the words only appeal to those whom wish to blame others for what they them self could not achieve. if more whites achieved power, and blacks did not. than whose fault was that. it is a complete and total victim mentality, that somebody else is responsible for one self not "getting" nor achieving... total class envy... and jealousy. if blacks wanna rule, perhaps they should learn from the whites how to gain ruling power, as many have, and now sit in ruling positions. just as many a whites have learned without racism from blacks... for the only thing that has truly kept the black race from succeeding equally is too many of them wanting to be white, hence not called black, and then trying to out do whites, based upon a hating whites mentality. as hate is a narrow gate, that only leads back to self impoverishment. I highly doubt you'd want to live under jim crow laws. Whites achieved power by utilizing goverment and private industries along with all sectors of American society in instituting a series of White Affirmative Action programs for the benefits of White Euro-Americans only, programs that gave them material advantages, political rule, economic power and power to dictate policy that had nothing whatever to do with merit or hard work. Laws such as jim crow and the Convict lease laws as well as the Compromise of 1877 ( the great betrayal) all contributed to White achievement. I'd refer you to study American history, then you'd be able to present a better premise then envy and jealously. As for those "wanting to be White", I'd say they simply lack knowledge of self, which has been propagated in the American sub par education system. dude! what world are u living in if you think the law and what is "crimminal" be the rules? the only rules in the grown up real world are... don't get caught! My post above was highlighting historical facts that molded todays present. Stick to facts, your philosophy is irrelevant. |
thats only what your own smile reflects back to you in the mirror. what you wanna prove. oh well. i tried. you make your self collateral damage to the very one's you think you fight against. I'll be back later dave, I met a lovely Somali lady who brought me some Somali food and Ethiopian pastries. |
Two Officers Assisinated
and precisely, "big birds only fly with other big birds"... Whites dictate policy and propagate foreign policy that define war efforts. Chris rock is irrelevant. Powell is under control. Malcolm X is dead and opposed White supremacy. Denzel is and actor. Small fish. |
not heeding your being played by those that make it a race to you. It is about race. Whites do not want to loose power that White supremacy has afforded them. Simple as that. It is, was and continue to be about race as long as White supremacy is threatened. |
Two Officers Assisinated
and precisely, "big birds only fly with other big birds"... Malcolm X? Lol, to funny to even dignify with a responce in regards to your post. Your post totally contridicts your prior post. If big birds only fly with big birds, why would you include them among the elite when the elite are the big birds. You're losing it dave. ![]() |
it ain't gonna fly ras... ain't nobody that stupid anymore. welcome to the 21 century. Thats hardly a statement of coherent debate. precisely. So I'll ask again, whats not gonna fly? |
Two Officers Assisinated
Edited by
Tue 12/23/14 11:06 AM
and there is much truth in what you say... but if you don't think Colin Powell, Obama, Sharpton, MLK JR, Malcolm X, Holder, Rock, Denzel, Cosby, ect ect ect, are NOT part of the COLOR BLIND elite, you would be gravely mistaken. if they are "ridinhg high', they are part of the elite. for the elite knows what you don't know... keep the flunky pauper peoples blaming others, and they will only become a fraction of their own true potential, hence never pose any threat to true power. to destroy and control your "competition", convince it that it self be a victim. and it has worked quite well. They DO NOT dictate policy nor wield true power. The elite are those who control commodities and the prices you pay. The elite control the banks, military and global food productions including pharmaceuticals. The elite control global banking and currency value in third world nations. The elite influence public opinion and sway perception. All those you mentioned are mere employees. one is not a good preceptor of power structures then that deems such. birds of a feather flock together. always. it's a constant. never broken. a truth of unbroken circle. tell then, list sum names of who be the true employers of power? By the way, small birds dont fly with big birds. |
