Community > Posts By > Jeanniebean
D The reason they call it "The Secret" is because it's a little tricky and not everyone knows how it works or how to use it. The information itself is out there very cheap and even free in books. My question to people who sell these systems is, if your secret works and you know how to use it, you should already be wealthy and you would not need to be selling this information. "If I had a secret like that, the only people to benefit from it would be my kids and grandkids!"
larsson71: That sounds extremely selfish to me. It is selfish to keep information to yourself if it could benefit others, and it does not cost you anything to refer people to that information. I have a little book that sounds very selfish on the cover, but it is full of amazing information that is not selfish at all. It is called "How to get people to do what you want." Other books I like off hand are: "The science of getting rich." (Wattles) "The Law of Attraction." (Hicks) "Unlimited Power." (Anthony Robbins) "Creative Visualization" (Gwane) "Ask and it is Given." (Hicks) There are tons others and they all hit on the same so called "secret." The reason it is called "secret" is because there is a certain number of people who will toss this information in the trash because the don't understand it or don't know quite how to use it. |
I would like to begin living a healthier life eating more veggies. It is hard work and convenience food is always there in your face.
I think I'll go have a large glass of lemon water..... suddenly I'm thirsty. |
Wow that is very inspiring. Granted, Black people don't dry up and wrinkle as quickly as white people... their secret I am told is that they use lotions and cocoa butter etc. and their skin just has more natural oils.
wow. |
The reason they call it "The Secret" is because it's a little tricky and not everyone knows how it works or how to use it.
The information itself is out there very cheap and even free in books. My question to people who sell these systems is, if your secret works and you know how to use it, you should already be wealthy and you would not need to be selling this information. "If I had a secret like that, the only people to benefit from it would be my kids and grandkids!"
larsson71: That sounds extremely selfish to me. |
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Thu 11/14/13 04:46 PM
Model #1 The dream world: 1. Potentiality ---> Awareness ---��> Consciousness ---��> Mind----> Matter, energy, space, Time ---> evolution. --->��mineral, plant, animal, humanoid. Model #2 The virtual computer simulation: 1. The Programmers ----> The digital Matrix program is written and installed into the computer mind--->the power is turned on ----> Programs are activated----> programs for matter, energy space and time create environments---> biological life form programs activated for evolution ----> Evolution happens in an instant because there are no users. Users log in -----> and time is activated. |
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Thu 11/14/13 01:32 PM
I'm all for more armed citizens.
I THINK they should wear badges too, that say "ARMED CITIZEN - I WILL SHOOT." |
If a person wants to lie, they should think about writing pulp fiction.
Well if you weren't so young (compared to me) and if you didn't live so far away, I'd jump your bones.
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Thanks! I'll have to go over this stuff again.
RE: Wrestling is fake... (most people know this) 7. Well, yeah, but so is your government. The only difference is that you have to pay to buy a ticket to watch pro wrestling, while in the government's case, they have free delivery and will come right into your home & body slam you free of charge.
Funny! Also: Presidential debates are fake. (I believe) |
Dreams are revelation of what's going on around you in a particular lenght of time. Sometimes, what could happen in some months/years to come would be revealed to you in your dream. What you'd do after having dreams is to pray about it immediately. Could be. Dreams can aid in a person's spiritual awakening. The dream state is necessary for maintaining sanity. People deprived of rem sleep and dreams don't function well. |
ugly classism
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Thu 11/14/13 09:41 AM
Thankfully, to the best of my knowledge, poor people in the USA don't live in the way that is depicted in the above image.
They are not called "poor" they are called "homeless" because they don't happen to have a "house." But they do exist -- and government agencies and private charities do what they can to help --- sometimes. When the Colorado State Mental institution passed a law about who should be housed in their facility, many of these mentally ill people who were determined not to be a risk to themselves (suicidal) or others (homicidal) were released. Many of these people are on medication or dysfunctional because they can't get the proper medication anymore. These people, having no place to go, you will find, are the people who live under bridges, I.E. ---the homeless. Other people choose to live the lifestyle and have no respect for society and want no part of it. Some people are evicted from their homes by bankers who foreclose on their house. In the large cities, entire societies of 'poor' and 'homeless' live in the underground tunnels. In the west, groups of "moneyless' people live in caves either by choice or necessity. Even in my small town there are homeless and poor who live in run down houses or abandoned shacks. Some are on assistance, some are not. Some are addicts, some are disabled, and some mentally ill. We have a housing community here that rents to elderly and disabled people charging only a percentage of their income and we have a group called "sage services" that prepares a meal for them, but only four days a week, for $3.00 and delivers it or serves it at the senior center. If a person can't afford to pay for the meal, they don't have to pay. |
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Thu 11/14/13 01:07 AM
Are you a conspiracy theorist? If not, perhaps you should be. Yes, there have certainly been a lot of “conspiracy theories” over the years that have turned out not to be accurate.
