Community > Posts By > jules49

jules49's photo
Mon 02/04/08 04:47 PM

love I feel overwhelmingly attracted to YOU love

Easy Mirror..I know her happy laugh

Jimmy what are talking about, I did see your discuusion got moved.

jules49's photo
Mon 02/04/08 04:46 PM
I feel so stupid, i tried to kiss him and he said no, because he didnt want to hurt his friend. he did say he felt the same. So now I wait.

jules49's photo
Mon 02/04/08 04:38 PM
Have you ever been so overwhelmingly attracted to the best friend of I guy who likes you but you don’t feel them same in return? I am NOT a Romanic and I don’t believe in “the one”. But it happened the other night and it hit me light a lighting bolt. I couldn’t even breathe! Is God screwing with me to teach me a lesson? That has never happened with me, not even with my ex husband. It’s a long story, but has anyone else been in this kind of sticky uncomfortable situation? Yikes, I think I would rather go through life nothing its not out there then Knowing it is and I cant have it. This Sucks!!! and words of advise on how to handle it? Im not good at this stuff.

jules49's photo
Tue 01/29/08 05:33 PM

so how did it go?

Tomorrow I go to court for the second time in this divorce thing!
The first time was just to set up child support and spousal support temporarily, and his sh** of an attorney ran me into the ground and to tears, and I WASN'T THE ONE WHO CHEATED! So this time I am armed with drugs, thanks to my Doc (yup I will never cry again) and ready for battle. At first I didn't want this, but now that I know ALL the terrible turth (God the internet is a wonderful source of info ya know) I wouldn't take that F**KER back if he was the only man on Earth. Ahhh I feel better now. So any words of wisdom from divorce pros here?

jules49's photo
Mon 01/28/08 06:15 PM
you can always email me as well. I actually did my own divorce and it went really. I was a legal assistant at the time. And you can ask jim519, we talk about this stuff all the time.

jules49's photo
Mon 01/28/08 05:40 PM
play it cool and if he bring a support group then look right through them. Their only there to make you break. You also dont want the judge see you with an negitive behavior. And donr worry your ex will get his krama.

jules49's photo
Mon 01/28/08 05:35 PM
Good luck and be smart about showing your emotions. Just stay polite be be prepared for anything. Dont settle for crap! I know a lot of woman who loose everything when there husbands cheated cause they were too upset to fight. Save the emotions for later and fight to the death. I hope your State favors the mom.

jules49's photo
Sat 01/26/08 01:43 PM

Can it simply be the "mine is bigger than yours" thing?

cuase size does matter!!:wink: laugh

jules49's photo
Fri 01/25/08 04:38 PM
hmmm... most man I meet have all the drama, baggage and what not. So I when see that writen on a profile I always get a chuckle. It also starts their profile out in a negitive way. They clearly have something in there past that effects them still. As do we all, but I wouldn't advertise it as part of my profile. Who writes: LOOKING FOR DRAMA, DEBT, DEAD BEAT, CRAPPY LOVER WHO WONT GO DOWN (CAUSE YOU EX NEVER LIKED IT),HOMELESS, UNEMPLOYED WHO *****ES ABOUT THE EX(STILL). You my be my match. lol NOT!

So lets keep it positive, shall we

jules49's photo
Fri 01/25/08 04:22 PM
I have apple bottom jeans and I got them at the levi's outlet.

I love them!!!!

jules49's photo
Fri 01/25/08 04:19 PM
Being a mother has made my life complete. I sometimes feel that raising my son and teaching him is one of the the worlds greatest do-overs. I get to see and do things that I did as a child but also see and learn from them in a whole new way. I can can't deny that that I worry. I think that if I make a great effort as a parent then hopefully my child will make the same effort towards making a difference. It dosent have to be something huge. As long as he always acts with kindness and understands that you always have to have the ying and the yang in order to understand joy & pain, etc....

I cant go through life crying over the world crisis. If history is correct that seems to be the norm. I just need to live wife to its fullest, appricate what I have what my child has and maintain good valves and integrity. That way I have no doubt that my childs future will be wonderful no matter what obsticles lie ahead.

jules49's photo
Fri 01/25/08 03:53 PM

jules49's photo
Wed 01/23/08 04:23 PM
Hey Jimmy. I know you and I know that you are always a great deed kinda guy and thats why we love ya.

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