the words only appeal to those whom wish to blame others for what they them self could not achieve. if more whites achieved power, and blacks did not. than whose fault was that. it is a complete and total victim mentality, that somebody else is responsible for one self not "getting" nor achieving... total class envy... and jealousy. if blacks wanna rule, perhaps they should learn from the whites how to gain ruling power, as many have, and now sit in ruling positions. just as many a whites have learned without racism from blacks... for the only thing that has truly kept the black race from succeeding equally is too many of them wanting to be white, hence not called black, and then trying to out do whites, based upon a hating whites mentality. as hate is a narrow gate, that only leads back to self impoverishment. I highly doubt you'd want to live under jim crow laws. Whites achieved power by utilizing goverment and private industries along with all sectors of American society in instituting a series of White Affirmative Action programs for the benefits of White Euro-Americans only, programs that gave them material advantages, political rule, economic power and power to dictate policy that had nothing whatever to do with merit or hard work. Laws such as jim crow and the Convict lease laws as well as the Compromise of 1877 ( the great betrayal) all contributed to White achievement. I'd refer you to study American history, then you'd be able to present a better premise then envy and jealously. As for those "wanting to be White", I'd say they simply lack knowledge of self, which has been propagated in the American sub par education system. |
it ain't gonna fly ras... ain't nobody that stupid anymore. welcome to the 21 century. Thats hardly a statement of coherent debate. |
Here'�s the thing. When we talk about race relations in America or racial progress, it'�s all nonsense. There are no race relations. White people were crazy. Now they'�re not as crazy. To say that black people have made progress would be to say they deserve what happened to them before. So, to say Obama is progress is saying that he'�s the first black person that is qualified to be president. That'�s not black progress. That'�s white progress. There'�s been black people qualified to be president for hundreds of years. If you saw Tina Turner and Ike having a lovely breakfast over there, would you say their relationship'�s improved? Some people would. But a smart person would go, "�Oh, he stopped punching her in the face." � It'�s not up to her. Ike and Tina Turner'�s relationship has nothing to do with Tina Turner. Nothing. It just doesn't. The question is, you know, my kids are smart, educated, beautiful, polite children. There have been smart, educated, beautiful, polite black children for hundreds of years. The advantage that my children have is that my children are encountering the nicest white people that America has ever produced. Let'�s hope America keeps producing nicer white people. Owning their actions. Not even their actions. The actions of your dad. Yeah, it'�s unfair that you can get judged by something you didn't do, but it'�s also unfair that you can inherit money that you didn't work for But the thing is, we treat racism in this country like it'��s a style that America went through. Like flared legs and lava lamps. Oh, that crazy thing we did. We were hanging black people. We treat it like a fad instead of a disease that eradicates millions of people. You'��ve got to get it at a lab, and study it, and see its origins, and see what it'��s immune to and what breaks it down SO, Im wondering if this will get the press, repetitive press and be set as the example the way Cosbys speech about irresponsible poor families once was? of course, they are both comedians,, but lets see if they are both taken as such serious authorities on these controversial issues... I find this highly offensive and racist and yet its allowed to stand in the forums but my simple show of support for a friend is taken down. Yes I've already reported it. Absolutely unbelievable, imagine saying the same thing about black people, then again, I wouldn't dream of it because I'm not racist. Welcome to the double standard Funky. Black racism is politically correct. And you hear the "talk" about "inheriting money you didn't work for" but I bet he plans for his kids to keep what he has earned. |
pretty sad when a Nation takes its Political Direction from a Bunch of Hollywood-Comedians,and other assorted "Celebrities"! Considering that no American is present when war efforts are conceived in secret halls of power, I'd trust a comedian over a polly and tic politician any day. ![]() |
Two Officers Assisinated
and there is much truth in what you say... but if you don't think Colin Powell, Obama, Sharpton, MLK JR, Malcolm X, Holder, Rock, Denzel, Cosby, ect ect ect, are NOT part of the COLOR BLIND elite, you would be gravely mistaken. if they are "ridinhg high', they are part of the elite. for the elite knows what you don't know... keep the flunky pauper peoples blaming others, and they will only become a fraction of their own true potential, hence never pose any threat to true power. to destroy and control your "competition", convince it that it self be a victim. and it has worked quite well. They DO NOT dictate policy nor wield true power. The elite are those who control commodities and the prices you pay. The elite control the banks, military and global food productions including pharmaceuticals. The elite control global banking and currency value in third world nations. The elite influence public opinion and sway perception. All those you mentioned are mere employees. |
Two Officers Assisinated
Edited by
