Community > Posts By > rtaylor74

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Fri 03/14/08 07:30 PM

I hate when I start thinking with my body. Last time I did that I wound up pregnant!

well, you are alot more mature now, so no worry

I think Theels called you old

i didnt even call her old what you talking about

you called her an old Bat

(snort) troublemaker

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Fri 03/14/08 07:29 PM

I hate when I start thinking with my body. Last time I did that I wound up pregnant!

well, you are alot more mature now, so no worry

it was last week!

shhh!! stop tellin everyone our business!! i tol you i'd be responsible! daaamn!! smokin

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Fri 03/14/08 07:28 PM

to see typos, misspelled words, and grammatical errors when people post on here? I am a former editor, so guess my

My attitude is if you're going to write something for the purpose of communicating, to be understood, you might as well do it right or not waste your (and my) time.

Nothing rankles like a pseudo-intellectual trying to say something "profound," and every other word is misspelled. How am I supposed to take someone seriously, when what they write looks like it was cobbled together by a dyslexic second grader?

here here!! drinker drinker

i don't care normally. in fact i haven't made a big deal of using caps tonight... although i fear my mom would probably slap me silly (she's an english teacher)

but when someone wishes to pontificate and show their superior intelligence and spells weird 'wierd' or misuses they're and their, i get irritated. and then i change into a fresh pair of socks. that usually makes it better.

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Fri 03/14/08 07:24 PM
try shaving your body and wearing a fresh pair of socks...

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Fri 03/14/08 07:22 PM
poop and repeat the phrase 'no can do' 125 times while listening to johnny cash records played backwards and dress my dog in a Qbert costume.

then i hump my bed.

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Fri 03/14/08 07:02 PM
Yep... It was our wedding night...

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Fri 03/14/08 06:48 PM
Is everyone a little edgy and confrontational tonight!?! laugh laugh

All these 'I hate', 'divorce' and cheating topics aren't new, but daaaamn...

OK, I'm gonna go have a drink for everyone who's pissy tonight, and here's to everyone... It's the weekend... Enjoy your damn selves!! drinker drinker

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Fri 03/14/08 06:35 PM
Well, I used to live in the area you live in. I can see where you'd frighten the good ol' York Pa boys... laugh

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Fri 03/14/08 06:33 PM
This is me walkin to the corner, lighting a cig and shuttin the f**k up... smokin

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Fri 03/14/08 06:32 PM
embarassed ouch.... and there it was... the hammer! laugh laugh

damn, hiker, that's why i like you... you will pull NO punches whatsoever...


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Fri 03/14/08 06:25 PM

RTaylor~ I like your posts more and more. Smart man. flowerforyou

Sorry about your awful visual. I doubt you'll have trouble finding a lady.

Thank you. That was 8 years ago, and I've been over it. I can't lie. It's made me a LOT pickier and selective about who I want to share my life with, but it didn't destroy my faith in love and marriage. In fact, after I got through my 'playa' phase (ashamed to admit) it made me realize that THAT lifestyle was the mirage, not true love and commitment.

I take responsibility for choosing the wrong woman, for not seeing the warning signs, etc. etc. She did the bulk of the dirt, sure, but come on... My parents have been together for almost 40 years, and believe me it aint always been pretty. But they're there. Solid. And still in love. I know I'll find the woman I can give that type of commitment, love and respect to one day (assuming they all haven't given up yet). I feel bad (not sorry - not being condescending) for anyone who lost that dream. To me, it's (love and commitment) really the only thing in life that you can actually own and keep. Everything else is just an illusion. We've forgotten what's real and fake.

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Fri 03/14/08 06:19 PM

I think it is good that all forms of slavery were abolished.
I am much abashed to see that there are men who feel that women should still be subservient to them.

I think women should do what they want and men should do what they want.

Why do people think that is wrong?

Why don't we go back before slavery was banned and women were given the vote? You know - the good old days?

Would that work for you Brian?

Ooohhh. I hope no one hopes that marriage is a form of slavery? Man, if that's the case, then I'm totally out of turn even on this topic... Marriage is supposed to be an equal partnership... Or so I was told...?

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Fri 03/14/08 06:17 PM

some people just dont know how!:wink:

It's not that they don't know "how" it's that they chose not too!

I totally agree. even in this site, we see headlines such as "looking for the One" "are you the one" when the truth is they are just a bunch of people unable to committ to anything.

drinker drinker I'm gonna change my mind about women love and relationships and cheat on everyone! Commitment is a fantasy!! Freedom!!

Obviously, I'm being sarcastic. I know people have been burned. Hell, I saw my ex bone my best friend up close and personal. Others have had it worse. But commitment is more than just deciding to stay together. It starts with your ability to reason before you commit.

