P.S. on Trump Thing he's completely "Transparent" not a guy you want to tell your State Secrets Too, but on the good side he's as open as it gets in Exposing Himself And Others, which is why the Media hates him with a Passion.
That being said he can be Narcissistic and Egotistical, "But" He Is Definitely No Liar, simply because he cannot keep his mouth shut is why, a person that is "always talking" and "always exposed" would never be a Pro at telling "lies" for that very reason. He have his buttons pushed and so forth, but in a lot of ways that guy is more honest than many I ever seen in the White House, that's to say when I mean "Transparent" never seen another any more than him "on that"; however, he's not a guy I'd invite over to lunch or have dinner with as well as his wife to marry him had to accept his huge ego and focused narcissistic side, but that being said I can see why she believes in him because of his nature as listed above in regards to "Blunt Honest" Trump's Personality Is Exactly That, Due To That Fact He Exposes A Lot Of People Anything He Knows On Them Would Eventually "get told" so you'd not want to talk to about much "in your own sins" or he would expose you LOL hahahhaha!!!!!! Which since he was a "Former Democrat" They Probably Fear Him A Great Deal In Exposing Them In Some Way, if he dare does find anything on any body though he will surely tell it that's even true for a Republican too LOL I am "laughing" because the one good thing about having him "Elected" is he Did Truly Expose All Media, All Bias, All Political Leaders In Both Parties, He Brought All Of The Dark Stuff To The Surface, But if he had some serious dirt on some of these people I am certain they would want him dead, due to his "Blunt Honesty" they would fear him exposing their dirt to the public, which is why the Democrats are working over-time to get rid of him for... As I said he's not a guy that I would want as a friend (due to his narcissism and ego ways mainly too focused on himself), but he is a guy to expose ever dark hidden secret "Especially" if he gets wind of it from either party, what I mean is in that respect we should Thank Him For His Being The Most Transparency (Open Book Guy We Ever Had - Thru Him A Lot Is Openly Seen) And The One's That Want Him Shut Down Probably Have The Most To That They Want Hidden Too. Obama Promised To Be The" Most Transparent Like Trump", But He Never Was, Nor Most Presidents Before Either, but "They" didn't Promise That This Will Be "The Most Transparent Admin In History (Offer It As Obama Did)" when a person says "I Will Never Lie To You!!!!!!!!!!!! Look Out They Already Will, Because No One Is "That Perfect" With Our Human Imperfections, And Sinful Ways, A Sinner Confesses The Truth Shows All Of His Faults And Imperfections Openly Too Openly Here I Am (A Mess), A Liar On The Other-hand "Hides It" Via (In Believe Me), that's to say the best way to convince someone that you are "not lying" is tell them "constantly believe in me I am not lying" etc. yeah right, when in fact they are lying, so be wise friends also we all been thru that before "Jilted By Lovers That Said The Same "type of lies" to convince us of their openness and believe in me thing when I say I love you etc. "words are meaningless" (actions are real) which reveals the true nature and character of the person... You might often not like to "hear" what Trump says, but it often is the full truth revealing others for whom they are, but more so not like her his look at me stuff here I am Ego LOL and Narcissistic etc. too much "Pat On The Back Thing", but when you look beyond those "Severe Bad Personality Traits like I said his Transperant stuff really is what Obama Claimed that he would be on Fully Exposing Himself, he never did, but Trump "does" oddly enough because of his own bad personality traits Hahhahahaha "of himself and others" over and over and over again that part "is funny to watch" especially the full expose thing since the fully open how our government runs and a lot of corruption within said government and the Media "many of us already knew that", but those that did not thru Trump have learned it ;), hence him being needed elected to have "open peoples eyes to the Corrupt Media And Corrupt Government Officials Being An Outsider Helped" in bringing all things to the "surface" in that regard. Anyway the Trump thing is interesting to watch as to "Whom" gets exposed next ;)... |
Lol, the really bad news is a lot of the people in Washington get "crazier" and "crazier" on whom we have to Elect for office and they also get "Richer and Richer" in the "Pool of whom we have to chose from" ;)...