Tue 12/23/14 08:51 AM
Ras... love ya man... but, no white kids get gunned down by cops... poor/middle class white kids and poor/middle class black kids, get all kinds of treatment "privileged" kids skirts around... many of our finest "rich" black kids, celebrities, athletes skirt out of charges and treatment the poor/middle class would be locked away for... it has always been a "privileged" versus poor, that has been for years the guiding mentality and construct when it comes to justice or "equal treatment"... it is only elite blacks and whites that want to keep the "others" believing it be about race. However race has always been rooted in the American psyche. There is no "Black elite" because Blacks don't dictate policy here nor abroad. Media, hollywood and all forms of swaying mass perception are all under White control. Blacks don't own land or media outlets. Black athletes account for less than 1% of holders of wealth. The federal Reserve, gold, silver and commodities and food productions are white owned and controlled. Therefore racism does, and has always assured white prosperity while undermining and hamstring Black economic independence. Dependence is rooted in White supremacy, which is why racism persists. It secures white supremacy and promotes fear among whites that their supremacy is being threatened. Its always been about White supremacy. |
Two Officers Assisinated
Amir rice was 12 years old last month when a cop shot him dead. No one blinked an eye. Nobody blamed Obama, nor Holder, the blame rests on the policemen who killed the boy. The two dead cops in Brooklyn was killed by a criminal lunatic. However the cop who killed a 12 year old boy is also a criminal in a uniform. Guess he went out in the morning and decided to go and bag him a 12yo? There ought to be some sort of Charge against him,but I doubt he went and made a conscious decision to go and murder that Kid! It was a sub-conscious decision. If your talking about the kid with the modified toy gun that's old news. ANY Police Officer will tell you it's better to be judged by twelve then carried by six. The cop who killed this kid share the same mental recession that effects your judgment, or lack thereof. White kids don't get gunned down on the street by any cops, Black or white. I highly doubt you'd have the same attitude if a Black cop shot your kid to death. |
Two Officers Assisinated
Amir rice was 12 years old last month when a cop shot him dead. No one blinked an eye. Nobody blamed Obama, nor Holder, the blame rests on the policemen who killed the boy. The two dead cops in Brooklyn was killed by a criminal lunatic. However the cop who killed a 12 year old boy is also a criminal in a uniform. Guess he went out in the morning and decided to go and bag him a 12yo? There ought to be some sort of Charge against him,but I doubt he went and made a conscious decision to go and murder that Kid! It was a sub-conscious decision. Doubt that! If he didn't kill him in a conscious decision, that leaves the sub-conscious decision that comes from racial indoctrination which says all Blacks are dangerous. White cops don't kill 12 year old white kids, in fact, neither do Black cops. You "I doubt that" is rooted in denial. While I accept your base argument, I would contend that the indoctrination is not racial, not denying that racial is a component but not the main stream. Blacks have always been conceived in the realm of discrimination that while being in a state of improvement has now become a means of invoking division and hatred on a mass scale. But now that have been incorporated into a larger group labeled as activist, enemies of the state. But then the racial component definitely promotes them to the head of the group. But what must be corrected is not the racist segmentation as that just keeps the people divided, but the violent component of the police state. The racial component needs to be shelved and all work together to correct the actual wrong. It does no good to have a valuable ally as an enemy because of the psychology of division the real enemy uses to keep justice separated. |
Two Officers Assisinated
Edited by
Mon 12/22/14 12:31 PM
I actually believe the mention of Sharpton would be spin,, in a story about a criminal killing two officers,,,,before taking his own life ![]() ![]() perhaps in mingle world LACK of spin has been redefined as spin,,, ![]() "I have spoken to the Garner family and we are outraged by the early reports of the police killed in Brooklyn today," civil rights activist Rev. Al Sharpton said in a statement. "Any use of the names of Eric Garner and Michael Brown, in connection with any violence or killing of police, is reprehensible and against the pursuit of justice in both cases." And no race intonations as it was just Hispanic and Asian that were murdered? In liberty city in the 1980s, there was such a case. Asian cop are a minority, they haven't killed either. White cops have shot and killed kids, such as Amir Rice, old ladies such as 88 ,year old Eleanor Bumpus, and even sodomized people such as the case of Abner Louima. Cops have even employed mobsters, such as "the mafia cops" Louis Eppolito and Stephen Carracappa, both who killed for the mob while working under the NYPD. Your denial is comical if it weren't so pathetic. Finally, many big city police work under a code similar th the mafias code of silence(omerta) call the "blue wall of silence. Whenever an entity subsribe to a criminal code, they subsribe to the same @condor. |