I think there are three C's in a healthy relationship, and they're part of an equation. C*C=C squared.

Commitment being the least of the three. The other three are communication and comfort. If you can't communicate (OPENLY) with your signficant other without being humilated or slapped, then you have no comfort. If you aren't comfortable in a relationship, then you certainly can't openly communicate. If you're missing one of the two first C's, then why commit???]

Of course, there are other things, respect, love, ability to have a friendship, compatiblity... Too often people meet, and either out of the endorphin rush, or the old "I aint gettin any younger" syndrome, they rush into things. People DO stay together ya know. And it's not an accident. Granted, there's a lot that goes into it, but you're not going to convince a rational person that after 10000 years of developed human existence (or whatever calendar you use) that all of a sudden we can't stay together? Horses**t. We've just forgotten how to as a species.

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Fri 03/14/08 06:02 PM

Getting married to me is being inlove with that one you made a comiment with and that is the only way i would ever get married again. having a third party is not being inlove and it takes away what the whole meaning is of being married away.

drinker drinker

I thought I was losing my mind for a second...

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Fri 03/14/08 05:55 PM
Edited by rtaylor74 on Fri 03/14/08 05:55 PM

I'm feelin Jistme's point. If that's the case, then marriage seems like an awful waste of time and energy.

The whole point of getting married is to enter into a monogamous committed relationship legally (and spiritually binding). So if that's not the intent, I guess I see no logical reason to do it.

'Open marriage' is an oxymoron. Kinda like 'government organization'

committment is in the eye of the beholder. Some people enjoy sharing their love with others in the context of their marriage. Would I do it? No. Would I judge someone else for doing it? No.

Next topic.

Its not sharing love, its sex:tongue:

No I hear ya, and I know what you're saying. I just guess I subscribe to a different point of view. It's like Ayn Rand's view of sex (objectivism). Sure, sex satisfies a primal physical urge. So does food. So, using that parallel, one could make the conclusion that it's perfectly fine to eat a pound of cooked meat in a cave by yourself and satisfy your hunger...

Or... One could share a beautiful meal of say, Fuitt di Mare or Filet Mingon with a bottle of wine, candlelight with someone you love.

Same thing with sex. You can bone the first chick you see (and most of us men have) or you can share something hot, beautiful, nasty, erotic, wonderful with someone you have more of a connection to than a couple nights at the bar.

Just sayin, if you're gonna get married, then get married. If you know you're not done f**kin around, then do it til you've had enough.

Again, my opinion only. The more people think like that, the more the sanctity of family and marriage will be eroded. And trust me, this aint comin from some religious or conservative point of view. I'm bout as unreligious and liberal as a person can be. But at some point, common sense and decency has to appear.

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Fri 03/14/08 05:46 PM
Friday night - sushi with friends, and then to Zanzibar in Santa Monica

Saturday - Newport Beach, and who knows about the evening

Sunday - The Lord sayeth rest

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Fri 03/14/08 05:43 PM
I'm feelin Jistme's point. If that's the case, then marriage seems like an awful waste of time and energy.

The whole point of getting married is to enter into a monogamous committed relationship legally (and spiritually binding). So if that's not the intent, I guess I see no logical reason to do it.

'Open marriage' is an oxymoron. Kinda like 'government organization'

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Fri 03/14/08 05:28 PM

I'm a traditional man. I come from a long line of traditional men. I don't see the taking of my last name as letting go of my wife's past, but an embracing of our present and future. If the tradition were the other way around, then fine, I'd drop mine and take hers. The bottom line is that in a marriage you become a family. And families typically have the same surname.

If the taking of a husband's last name is such a big deal, then why stop there? Let's just drop the whole pretense of marriage altogether? I know I'm exaggerating the subject with that statement, I'm just curious as to when the discarding of perfectly beautiful traditions will stop?

I'm a very traditional woman. Almost sexist in many ways. But in this, it is my choice. In a union of two lives, both should have say in what happens. There are no sons in my family... why is your name staying the same while mine has to change? Why don't you change yours?

And a tradition is only viewed as beautiful if both people entering the union see it as so. I do not see this as ugly, merely archiac and pointless. And one-sided.

I see your point of view, believe me. And I respect it completely. And truth be told, I'm not sure how I'd react if I was faced with that scenario...

Oh well, I guess in the long run, you have to consider what's really important...

(proof that I do have a flexible opinion, apparently?????????!!!!!)

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Fri 03/14/08 05:25 PM

Ummm.. yeah... room for two please?

Rt, shall I send up roses and champagne??

no, that's my responsibility! besides, the room is for me and my fat ass... you know i'm not pretty and can't get a real date :cry:

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Fri 03/14/08 05:24 PM
fak drinker
updawg drinker
prncs drinker
oh hell...

ereybody!!! drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker