Community > Posts By > jackson64

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Thu 10/17/13 05:08 PM
To the laddy saying premiums havent gone up cause of obama care..wake up and understand ibama care is in effect yet..just wait it will how nieve are you people..when a insurance company is forced to insure sick people they will raise everybodys insurance..if you dont beleive that ask someone with a bad driving record with dui on there drivung record..ask them what their car insurance cost are..

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Thu 10/17/13 05:02 PM
To the dumb ***** that dont think ins. Premiums will raise when obama care goes into effect you surly will deserve what you get..but i suppose you think someone else like me should pay it for you..its time you people better grow up and look back at history and realize this country will crumble ..when gov tells you how to live it is a dictator ship...wake up people study your history

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Thu 10/17/13 04:58 PM
To the dumb ***** that dont think ins. Premiums will raise when obama care goes into effect you surly will deserve what you get..but i suppose you think someone else like me should pay it for you..its time you people better grow up and look back at history and realize this country will crumble ..when gov tells you how to live it is a dictator ship...wake up people study your history

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Thu 10/17/13 04:48 PM
Obama care will destroy this country financially..if you dont understand what will happen you deffinetly dont understand. business or. economics..why do you people want the government to tell you how to live..i beleive you need to earn it on your own keep gov out of my life..