No Common Person Can Even Run For Office Anymore Flies In The Face Of The Founding Father's Too In Trying To Have A Sane Country That Stayed United As One ;)... None of which has a common clue what a normal working family lives on or even individuals goes thru paycheck to paycheck to live daily along with loads of stress from this "Upside down world" we live in now I thought this was suppose a time of "Progress" so much for progress?? If this is progress take me back to the "Old Normal" the 80s was better LOL even the music was better!!! Though lustful music videos was rampant or that's what I remember on the sin side of things back then "my 80s memory"... And "In Reality" what we really need is (The Most Loving, Humble, Wise, Respectful, Giving, Forgiving, Intelligent, Honest, Prudent, Selfless, Moral, Ethical etc. Person that exist in Leadership in the Entire Country) of course that never happens we need Jesus LOL, but instead we seem to be getting overtime the more corrupted individuals, evil, selfish, prideful, and so forth I guess that's why one day the world will get the "antichrist" type instead "eventually" his slick ways will fool them all too and be in their "inner circles anyway" preparing the way for the man of lawlessness does it ever show too, in a Grim Reaper Voice Muuuhahahahahahha I Have Fool Them All And In Command, in the future that will be that person's thoughts!!!!!!!!, one day we will "surely get that as a leader via less and less of a pool of individuals with scruples and principles ;)... That's why I always try to vote for people that are a "lesser demon" than I am or you might be the bad sinner type and vote the "opposite direction" thinking you'll get more "rebellious ways to enjoy like a rebellious teenager" WhooooHoooo!!! But in the end only get "more controlled" by a very demonic evil person or person(s) more evil than "thy self" etc. within your government, that's to say it's very "unwise to vote for a Hitler type and expect for him or her to give you all that you desire" when he or she says only what you "want to hear", than what you actually need to survive, because one wiser than yourself will always give you what you need to help you to the best of his or her ability, and the other what you think you want to "only" destroy you.... |
P.S. I think the "Media" as a whole should Focus "a lot more" on actual news and "far less on Political Hack Jobs", that's to say "All Of Us Totally Disagree Politically (no 2 individuals are fully alike on all issues or ever will be it's just how it is) And "Always Will Be This Way" For Any Country (or groups of individuals, but even marriage couples have to learn to cooperate or they are at each others throats too - even we all know this fact lol as I said focus more on what you agree on and less on what you don't is a start to getting "back in the right direction"), In The Past "Also Always Have Been" On Many Things "Disagreed Fully", But you better think wisely because if you listen to these guys fueling the fires of division all of the time "you will totally hate each other eventually that's how hate starts in fact", that as I said is the Romans all over again leading up to a Civil War "Again" eventually that is "how" Civil Wars starts too, and/or outside Foreign Forces To "Invade Said Country" a Perfect Time To Do That, so think about it before being a "guinea pig" drawn in by the Media's "Divide Us Thing" To Destroy this Entire Nation, something "Even they do not wisely consider or they wouldn't be doing it in the first place"...
The Best Time To Attack "Any Country" Is When They Are Dividing And Fighting Each Other --> Rules Of Warfare "First Strike" Preemptive 101 Strike.. The Worst Time When They (A Nation Or Group Of Individuals) Are "The Most United".... That is true for "Families & Nations" etc. (Every-time always has been), and always will be just the "Cold Hard Truth"... so if you find yourself "disagreeing with even this simple post" (stop and think about why you are disagreeing and realize are you using common sense when disagreeing or just on the "bandwagon" to disagree) etc. I think we better all wise up cause the worst threats are within currently not just "The Virus", but such people that "Instigate Division" they are The "True Enemy" We All Know Them As "Instigators" and currently these Media People "are that very thing simply for the Headlines, National Enquirer Stories" they look for too much "Drama" and not even "Truth" cause often the real truth doesn't sale papers ;) or make "big profits" etc. |
The Media only promotes fear, and distrust throughout the entire population, let along the 24/7 Trump bashing stuff which is "not news", in the past the Media though Bias would at least report less Skewed news to fit a certain Agenda, now it's all they do... And/Or constantly promoting "Division" which does nothing for the "United" States Of America, "United You Stand, Divided You Fall"... I mean you can disagree on a lot of issues no matter what political leanings you have, "but" you should at least come together during Major Crisis for the sake of the "Entire Country" like this Coronavirus nor should you always be "Race Baiting" constantly all of the time they are always doing that...