However, the truth is that a large number of very prominent conspiracy theories have turned out to actually be true. So the next time that you run into some ��tin foil hat wearing lunatics, you might want to actually listen to what they have to say. They may actually know some things that you do not. They may actually know some things that you do not. In fact, one recent study found that ��conspiracy theorists are actually more sane than the general population. So the next time you are tempted to dismiss someone as a ��conspiracy theorist, just remember that the one that is crazy might actually be you. The following are 16 popular conspiracy theories that turned out to be true. |
I found this website that says I can learn all the steps to becoming famous, wealthy successful or have anything I want. And it only costs $29.00 a month. The thought comes to mind that if their claims are true, I would only need to pay for one month if its that easy. LOL I'll pass on that. All these same secrets are in the book "The law of Attraction" for about ten bucks. ![]() ![]() ********* here is their sales pitch: ********* Discover The Long Lost Incredible Mind Power Secrets: Prosperity and Happiness No Matter the Conditions "The government of a nation is a direct mirror, or reflection, of those who live in it. Therefore, it is not accurate to refer to “those in power,” as you are wont to do, for they can only exist as a result of the choices of each and every one of you. Such a mindset is an indication that you have given away your power! THE UNIVERSE WILL RESPOND TO YOU INDIVIDUALLY, NO MATTER WHAT THE OTHERS ARE DOING. Even if there are policemen on every corner, you may wave cheerfully to them, or rant and rave and cause yourself upset. You cannot control the actions of another! You can, however, control how the universe, and the people in it, respond to you. We tell you that YOU CAN FIND HAPPINESS AND PROSPERITY NO MATTER THE CONDITIONS! (big wave of love here, and complete certainty) Once you begin to focus exclusively on well–being, you will find your life changing for the better in magical ways. Not only that, but when you change your focus exclusively to well–being, you influence the environment around you. You become a lighthouse, a beacon shining your light into the world. The way to truly change the world for the better is by setting an example. You have no idea how powerful your light can be! One person broadcasting a powerful signal of well–being is more powerful than a million disconnected ones. Believe it or not, one person shining his or her light may influence the million and do so much more quickly than you can imagine." |
Im not evil, trust me all i ever do is good Then the dream was given to you by some evil entity in order to strike fear into your heart. Fear weakens you. So pay no mind to the dream. It was a cheap trick and it didn't work. |
Karma is coming for the elite in a big way. As the Powers That Be head toward a devastating defeat in their war plans for Syria, signs are emerging that their rule over humanity is rapidly diminishing. Over the last decade the global elite have been on a mad dash to consolidate power over the world.
It’s always been their plan like some evil villain in a comic book, but after 9/11 the plan went into overdrive and then turbo charged during the financial crisis of 2008. Yet it’s doomed to fail because humans are meant to be guided by their own free will, not controlled like livestock. The more the elite try to control humanity, the more entropy occurs. Entropy, for those who don’t know, is the lack of order or predictability; a gradual decline into disorder. Although the elite still enjoy a huge wealth advantage over the masses, they are now resigned to behaving like tyrants to maintain control. This, in turn, exposes their dark side which has been cleverly concealed for ages. Not anymore. People are waking up in droves, at least as fast as the elite can build their full-spectrum prison matrix. Let them try. To paraphrase Victor Hugo, “No army can stop an idea whose time has come.” Here are ten signs that the elite are losing control over the people: 1. Official lies no longer effective: The lies they tell simply don’t work anymore. There was a time when official lies, especially about war and peace, were believed. Because, after all, how evil would it be to lie about such things? Generally people want to believe they are being told the truth when life and death is at stake. The boy who cried wolf has cried one too many times. Even if they told the truth at this point, very few would believe them. 2. No confidence in politics: US politicians have a paltry approval rating. The trust in government is at all-time lows here and around the world. Mainstream polls show only 10% of the public has confidence in Congress. In other words, 90% don’t believe in them to be competent to govern. Watch this Town Hall exchange below where a man threatens US Senator John McCain with arrest for treason to his face. This would have never happened just a year or two ago: Read More: |
ugly classism
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Wed 11/13/13 01:58 PM
In this society, the government seems to be raising the children anyway. They insist all births be registered with them. They control what your children are taught in schools. Some social services agencies seem to feel they have more right to raise your children than you do. They will charge you with abuse if they don't approve of your methods or of your treatments for your child's health. They will feed your children GMO food at school and then insist that you have to have a doctor's excuse if you send your child to school with a sack lunch. It has gotten ridiculous!