Two Officers Assisinated
Edited by
Mon 12/22/14 12:27 PM
Amir rice was 12 years old last month when a cop shot him dead. No one blinked an eye. Nobody blamed Obama, nor Holder, the blame rests on the policemen who killed the boy. The two dead cops in Brooklyn was killed by a criminal lunatic. However the cop who killed a 12 year old boy is also a criminal in a uniform. Guess he went out in the morning and decided to go and bag him a 12yo? There ought to be some sort of Charge against him,but I doubt he went and made a conscious decision to go and murder that Kid! It was a sub-conscious decision. Doubt that! If he didn't kill him in a conscious decision, that leaves the sub-conscious decision that comes from racial indoctrination which says all Blacks are dangerous. White cops don't kill 12 year old white kids, in fact, neither do Black cops. Your"I doubt that" is rooted in denial. |
stepfather is not the father the father called for peace I don't understand why some are so determined to glorify and justify and applaud this death,,, and yet call others ******** and thugs,,,,, You will defend the family no matter what. BTW the dead thugs mom was right there with the step dad nodding and supporting the step dad. Btw, most step dads are considered the child's dad as well. |
For your heartwarming Christmas gift giving special, after catching a woman trying to steal eggs to feed her family, a compassionate police officer in Alabama brought two truckloads of food the the woman and her family. Officer William Stacy caught the woman trying to steal food at a local Dollar General store but instead of arresting her, he decided to try and help her out of her plight. On Wednesday, Tarrant police delivered two truckloads of groceries to the woman, who on Saturday was caught stealing five eggs from the nearby Dollar General. Instead of arresting Johnson, Tarrant Police Officer William Stacy bought her a carton of eggs and sent her home with the promise to never shoplift again. That in itself, Johnson said, was a blessing. But those blessings now seem to have taken on a life of their own. Tarrant police said they’ve received calls from across the United States and world since hearing of Johnson’s plight. People have offered food, money and clothing. It’s been so overwhelming, said Tarrant Police Chief Dennis Reno, he had to bring in a second police dispatcher to handle the volume of calls. Police officials today also set up a fund at People’s First Federal Credit Union on Ford Avenue in Tarrant to benefit the Johnson family. A Merry Christmas, indeed. Yup, they are so racist against black people that not only didn't he arrest her he bought her food then the whole department got involved and it went viral. I have seen officers do this before on many occasions over the years when I catch people stealing food. I have seen mothers who steal with their kids and while one officer is dealing with mom, the other take the kids out and buys them stuffed animals or a toy. I love how the mainstream media only runs the stories about how bad police officers are and not the good they do. Sure, there are a few bad apples, but you get that anywhere. I trained that officer to be that way ![]() ![]() You don't train someone to be like that. There are typically two reasons people become cops. One is they truly want help people. The second is they are adrenaline junkies who want to go chase down rapists, murderers, drug dealers and gang bangers and over look or get pissed off when they deal with the petty crap. But the interesting thing is the police blue wall of silence, it's quite similar to the mafias code of silence or Omerta. Why does a police law enforcer subscribe to a criminal code? Answer? In the White community they are law enforcement, in other communities, particularly the Black community they are occupiers who are extortionists, drug dealers and killers. |
I don't blame the Aussies! The way the current US government are going, they'll end up with NO allies! These United States will always have allies even if we have to bomb it out of them. Bombing countries into submission, doesn't make you friends, only enemies! I don't see China, doing that, eh? That's why they're rated and the States are hated by people around the globe. That gung-ho attitude will be your downfall in the end. Please, these united States have been trying to get rid of the British since 1776 but they just keep coming back like a bad disease. Yes, the US government is hated by people around the world including internally. They have no fans whatsoever. But as to the attitude being the downfall, I'm counting on it. The only question is which domino will start the show, England? Japan? Germany? Hey, these times are a gonna get interesting. As Einstein once said, "don't know what WWIII will be fought with, but WWIV will be fought with sticks and stones." Wonder if he was right? |