1) White vs. Black 2) Gay vs. Straight 3) Rich Elites vs. Poor Working Class 4) Illegal Immigrates vs. Legal 5) Pro Life vs. Pro Abortion 6) Left vs. Right Etc. and Etc. if you Spend "All" of your time on "What you disagree on" how in the world you can Pass things that you Actually "Do Agree Upon" and the Media "Constantly Fuels This Divisions Between People, Groups, Individuals etc." anyone is blind to deny that fact, they are "not" helping anyone. In fact that is "Why" it is far better to focus on the positive than the negative energy over time that will totally stress anyone out on either side and you will always find stuff that you "disagree on" even within Political Parties Eventually your entire party will break up on both sides causing massive breakdown of society as a whole for various reasons as listed above because at that point it will be even Dem vs. Dem and Rep vs. Rep etc. we are already "at times" seeing signs of this also in both parties and/or any other groups cause Media Sources Only Fuels The "Flames Of Division Which Ultimately Leads To Hate"... Hence "Welcome To The Fall Of The Romans.. We are on that same pathway... |
Biden has like Dementia or Alzheimer's there is no way that man will last 4 years "like that"...
DOES GOD EXIST ? - part 2
You Have 1) Real God And 2) One "Wantabe god little g or the god of this world, which is not God rather one that wants to be worshiped "as God" whom is Satan... A fallen angel. as stated her notice the "Little g"... the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not and if you "Truly do want to know whom God (actually is)" you need to have a True Encounter With Him And Just Ask Him. 9 And Saul, yet breathing out threatenings and slaughter against the disciples of the Lord, went unto the high priest, 2 And desired of him letters to Damascus to the synagogues, that if he found any of this way, whether they were men or women, he might bring them bound unto Jerusalem. 3 And as he journeyed, he came near Damascus: and suddenly there shined round about him a light from heaven: 4 And he fell to the earth, and heard a voice saying unto him, Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou me? 5 And he said, Who art thou, Lord? And the Lord said, I am Jesus whom thou persecutest: it is hard for thee to kick against the pricks. as you can see you "just ask" and he in turn will respond back and also be sure to "test the spirits" because not all spirits are "From God" "Capital G" many are fallen angels/hence demons.. the rest is up to you to find out as stated: also "be aware": as they "at the moment" have a lot of power here which is only "allowed" until the final day, which is why you see "a lot of evil" that will end soon when God "stops it" and he will. "Ultimately" You Must Do As "Saul Did" Whom Became "Paul" Simply Ask God To Know God :)... as stated.. "There By Not Only Proving He Is Real, But Also Proving (Whom He Is) For There Are Many False gods little g, but all tied to "Lucifer" spirit of antichrist, spirit of anti-God etc. on doing your research, but sure to pray to God "BIG G" for Help In Know The Truth He Will Guarantee Reveal Himself To You If You Are "True Sincere About It And Want To Know" You Will Be "Drawn To Him" And Likewise He Will "Reveal His Full Self To You" Thereby you won't just "Believe In God" you will actually know "Whom God Is" And "Which Spirit" otherwise "how can you know God if you do not speak to God and truly want to Know God, often God allows us to fall into dire straits to convert us "not that he wants to do that" but he simply has to allow things to happen in order to "Save Us" and/or the devil as listed above is working overtime via "Confusion" in order for lies to work "for the moment" the devil has to constantly use counterfeits and lies to try and cause you doubt 1) there is a God and 2) whom Is He... both of which you have to Seek And You Shall Find The Truth To Find Out ;) so there you go and remember "Lies Only Mask", But The "Truth Once Revealed Is Fully Known" and "Never Can Be Masked Again" or "hidden"... that's because God Is Absolute And So Is Truth Which Is "Absolute" etc. John 18: 37 Pilate therefore said unto him, Art thou a king then? Jesus answered, Thou sayest that I am a king. To this end was I born, and for this cause came I into the world, that I should bear witness unto the truth. Every one that is of the truth heareth my voice. 38 Pilate saith unto him, What is truth? And when he had said this, he went out again unto the Jews, and saith unto them, I find in him no fault at all. 39 But ye have a custom, that I should release unto you one at the passover: will ye therefore that I release unto you the King of the Jews? 40 Then cried they all again, saying, Not this man, but Barabbas. Now Barabbas was a robber. The Spirit Of Truth: |
Gods are real or fake.??
You Have 1) Real God And 2) One "Wantabe god little g or the god of this world, which is not God rather one that wants to be worshiped "as God" whom is Satan... A fallen angel. as stated her notice the "Little g"... the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not and if you "Truly do want to know whom God (actually is)" you need to have a True Encounter With Him And Just Ask Him. 9 And Saul, yet breathing out threatenings and slaughter against the disciples of the Lord, went unto the high priest, 2 And desired of him letters to Damascus to the synagogues, that if he found any of this way, whether they were men or women, he might bring them bound unto Jerusalem. 3 And as he journeyed, he came near Damascus: and suddenly there shined round about him a light from heaven: 4 And he fell to the earth, and heard a voice saying unto him, Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou me? 5 And he said, Who art thou, Lord? And the Lord said, I am Jesus whom thou persecutest: it is hard for thee to kick against the pricks. as you can see you "just ask" and he in turn will respond back and also be sure to "test the spirits" because not all spirits are "From God" "Capital G" many are fallen angels/hence demons.. the rest is up to you to find out as stated: also "be aware": as they "at the moment" have a lot of power here which is only "allowed" until the final day, which is why you see "a lot of evil" that will end soon when God "stops it" and he will. "Ultimately" You Must Do As "Saul Did" Whom Became "Paul" Simply Ask God To Know God :)... as stated.. "There By Not Only Proving He Is Real, But Also Proving (Whom He Is) For There Are Many False gods little g, but all tied to "Lucifer" spirit of antichrist, spirit of anti-God etc. on doing your research, but sure to pray to God "BIG G" for Help In Know The Truth He Will Guarantee Reveal Himself To You If You Are "True Sincere About It And Want To Know" You Will Be "Drawn To Him" And Likewise He Will "Reveal His Full Self To You" Thereby you won't just "Believe In God" you will actually know "Whom God Is" And "Which Spirit" otherwise "how can you know God if you do not speak to God and truly want to Know God, often God allows us to fall into dire straits to convert us "not that he wants to do that" but he simply has to allow things to happen in order to "Save Us" and/or the devil as listed above is working overtime via "Confusion" in order for lies to work "for the moment" the devil has to constantly use counterfeits and lies to try and cause you doubt 1) there is a God and 2) whom Is He... both of which you have to Seek And You Shall Find The Truth To Find Out ;) so there you go and remember "Lies Only Mask", But The "Truth Once Revealed Is Fully Known" and "Never Can Be Masked Again" or "hidden"... that's because God Is Absolute And So Is Truth Which Is "Absolute" etc. John 18: 37 Pilate therefore said unto him, Art thou a king then? Jesus answered, Thou sayest that I am a king. To this end was I born, and for this cause came I into the world, that I should bear witness unto the truth. Every one that is of the truth heareth my voice. 38 Pilate saith unto him, What is truth? And when he had said this, he went out again unto the Jews, and saith unto them, I find in him no fault at all. 39 But ye have a custom, that I should release unto you one at the passover: will ye therefore that I release unto you the King of the Jews? 40 Then cried they all again, saying, Not this man, but Barabbas. Now Barabbas was a robber. The Spirit Of Truth: |
RFID chip??
P.S. You better "copy and paste those links to a text file" it is "not" the only ones I have because (Many more things that I have found, but I have to search thru old emails to find it all).
The Liberal Elites And Youtube "has been working over time to try and (Shutdown) any videos related to this information And/Or Google In Some Caes To Websites As Well, but you have to search and search to find it again as it is "re-posted" by others "again and again also" and/or they only say these people are conspiracy theorist (which you can totally find out all of this information is true), let along the fact that that "Lady Is A Satanic Person anyone can see that especially by that one video" a lot of these Elite Liberals Which Are In Hollywood Or Politicians And Now Bill Gates Bunch All Seem To Join Her For "Spirit-Cooking" To Me If You See What She Calls "Art" Is Just Satanic Trash, but that isn't the only thing you can find Photos Of Bill Gates And Epstein Together Which I Posted A Link For One Of Them I Believe... Bill Gates And Epstein Bill Gates Marina Abramovic Fauci "Which is tied to Big Pharm" Too which I didn't post links for that, but you can find that out also, he is like Gates always pushing vaccines, both of which that is where they make big money at and why they are always pushing it etc. ID2020 Quantum Dot Tattoo Bill Gates WO2020/06/06/06 Do Your Research On All Of These People "Stay Informed" Or "Not" etc. As well as loads of videos about this virus created in a lab there are plenty of "Independent sources and Virologist, Biologist, Microbiologist, Zoologist etc. all confirming it wasn't just from "A bat only" etc. including the Guy that was the Nobel Peace Prize Winner For Discovery Of Aids, as well over 1,000 Scientist one of which is from MIT reported that Fauci isn't giving the full picture up there daily and ties to Big Pharm, as well as a Microbiologist Expert also saying the same about Fauci whom "Worked with him hand and hand" and knows him well, a lot of these people with Liberal Ties will not give you the full truth, you have to find it for yourselves as I have done :) as I said what I posted "only scratches the surface for websites, videos, and so forth, you can find that Bill & Melinda Gates are "Big On Population Control Of The Poor" Thru Abortion Promotion As A Way To Control Population, While At The Same Time Pro-Vaccine To Make Loads Of $$$ Same For Fauci on that too.. I watched loads and loads of Bill & Melinda Gates talk on this stuff you can find it "still on youtube" and they have some "Serious Down Votes" on pretty much all Videos of them now due to his Ties To The Witch Lady And Epstein and so forth just more and more came about about him lately and Melinda Gates Hard Press For Abortion as listed in one video, and they both want Rid of Trump as well there is a video of her talking about how much having Trump in office basically is interfering with their Abortion Agenda etc. so their strange on the one hand Pro-Vaccine, but it's for Profit and the other hand HardCore Abortionist etc. especially against the "Poor" you can find loads of videos of them referring to needing to control the growth "Of The Poor" etc. hence the major thumbs down on videos related to them talking about it.. |
RFID chip??
"Load More, But This Is A Start" Have Fun ;)... If you do not believe this lady is a Satanic Witch Just Look At These Videos Below: She is Connected To Hillary Clinton, Pedesta, Bill Gates And All Of This Liberal "Elites" etc. Gates Is Working On ID 2020, Quantum Dot Tattoo Thing as listed above and The W02020/06/06/06 Thing and "so forth" just "too many coincidences at once" etc. "Micro-chipping Question Asked To Public": "Other Info Related": "Refusal To Vaccinate The Biggest Threat In The Netflix Documentary With Bill Gates & Obama".. **** ( Liberal Children Ask To Debunk Things Like Listed Above, By Their Own Parents, Listed Below ) **** |