So if the government wants that much control over our children, then they should probably pay to raise them, and pay for their healthcare too. |
ugly classism
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Wed 11/13/13 02:00 PM
Life was likewise wonderful for me when I only had myself to look after too Ive lived in a studio no bigger than my childhood room, and felt all was good I, alone, didnt need much, I was no longer a growing developing child, I didnt need much for food, or shelter, or sleep, I could skimp on things without much worry once I became a mother, the same was not true for my kids,, and life was alot less 'wonderful' wondering how to provide those things that now were necessary for THEM, that I didnt mind skimping on for me,,, yep, If I were a single adult, any life would be wonderful 24 hours a day I would have to do what ever I needed or wanted, I could work 2 jobs or I could work one and still live in a room in someone elses home and maybe live on ramen those are not OPTIONS for my children however, and that time is no longer mine to schedule and use for my own care,, there is someone else there needing SUPERVISION, needing stability, needing a schedule and a routine, needing a healthy diet and regular meals,needing a safe community to live in, needing to be engaged in activities to engage her body and mind, needing reliable heat and plumbing,, etc,, its a totally different standard as a single parent than it is a single adult,,, Yes, I know that. That is why I did not have any children. (It was a choice.) Stop defending yourself, you have no reason to. No one is criticizing you. You seem to think everyone is criticizing you for something. If I learned one thing from my X-husband, who was black, it was how to hold my head up and demand respect as a human being no matter what my circumstances were, and how to show respect to people as human beings, no matter what their circumstances were. He taught me that. |
ugly classism
There is nothing wrong with a few 'luxuries.'
After seeing how some people in third world countries live, I feel that having a kitchen with running water, a toilet that flushes, floor that is not dirt, and a heater to be a great luxury. After my divorce I moved here from Alabama. When I first moved here I lived in an old store with a wood stove that had a toilet. No kitchen. No heat, no running water except for the toilet. I heated my 'house' with a small wood stove. I was lucky enough to be living right next to my Mom and Dad who had a kitchen and a bathtub which I used. There house was very small. Too small for me to live there. Eventually after a few years, I got a small kitchen built in my place, (which was four storage rooms in back of an old store building) and I started making improvements a little bit at a time. One cold night, I was sitting in an old used recliner (purchased for one dollar at the fireman's auction) next to my little wood stove, drinking a glass of tea, watching a small television with borrowed cable, and I was so very grateful. I thought... "It doesn't get any better than this!" I was free, I was warm, I had a roof over my head. Yes, to me that was luxury. Gradually, I improved things bit by bit but always with gratitude. |
ugly classism
The Magic of Gratitude will change your life for the better. personally speaking, I am a very grateful person,, but it doesn't lesson the struggles. Yes it does. gratitude makes things bearable, but it isn't a replacement for correction or improvement,,
You don't get it. If you see your life as simply 'bearable' then you are not feeling gratitude. |
I can't complain my US. Health insurance Stocks have gone through the roof but then again am Canadian we never had to worry about cost, because we put people first and profits second.. How racism is being used to fight racism... What do you think of this video ? Published on Aug 3, 2012 How To Conduct Genocide Without Killing Anybody (Except Through Abortion): 1 - Convince them that their culture is inherently "racist", and that their mere presence is detrimental to all other people. Focus on indoctrinating the children in this belief in the state-controlled education system. 2 - Flood their country with immigrants who have no common culture with them, under the pretense that "jobs need to be filled" (even in a recession when jobs aren't available???). 3 - Keep taxes high and wages low, in order to discourage families from having more (if any) children. 4 - Have the state regularly take taxpayer money and donate it to other countries, so that the donors can continue to be outpopulated. 5 - Avoid talking about them as a cohesive group, except when criticising them. 6 - Never refer to them as "the ______ people", or "the ______ community", but rather, only refer to them as a plural noun. 7 - Make a point of never talking about their accomplishments, but regularly state their (alleged) faults. 8 - Legislate "hate crime" laws to prevent discussion of genuine problems. Only enforce the laws when it suits the narrative. 9 - Use focus groups as lapdogs to do the dirty work for you; avoid making your intentions seem like one united movement. 10 - Put them at the back of the line for employment, putting further pressure on their finances. Read this article to see how environmentalists and white genocidists are linked: See this video clip on B.C. youth soccer teams who limit the numbers of players who are not South Asian: According to the woman in the below video, 60% of white babies are aborted: |