reshel moved towards her door, trying not to bump into anything. She had forgotten that today was a Saturday and went down the stairs to her friend�s room and saw the light�s on in her friend�s room. How she got to his room, she wasn�t able to explain. She crept quietly towards his door and turned the knob to see if he was still awake. A noise behind her startled her and she jumped, her heart pumping hard and fast and moved into her throat. Reshel turned to face whoever it was and saw it was her friend and a person whom she had never seen before. �Duncan!� A blush took over her face, and looked down at her bare feet, her anklet jingling softly against her movements. �You scared me, what are you doing up?� Duncan McDougall was a few years older than Reshel, he was 21 and in his third year of college, and Reshel was 19 soon to be 20 in a few months. They were still in college, living in the same dorm building. Duncan was a friend of Reshel�s. �I was getting food and then going to watch a movie. Besides what were you doing up?� Reshel blushed not wanting to tell what had happened and she pulled down the sleeves of her night gown to hide all her bruises and shivered. �I just had a nightmare and saw that your lights where on and I went to check up on you.� Duncan snorted, �Little one, I can take care of myself, unlike you.� It was true, Duncan was tall, powerfully built, handsome, and the girls fawned over him, but he had yet to find the girl he wanted to. He dated a few times over high school and the first few years of college but nothing was really serious or peaked his interest. Reshel had only had a few relationships between high school and college. She too was looking for that one person. Duncan stepped closer to Reshel, his black hair falling into his blue eyes and he smiled. She stared up at him, her long blonde hair a tangled mess from what had happened and her green and blue eyes looked into his. None of their friends understood their friendship. They always thought Duncan enjoyed tormenting Reshel and couldn�t understand why. �Duncan, don�t do that you�re scaring me.� Reshel trembled slightly, she was always wary around Duncan, who chuckled and placed a hand on her chin to lift her head to stare at him in the eyes. �Don�t worry.� He moved past her slightly so he was standing behind her, watching her as his friend stepped up to her. |
A little story im working on
Blood dripped slowly down her bruised and battered body, her mind unable to deal with the amount of pain that she had just gone through. The dress she was wearing was in shreds and tatters barely covering her body. She didn't think that this could ever happen to her. She was a good girl; never getting in too much trouble, or doing anything stupid like others around her age. She was tied to a wall, no one around her, but a single candle in the darkness. That was her only source of light in the room. Reshel Black had no idea what had happened, and what brought her there. All she remembered was being at a party and had a few drinks and the next thing she knew; she was tied up and bruised, bleeding with no memory of how it happened.
Reshel opened her eyes and blinked, her eyes slowly adjusting to the darkness and to the single flame that flickered in the eerie darkness that seemed to suffocate her. She could feel the darkness all around her and a shudder of fear went through her body, rattling the chains that held her hands, wrists, and arms in the air above her head. She could sense that a pair of eyes was watching her every move, waiting for her to crack under the pressure. "H-h-hello?" Her voice was hoarse, and filled with pain. She gritted her teeth as a fresh wave of pain washed through her body, tears threatened to spill as they filled her eyes with the salty water. She blinked and a single tear fell down her cheek, leaving a clean track through her dirty and bloody flesh. She saw a lone figure coming towards her, his gait slow and her eyes widened as he picked up the candle and brought it towards her to get a better look at her. "I'm sorry my dear for the pain my men caused you." Reshel began to tremble, her eyes wide, her breathing harsh, she had no idea why but this man scared her. He seemed to be ordinary; black hair, piercing green eyes, tall, muscular, a hint of a beard on his face. He reached with one hand and drew the tear away, "Would you like me to get you down and to tend to your wounds?" Reshel tried not to give in, but she nodded her head in defeat. The man chuckled as he went deep into her mind without her knowing and picked out the details of what had happened, he saw the pain she had to deal with growing up and now this. He set the candle down back on the table and produced a key from his pockets, he unlocked each of her hands and caught her as she fell, fainting from the blood circulating back into her body and from the pain she had been through, in so short of hours. He clicked his tongue at the weight of her, being able to easily carry ten times her weight and carried her away from the cell that she was in. Stephan Salves had brought her to his home, and laid her down in his bed, his quench for blood and flesh at the moment slacked as he began to tend to her wounds, applying a salve to her bruises so they weren’t so harsh to look at. Stephan was a werewolf who had a special power; the ability to sense turmoil and emotions in the human mind. He moved each of her fingers, hands, wrists, all her bones to make sure his men hadn't broken any. He sighed in relief that the only damage she had received where bruises and a few cuts. He knew her mind had blocked the images but as he probed her mind, pieces was coming back to her. The party… A few drinks, dancing with friends and a stranger. Then complete darkness.... More darkness and waking up in a dark place... Before falling back into the darkness once more... |
hello all
im bored and need someone to talk to if you can please e-mail me im not to good at keeping up on these forums bored whats up with you lol sucks huh thats why im glad im on here people to talk to sweet i need to find something to do i dont want to be stuck in the house tonight i just dont know what to do lol ![]() lol thats funny if only but anyways i still cant find anything to do tonight |
Time for BED!!!
really what are clothes
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hello all
im bored and need someone to talk to if you can please e-mail me im not to good at keeping up on these forums bored whats up with you lol sucks huh thats why im glad im on here people to talk to sweet i need to find something to do i dont want to be stuck in the house tonight i just dont know what to do lol |
hello all
im bored and need someone to talk to if you can please e-mail me im not to good at keeping up on these forums bored whats up with you lol sucks huh thats why im glad im on here people to talk to |
hello all
im bored and need someone to talk to if you can please e-mail me im not to good at keeping up on these forums bored whats up with you lol |
hello all
kk i will
im pretty sure ill be bored i always am |
hello all
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hello all
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hello all
im bored and need someone to talk to
if you can please e-mail me im not to good at keeping up on these forums |
What can you find In the sober mind that's so one of a kind not maldesigned? Creativity seems in lack explanations white and black thesis mainly based on fact all the normal things intact Where is color? Where is dream? Where's mistakes? What's misconceived? You cannot find a jumbled thought a single thing forgot Intrigue? I think not! What you find in the mind of the sober kind is a certificate, personally signed of boredom, non-contemplation - drives most people to desperation |
Natural what is so natural that it’s prepackaged what’s that feeling that primal urge to rip the latest fashion off your mate like tattered thoughts sex lust greed pain this and all fall under love some find it in a drug I have at a point or two emotions are a drug hallow pure tainted natural in these things natural is bottled and sold greed lust pain all this and more is natural which you can’t define with a pill ive felt like this many times keep them coming little one lol |
Breed bleed feed adrenaline flows through the vanes pain playing, vanity starting to take control of lusts deep eyes hiding every thing day dreams seem to be real tell me now why do I feel black magic running it’s course, vanity still slipping up the works I want to see I want to scream i love it i want more WOW!!!!! |
My mind is split in two... one side wants to leave you, and the other side wants to love you more than anything in the world. I do not know what side is Larger or to go with... So I ask you questions to help either or side grow. You do not help me at all, So I must turn to myself to look deep inside my heart. To see if these feelings are true or maybe they are just making me blue for no reason at all. I look at my heart and it sags when i think about you. When I see you it perks back to life like nothing is wrong. But yet you squashed me with your words, cut me down like a little bug. You pinned me to a wall...cut me open and tore my heart out while it was still beating, But now I sit at home, always but utterly alone, Thinking of you, While you're out having a blast. Maybe ill have a blast also, just one that is not so keen to the eyes of people. They will see how deep the love does go...they will see my heart has shriveled up and become a plum for you to eat. And nothing is left of me just a corpse without a lover. They will bury me away and forget about all my troubles...for everything I have done is now in the past...and will be forgotten |
I wake up sweating all the time. I call it the boogeyman. Run from him I must in my dreams. Run from him at night, never will he go away for me? Always following close behind, like a damn mosquito that smells your blood. I wake up with dried blood that isn't mine and scratch marks on my body.the Cops arrested me saying that the blood on me was the blood of somebody I killed. In which this person died a very gruesome death in their bed, and they say that I got the scratch marks from the victim, "yep that's a 10-4" they say. So I sit here in my cell all alone, waiting for the first night of this to be over. The sun goes away and the moon comes up on this land, and then I fall asleep to see the boogeyman. Once I close my eyes and my mind doesn't sense reality anymore, I see an alley in which I stand in. There is a dark silhouette of a figure at the end of this alley. The walls are Brick red, but I do not see an outline of the white that there usually is, and then I notice.that's not a brick wall that's a wall covered in blood. Blood bursts out from the roof tops and showers down upon me and the silhouette, now drenched in the blood. The dark shadow turns to meet me, so I can see its fully body and shape. It skin color is gray with some black tattoos over its arms and chest. It hair is like dread locks and its eyes are bright red with a look that reminds me of fire. I turn around in a frantic state of mind and I run right smack into a wall of blood.but, this wall is not liquid though it is very hard unlike a liquid. I turn back to see where my demon is at, I see it is that but of six inches from my face. I scream and hit at it but to no apparel. It stares at me for a second or two, and then begins to move in a liquid movement that I have never seen before. It drags me closer to it with its long claws, obviously taking its time, and ties me up in rope. Then it sits me down in a chair that came from nowhere and ties me to that. Then it walks to the wall and sticks its hand through, like the wall was nothing but liquid! Then it pulls out a briefcase from this bloody wall, by the looks of it the briefcase is made from alligator hide. It turns to me and its eyes shimmer in the alley way, I think there is fire in its eyes. It pulls another chair out of nowhere and sits down in front of me.enough distance so I cannot kick it, smart boogeyman. It sets the briefcase on the ground and opens it up, I see many shiny things in there and most of them things I do not want to know what they do. All the while this boogeyman is watching me, and now its lips curl into a smile, and sharp pointy teeth now are facing me. I scream once again and it slaps me in the face, me being stunned now puts duck tape over my mouth and now I am muffled with my screams. It waves a finger in front of my face and shakes its head making a ticking noise. Its hands go to the briefcase and I know its going to use those tools on me. I sit here now thinking of a way to get away from this boogeyman of mine, but I cannot see any possible way out, for I must accept what comes to me now, me being the one to accept things very quickly. So I sit silently hoping maybe it will let me go out of pity.probably wont though. It pulls out a very long but yet skinny knife, and my eyes widen, it chuckles like that's exactly what it wanted me to do, and then pokes at my left eye. I feel the burst inside my skull and scream with withering pain. My hands involuntarily try to go to my face, but they wont because they are tied down, blood running down the left side of my face, tears running down the right side.mixing together around my chin. It begins to laugh now with an eerie sound but I don't care anymore, the damned thing just popped my eye out! After maybe five minutes of my muffles screaming the boogeyman fumbles around in its nicely tailored jacket and pulls out a very old looking yellow piece of paper.for me to see. This piece of paper looks very strange to me there are no words on it, wait a second, the words are appearing like magic, like somebody is just writing them, it reads, "Very painful? That's what I was aiming for ha-ha no pun intended there son.I am going to explain what I'm going to you, like I have many before you, there is nothing you can do, your keepers are asleep in their beds and they will soon find out your fate, but for now lets concentrate on you, my boy. First of all you have noticed I popped one of those precious things out of your skull in which you see the world around you, I will soon do this again but you need to read this for I cannot speak in your tongues. I am popping your eyes out so you will not be able to see what I do next, then I will tear your tongue out for if you survive this you will not speak of this, then I will cut your ears off so you cannot hear of what people have to say. Think of me doing you a favor, you do not want to see or hear your mother crying if you do survive this now eh? Well let's get on with this." And the pain has now subdued to my brain and the boogeyman smiles its cruel smile once again and then takes careful aim at my right eye. As a pop and a tear of flesh is silently heard in my cell and the cot in which was white is now my crimson blood, the gunk of my eyeball is also mixed into this concoction and my tongue flopping around on my cot like it needs to say something; you begin to cough very violently in your sleep, and then dried blood that isn't your blood type, appears over your body, and cut marks from nobody knows or nobody guess's is suddenly there. If I was alive and I knew your fate just as I knew mine, I would say, "Watch out, it's the boogeyman!" |