Community > Posts By > aaronlyric
oh yeah brian..we are all wakin up!
The "New World Order" is writen on the dollar bill in latin under the pyrimid..above the pyramid in latin it says "Our enterprise is crowned with success" In 1913 woodrow wilson signed the "federal reserve act" and for the first time in our countries history we began borrowing our money from International Bankers instead of congress printing it like the constitution demands. By 1933 they weened our currency completely off the gold standard and started printing this dollar with it's "pyramid seal" that for the first time was not able to be redeemed for it's worth in gold at the banks as had always been the practice. The International Bankers(rockafellars,rothschilds etc) are just like every powerful group in the past that wished to conquer the world with the exception that they don't use force, they use stealth. "give me control of a nation's currency and i care not who makes it's laws" -mayor rothschild. whoever controls the money, has the money to lobby the laws that will eventually lead toward the formation of the United Nations, North american union and eventually a one world government/new world order..
do any of you know what the new world order is or have you heard of it?
For those of us fortunate enough to have been equipped with the foresight of what is to come, we obviously have some preparing to do. priorities:
freeze-dried food(or any other with some serious shelf life) water filters and/or stored and treated water supply ammunition(best post wshtf barter item) silver coins(gold coins are too valuable and cant be divided for trade on smaller items) information(people are gonna know what the hells goin on!) |
google "the new world order" it's a world wide conspiracy to form a one world government. world domination has always been the goal of powerful groups, but where it has always been attempted by force, it has been advancing through stealth. The International Bankers started taking control of the nations' currencies around 1913 because they knew that whoever controls the money controls the laws, and whoever controls the laws can form "united nations" and the current "north american union" that are stepping stones toward a one world government. but don't take my word for it, read.
right on smo, if 911 happened the way the gov. says it did, then why would they not secure the borders from these foreign terrorists but instead pass the "patriot" act that affects we the peoples' rights negatively..oh and there were THREE buildings that fell in a demolition fashion on 911..
Watch the "Great Global Warming Swindle" from the BBC, youtube gore is workin with the globalists for a one world government and the only way that we the people would ever do that is if we could "come together" on something, they are using this as well as for a world wide carbon tax that would be the first step toward a world government..a world law!
911 truth movement
i'm soo glad that this thread is here, it's taken us awhile but we are jsut starting to wake up from the american dream that has kept us in a hypnotic sleep. 911 was an inside job and part of a global conspiracy to form a one world government..go ahead research it, They call it their "new world order" and evidence is right there on the dollars pyrimid seal.
Obama or Clinton
ron paul rev-love-ution..peace
there is one republican who says he will pull out of iraq starting immediately, ron paul. sure he "doesn't have a chance", but isn't it our responsibility to vote for whom we have the same values and not which one we think is coolest of the popular runners? but what Are our you believe in preemptive policing the world type wars that "will last a hundred years"? do you support a "north american union" that is opening up our borders north And south under "economic partnership" behind our backs and without our vote.. while simultaneously beginning to issue us "national ID cards" in may that have GPS-like radio frequency identification chips in them? will you support a country that tells you you are free while working with "The International Bankers" that are above the governments,and mediate our currencies to form a one world government. by then They might even think it's in "our best interest" and national/world security to go ahead and implant those R.F.IDs in our bodies to help manage the chaos that They are actually causing so that we might consent to their "New World Order"
de-ni-al n. An unconsious defense mechanism characterized by refusal to acknowledge painful realities, thoughts, or feelings. Ron Paul Revolution/We're all waking up |